15. Chapter Fifteen

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"How the fu-?!" My words weren't able to come out my mouth 'cause Inumaki hurriedly caught my wrist and ran, forcefully dragging my confused ass in the process.

How the fuck did a curse enter this forest?

I don't even know what to feel now. Should I feel giddy that Inumaki took the first move to hold my hand or very much anxious that were literally trying to outrun a terrible-looking curse that will probably end our lives.

Because hell, it wasn't giving off a hey-i'm-a-weak-curse vibe. No, it was far from that. Then, not even a minuted had passed when I heard a voice in my head but I could tell that Inumaki was hearing it too.

'Don't ever think you can defeat me by running,'

Even though my whole body froze, Inumaki's grip on my wrist never really let me stop running and process everything in my mind.

It was so obvious that it was the curse who's talking to us. I closed my eyes. Because bloody hell, if a curse can talk, then it must be some kind of special curse or maybe something near that. Now, I'm regretting as to why I didn't listen to whoever taught me about ranks of curses.

"Inumaki, we have to call for help," I told him, panting heavily as we hid behind a tree. I saw him looked up then looked at me, he shook his head as if he was disappointed.

I don't know but I think he was telling me that they couldn't come? Or there's a problem? Maybe they'd be late? Why won't he just talk so that I could understand?

So I sighed and was about to come out from hiding when he harshly pulled me resulting to my face hitting his chest. "Ouch,"I mumbled holding my forehead.

Then, I looked at him. "What?"

His forehead creased, eyebrows furrowed while intently looking at me. Was he asking why I was planning to come out from hiding? I scoffed.

"Look here, Inumaki, if you don't want us to call for help then we have to face that curse if we don't want to die or if we do, then atleast we died fighting for our lives and not running! So let go of me and-aah!"


screamed when the tree we were hiding at exploded. Inumaki was fast enough to secure me just like what he did last time. His heart-fluttering actions weren't good for me. Damn.

Then, there goes the voice in our heade again.

'Oh, there goes the cowards.'

Something inside me bursted with madness. If there were things I got from Gojo and the rest of our bloodline, that would be pride and power.

And this terrible-looking curse just wounded my pride and underestimated my power.

Well, maybe we did look a bit of a . . . coward.

For running.

But that was Inumaki's idea.

The curse did another attack again and there goes Inumaki saving me for the third time. The way he held me in his arms . . . was as if I was the most fragile thing in the world. I mentally slapped myself. Stop that, Y/N.

Inumaki dragged me to run again so I didn't have time to protest. Maybe I can warm up to while running. If that curse aims an attack again, I'd be sure to counter it with another attack with my power. I feel like Inumaki was leading the curse somewhere but who knows if I'm wrong, right?

Then, my intuition told me that the curse was planning another attack in any second now so I readied myself.

When I felt the curse nearing us, I smirked.

Three . . . two . . . one . . .

My jaw slacked as soon as I turned around. The curse was ready to shoot another attack at us and I was ready to stop it but someone did it first.

"Don't move," The voice ordered and the curse stopped moving.

I looked at the speaker of that voice and blinked, still lips apart.

It was Inumaki. And this was the first time I heard him talk.


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