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A/N  WARNING There is sexual content...if you are underage or just don't like reading sensitive content then please don't read or report.  To everyone else please enjoy the Valentine's Day Special though it is four days late . Without further ado here's the latest chapter.

Momo was sitting in the common room reading a book with her air pods in her ears when Uraraka tapped her cheery like usual.

"YaoMomo, Jirou mentioned a fair in town and wants to make it a girls' night out. She wanted me to ask you to join us. "

Mina overheard the conversation and looked at Uraraka making sure that YaoMomo couldn't hear her.

"Uraraka, why didn't Jirou just ask Momo herself instead of asking you too? You don't think that she has a crush on Momo do you? Why else would she be asking her to go without Todoroki? Oh no has she lost her damn mind. "

Todoroki happened to walk in when he heard Mina.

"Does who have a crush on Momo? What was that you were talking about Mina?"

Mina looked behind her when she heard Todoroki's voice.

"Oh, hey umm Todoroki, how are you? We were just having a girl to girl talk that's all."

He looked at her a little suspicious.

"I heard you say that someone might have a crush on Momo. Are they aware she has a boyfriend that doesn't like to share?"

Mina froze at the question.

"They are aware, that is why they asked Uraraka to ask YaoMomo to go to a fair tonight without you. "

Jirou walked in with her arms crossed.

"Hey Todoroki, how are you? Mina I heard the whole conversation, and no I don't have a crush on YaoMomo. Where did you come up with that, I am with Denki and Momo is happy with Todoroki. Why would I even try to mess up her happiness? Is it because I asked Uraraka to ask her? The reason that I asked Uraraka is because I had a work study to go to earlier. Besides, the boys are so busy focusing on becoming pro heroes that they would probably think its stupid to go to a fair."

Denki appeared and grabbed Jirou's waist and Todoroki chuckled.

"Have fun with that reference Jirou. "

Jirou blushed red.

"Hey Denki, I was umm just talking to Mina about a fair tonight that I want to go to as a girls' night out. Denki looked at her.

"A girls' night out on Valentine's Day when you all have boyfriends? Do you actually have a crush on Momo that is why you want a girls' night out? To get her away from her boyfriend? Fine then I'll be in my dorm alone."

Mina shook her head as she watched Denki walk alone toward his dorm. When she realized that Jirou didn't move from her spot.

"Well then I rest my case, you do like Momo and that is why you're trying to get her away from Todoroki to tell her you do."

Mineta came toward the common room and overheard the conversation and came up behind her looking at her suspiciously.

"You just going to stand there and not do anything and let Mina keep saying that you have a crush on Yaoyorozou? When Denki is supposedly your boyfriend? You're no better Todoroki you're not even saying anything either."

Todoroki looked at him with a death glare.

"You're looking to get hurt aren't you grape boy! Don't you dare step near her I'll burn you so quick you won't see it coming! Don't test me!"

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