3. Chapter Three

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The second-years did not want to waste time so the training started sooner that we, the first years expected.

I was glaring at Nobara Kugisaki all the time because she was partnered with the love of my life, Inumaki.

"Hey, hey! It's not my fault. Maki was the one who paired us up, Y/N! Don't glare at me like you're itching to kill me, 'cause God knows that you have the strength to do so . . ." She whispered the last words.

All I did was to glare at her again and started training with Megumi.

Megumi and I are close friends. Very close, I might say. He had always been my knight-in-shining-armor back when we were kids, and in times that my lovely, conceited brother, Gojo Satoru, is out of town for missions.

We both grew strong but God knows I'm stronger than him because I do special training with my brother, Gojo.

But in physical battles, Megumi always win. Duh, he's the man.

"Don't kick me too strong, Megumi-chan." I sweetly said to him, battling my eyelashes for some kind of charm that I know will work on him.

Well, I am Megumi and Gojo's weakness.

He heavily sighed and nodded. "Who said I will?"

Megumi said as if what I just told him was the most ridiculous thing I have ever said all his life. It made me let out a chuckle, I know that. "Well, I was just reminding you." I replied.

"I will never forget that, stupid. Gojo-sensei would most likely kill me if I would." He mumbled which made me laugh.

"Are you serious? My brother likes it when you don't hold back! Do you even know how he kicks and punch me without mercy for the sake of the training? He's a monster, I tell you! Bad brother!" I complained as I continued stabbing my brother behind his back.

Megumi chuckled. "Well, it's for your own good, too. You know, he does that for you to be stronger and to be able to protect yourself, as well as the others." He explained that got me nod my head in agreement.

Somehow, he was right.

Megumi started throwing attacks on me and I did the same. When my foot landed on his stomach, I heard him groan and I smiled.

"Megumi?" I called, while he was still dusting off.

He hummed in response.

My smile went wider as I winked at him.

"I'm taking it back, don't hold back. Got that?" I challenged him. All he did was to raise his brow and blanlly nodded.

Well, Megumi wasn't really the time to smile his heart out, especially when somebody's watching or he's surrounded by many people. However, when he's alone with me, I always demand him to smile so he had no choice but to do so. To make it short, I can make him to almost everything I want and he would gladly do it for me.

Maybe because he really treats me as his sister?

"Megumi-chan!" I called for him sweetly, trying to distract him but right now, I guess it doesn't work anymore.

He has three versions of himself : the blank-faced Megumi when there are other people around, the caring Megumi when we're alone, and the focused Megumi whenever we're training.

We continued fighting, throwing fists and kicks at each other, training our eyes to be more vigilant, and of course, making our reflexes faster, and getting ourselves be used to pain.

On the corner of my eyes, I saw Nobara landing a fist on Toge Inumaki's handsome face, which made my brows crease and annoyance filled my system.

She just freaking touched Inumaki! I should be the one who'll have to touch him first, not Nobara! Hmp!

I was so caught up with my jealousy and annoyance that I forgot I was training with Megumi.

Before I could even blink again, Megumi's foot landed on my stomach for the second time.

But this time, I was in no state to defend my poor stomach from being hit.

So, his kick had me flying from the grass towards the tree that was a few meters away from me.

"A-Ah . . . " I groaned in pain as soon as my back harshly hit the enormous tree. Megumi is so fucking strong im physical combat! My body hurts!

"Fuck!" I heard Megumi say as he started running towards me, but my vision was starting to blur.

However, some other man, I was sure that it wasn't Megumi because he was still a few meters away from me, went towards my aching body and carried me bridal style.

I couldn't really see him properly because my vision was already hazy.

Before I could even realize it, I passed out.


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