28. Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Is the hickey on my neck the sole reason as to why he was ignoring me the whole time?

My eyes avoided his. "T-This is not a hickey," I muttered  with no conviction.

He gave me a small, sad, and faltering smile. "Sure." He replied, unconvinced. I huffed a loud breath and kept my glance at nowhere, unwilling to look at his vulnerable eyes right now.

Without a word, he sat down, the lower parts of his body was now having contact with the dry ground. Megumi looked up, and that was the only time I decided to look at his face again. His smile got wider and more sincere, his eyes went a bit livelier than earlier.

"When we were kids . . . you would never keep secrets from me . . ."

I bit my lip upon hearing his words. That was true, I can never. I felt like if I will, then it'd be unfair for him. I also loved him so much that it hurts to keep anything from him.

Megumi Fushiguro knew my deepest, darkest secrets. We were so great before but now . . . I feel like everything was slowly drifting away

All because of me.

"You were nine when you lost your first kiss . . . to me."  My eyes went so wide. What?! He was my first kiss? Then, why can't I remember?

But then, a faint memory crossed my mind.

I could see the young Megumi and Y/N running around the field. Megumi was eleven, I was nine. They looked so genuinely happy with their wide smile plastered in their faces. The young Megumi was chasing me . . . and I was laughing as I ran away from him.

But then, the young Y/N—-I was the queen of clumsiness so, I tripped and my stomach and face met the ground.

And just like always, my 'knight-in-shining-armor' came, his smile now fading, and his attention was only on me, who was crying on the ground as my knees and lips continued to bleed, caused by my harsh contact with the ground just minutes before.

The young Megumi, her 'knight-in-shining-armor', was holding a piece of cloth in his hands and used it to wipe my cheek.

My eyes went down to his shirt . . . he had torn the shirt that his mother—-who was now gone—-gave him, just to wipe my bleeding lips that was also covered with dust.

The young Megumi shushed me, and assured me that everything was going to be fine. He kept on repeating that my wounds would soon heal but I did not stop crying at all.

Then, he sighed, defeated.

My young eyes blinked again as tears continued to fall from my eyes. "You don't plan to stop crying, do you?" He softly asked, as if I was the most fragile thing in the world.

I shook my head and he sighed again.

"They say that a kiss can heal all the pain in this world," Megumi muttered which temporarily stopped me from crying. I shook my head.

"I don't want my brother, Satoru, to kiss me!" I cried harder as I told him that.

Megumi lightly chuckled. My young mind was confused as to why he was laughing. There was nothing funny, right?

"Then, should I kiss you instead?"

I gulped harshly as I now finally recalled everything that has happened over the years. Megumi was my first kiss, huh? My younger self must have been so damn happy that time.

Because many years ago . . . I used to like Megumi.

But that was all in the past now. I looked at Megumi who was still looking heavenwards as if there's such a beautiful scene in there that he can't take his eyes off it.

He has matured and has gotten handsome over the years. However, even when we were still younger, Megumi has always been so handsome. He had this blank face that he still has until today.

After a long while, he started to speak again, "Ten when you broke the school's rule and cheated during the exam because you weren't able to study. You were also ten when you begged me to lie to your brother and tell him you're sick because you were so tired to train," He wore a faint smile.

"Eleven when you learned how to sneak out of your house at three in the afternoon—-that's your study time—- just to eat outside with me. Gojo would always scold you after you go home and I would always take the blame . . ."

"You were twelve when Gojo left us in the woods to train and you did nothing but to cling unto me for the whole day because you were afraid that any kinds of curse might jump on you," Megumi chuckled.

"Thirteen when I caught you alone in your classroom, eating the snacks that my friend made for me."

I remember that. He was still my crush that time and his bitch of a friend, who was a girl! Made him some snacks. I was so irritated and jealous and afraid that Megumi might like them so I stole it and ate it all! I got more irritated when it was undeniably good.

"I didn't know why you did that, though, because you wouldn't tell my why. But you begged me to keep it a secret from Gojo, I also wonder why? Still, I agreed to you. I couldn't say no to you," He sounded bitter while telling those.

"Those were some of your 'darkest secrets' that you wouldn't want to share to anyone but me and some to your brother. But now, ever since we entered this school, you began to change . . ." Megumi laughed sarcastically.

And, for the first time until a while ago, he finally looked at me. His eyes were still broken.

" . . . I am not even sure if you still want to spend time with me or if you already buried our so-called friendship in our past."

My lips parted and I tried to talk but nothing came out of my mouth.

Tears fell from my eyes, and I quickly ran towards him who was still sitting on the ground. I knelt so that I can hug him tight. I sobbed but my screwed mind didn't make think of a word to say to him so I kept my mouth shut and just hugged him . . . to apologize for drifting away.

"It's okay. The time when I saw how you looked at him, I knew he has already won your heart." His voice broke and I cried harder.

"You were fourteen when I told you I like you," He sadly whispered in my ears, "But you were asleep and tired." He continued.

I didn't know . . . I swear I didn't know. I continued to cry.

"But again, it's okay, Y/N. I have been loving you secretly for a decade now, maybe it's not so hard to continue loving you while you love someone else, right?" My heart broke at his words.

How did everything turned up like this? We were just . . . talking. I couldn't speak and reply to his heart-breaking words. My brain isn't even functioning right now.

"I-I'm so sorry . . ." Finally, I could say those words.

Megumi lifted my face just so that I can meet his gaze. He softly wiped my tears and smiled. A smile that did not even reach his eyes. A broken smile that I will forever feel sorry for.

"I told you it's okay. I can still love you from afar."


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