Kirishima's Birthday(Sorry its late)

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A week after Natsuo was released from the hospital, Shoto sighed as his brother feared him.

"Natsuo, will you listen to me? It wasn't me that attacked you on your birthday. Why would I even do something like that on your birthday, I am your brother. No, I swear I am not a damn villain. You know what, believe what you want but I would never hurt you. I have no intentions on joining the league to be by our brother either. Will you please stop thinking that way? I want to be a hero, not a villain."

Shoto heard a knock on his door and answered seeing Bakugou.

"Hey, Bakugou what's up? No, I didn't forget about Kirishima's party. I am just having a really bad day. My brother still hates me, and thinks I am the one that attacked him when I was with my damn father rushing to the damn scene."

Bakugou glared at him.

"IcyHot, I know your day is shitty, but for tonight can you just not think of it. I am going to try and make Kiri's day a real good one. So, try not to be in a bad mood for him IcyHot please?"

Shoto sighed.

"Fine, I will cheer up just for Kirishima it is his birthday. Are we going to pick up Momo, or is she there already? Where is the party anyway?"

Bakugou smirked at him

"It will be, at Momo's mansion since we won't have any parental supervision if you get my drift IcyHot Bastard. She told me that her parents are out of town for the weekend, besides I am also going to propose to Kirishima. He thinks I forgot his birthday and didn't talk to me all day. So, when you see him, he won't be in a very good mood. Don't look at me like that you fucking bastard. I promised I wouldn't spoil his surprise party. You know damn well it fucking killed me keeping this from him."

Shoto shrugged.

"Yes, I know it did. So, whose car are we taking?"

Natsuo ran out after them and called to him.

"Shoto, are you sure you aren't the one who attacked me and my girl at the café on my birthday? The attacker looked just like you and used your fire, but not your ice. "

Shoto looked at him

"I told you it wasn't me Natsuo, but now the press thinks I turned against the pro-heroes and I think my reputation is destroyed. Now I am lucky if I even become a pro-hero if society doesn't trust me."

Bakugou shook his head looking at Natsuo.

"If your brother was the one that attacked you, then how come he and your father went to the hospital with you after you suffered a drawback from your fucking quirk Natsuo? He would never hurt any of your family, though he still despises your father like you do."

Shoto looked up at them.

"Can we please drop it; I don't want to be in a bad mood at Kirishima's birthday party at Momo's big mansion. How is Anika, is she okay?"

Natsuo looked down.

"She is alright, but still shaken up from seeing me use my quirk in front of her to protect her. I think I scared her to be honest. Hate having that bastard's quirk I swear. All three of us boys, have his damn flames. Only one with mom's quirk is Fuyumi, and you have both. Sorry I thought it was you Shoto, I promise I'll fix it somehow so you can become a pro-hero like you always dreamed of becoming."

Bakugou looked at his brother.

"Why don't you and Anika, come to the party tonight? Since your birthday pretty much got ruined by the fucking villains. It is the least we could all do, to make it up to you Natsuo. Its at IcyHot's girlfriend's mansion. Here is the address in case you decide to come. Just don't tell on us because there will be a lil bit of underage drinking."

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