Test of Loyalty

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A week passed, and the class was training hard to get ready for the Provisional Test Exam creating their ultimate moves. Todoroki saw Momo struggling and made his way to where she was training.

"Hey Momo, what's wrong? We are all supposed to perfect our special moves before the test. You need some help with your training?"

She looked up hearing his voice and sighed.

"I was told to create two things at once and all I can come up with is poles. What good is that going to do if I face a situation where I have no chance of winning?"

He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"What is so wrong with poles? Maybe you can think of poles that can be used to defend yourself in a dire situation? I will be more than glad to help you with your training just say the word."

She realized his new bracelets on his suit.

"So, you did upgrade a little like Deku, Ochaco, and Lida I see?"

He looked at her.

"Yes, just a slight upgrade. These bracelets are ice and fire resistant and look better with my outfit don't you think?"

She smiled blushing gazing into his eyes.

"Y-yes I do think they look really good with your hero outfit Shouto."

He smiled at her.

"Momo, you can flirt with me after I help you with your training. Right now, you have to fully concentrate on your quirk even if you're against me."

She looked up and nodded as he made an ice wall. Also realizing ice was heading toward her feet. She jumped back and landed on the top of a rock and closed her eyes concentrating hard.

'Come on Momo you have to concentrate hard, or you will not have a chance against him even if he is your boyfriend. He believes in you, but you have to believe in yourself also.'

She concentrated hard and made two poles but on both ends of each of them there were sharp edges. She jumped up and came down cutting through his ice wall knocking him backwards into a rock. She dropped her poles and ran to him.

"Oh no, Shouto are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, say something to me. Shouto, oh no I knocked him out I am a horrible girlfriend."

Bakugou appeared and laughed.

"Whoa Half and Half Bastard got knocked out by Ponytail!! Looks like you lost your touch and gone soft. What a fucking shame, I can take advantage of this situation and fight him."

Shouto woke up.

"Go on and try and take advantage while I am down. I swear I will hurt you this time, don't push me and call me soft either!!"

Bakugou laughed.

"Yea right, you beat me how exactly Half and Half! You won't use your damn fire against me like you did against that damn NERD!! You will end up losing again like you did in the Sports Festival!! Also, you were supposed to be in front of me but instead you ran to ponytail who was passed out and I was taken and tortured by those FUCKING Villains to join their side!!"

Todoroki looked at him.

"You're the one who decided to run off on your own so don't you dare go there and blame me for you being taken. She could've died, I had to go to her and put her on Lida's back to get her to safety and recovery girl!! We're heroes we aren't supposed to leave our allies behind to die you damn HOTHEAD!! All I am to be blamed for is me not grabbing the damn marble you were taken hostage in, in time to save you!! Also, I was one of them that went to go save your damn ass and almost got myself expelled along with Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Lida, and Deku so don't you dare go there HOTHEAD!!! Did you thank any of us no of course not you 're too conceited to admit that you actually have friends that cared enough to go save you!!"

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