17. Toge Inumaki

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'Crap!' Inumaki thought as he avoided the curse's attack for the second time now. What the hell was happening? How the hell did a curse end up here? This was getting so complicated, especially when Inumaki and his team mates have been separated now.

He ran faster than ever, trying to sense Maki or even just one of his teammate's cursed energy but no avail. They must have been very far from him right now.

He needed to get closer.

However, as he ran left, something-no-someone, out of nowhere, had the audacity to crash right before him.

Inumaki did not know what has gotten into him when his instincts told him to secure whoever he was holding by the waist and head right now.

But he sure had a clue.

Because there was only one woman who could make his mind, body, soul, and instincts work and panic in every state, whether in danger or in safety. When his eyes landed on her blue ones, he knew he was not wrong at all.

Laying below him, cheeks covered with dust, was Y/N.

Inumaki's heart raced, fuck, this was not the right time for her to show up! 'I'm doomed, I'm doomed, I can't even save my own self that easily and now-fuck!' He kept on cursing in his mind as he stared at her beautiful face for split seconds.

Guards up, Inumaki.

Inumaki quickly helped her get up and dragged her to run just like what he was doing earlier but, his subconciousness was mocking him in each step he took.

'So you know nothing but to run, huh? Coward.' The back of his mind says repeatedly 'til he grew tired of it. So, he did the, well, knight-in-shining-armor thing and turned around to boast his still 'lame' ability.

Don't get him wrong, back then, when Y/N still had not barged into his life, he loved his inheritance like his life.

However, as Y/N came into the picture, chaos arose. He hated how he can't even talk to her. For him, it was a big embarassment and a turn off.

All of his confidence sure did fell off the cliff as he watched Y/N's face through his peripheral view. Her expression can't be painted and if Inumaki was right, he saw a glint of disappointment crossing her eyes for split seconds as he unleashed his cursed ability.

"Y-You . . . You can't sp-?"

You can't speak?

Inumaki almost laughed bitterly-oh wait, he couldn't-so, instead of feeling the pain of that reality slap, Inumaki grabbed Y/N's wrist instead and ran again.

There's no use of showing off when there's nothing to show off. He's weak, he knows that. He can be strong but well, he's not sure of that. Inumaki glanced at Y/N for a second, he could clearly see her confused and disappointed face. Again, bitterness refurfaced in him.

'Sorry if running is all I can do to keep you safe.'

He wanted to say that but he didn't have the ability to do so, right? What a shame.

"Why are you running?! We have to finish that curse off-!"

Inumaki wanted to beg for his subconciousness to stop slapping the word 'coward' in his face but how can he when it is true? Y/N was right, why were they running? Oh, because he was nothing but weak. That was why they were running.

'I have to bring her to Megumi, there's better assurance that he can keep her safe.' He thought to himself, already plotting a plan in his mind.

It was to lead the curse to Megumi and the others.

After they've ran far enough, the curse moved again and it did not shock Inumaki any longer. He just repeated the same cycle over and ove again until he could not anymore as blood came out of his mouth.

Lots of it.

What a damn embarassment. Can't even finish a curse. Can't even damage the curse. Can't even protect her. Again, what a damn embarassment.

It hurt him. It hurt him that people around him have always praised him for this ability but he couldn't even unleash half of it because his body would give up, not even reaching halfway.

But above all, it hurt him how he heard pitiful sobs from the woman he had liked eversince he laid his eyes on her. Inumaki tried to stand up from the ground but it was as if his limbs refuses to answer to him any longer.

Painful seconds have passed when Inumaki felt Y/N's soft hands on his jaw, she was now kneeling beside him too.

"Let me help you, Inumaki." She whispered, almost sounding so desperate.

He vigorously and desperately shook his head and tried to stand up again but couldn't.

'Heavens, let me stand up please, I'm begging.' He pleaded in his mind.

But it seems though that even the heavens were mocking him for what he lacks. Even though hearing Y/N sigh disapprovingly was already beyond torture, he still continued trying to stand.

He felt Y/N's glare but he felt and heard his subconciousness' mockery even more.

Inumaki did not know what was happening when Y/N turned silent for a while so he turned his head and looked over his shouldets only to catch her whispering some things.

"Do it, Y/N." She first saidt.

And then, "Blasting Energy . . ."

After that, Inumaki felt the atmosphere changing, the tension got even heavier and then there it was . . . the feeling of true power that did not come from him, but from the woman he adored the most.

He watched as a blinding light, and a powerful force hit the curse in a way he will never forget.

Inumaki gulped, 'I know I shouldn't be thinking like this right now but crap, she's so damn hot.'

And that was it, he really was into this woman. He'll be far more stronger than her. He'll be something she can boast to every living creature in this planet.

He will be worthy of Y/N.


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