33. Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Answer me, Inumaki." I gripped unto his arm firmly when he tried to break the hug. "Did something happen to him? Is he unconcious? What?"

But Inumaki still refused to talk which drained all the paitence I had in me, "Answer me!" I yelled, getting so anxious now.

'He's . . . alive.'

When he said that, I couldn't see any happiness in his eyes, so there must be something wrong with Megumi. What happened during his fight with that curse? Is he badly injured? Hell, I feel sl guilty.

"And? Where is he? Can I go see him?"

I let go of Inumaki and attempted to head towards the door but he did not let me, instead, he pulled my wrist and restrained me by hugging me so tightly. I tried to break free from his hug but he was too strong, or maybe I was just too weak.

'You can't see him yet.'  Inumaki's voice in my head sounded like he was begging and I wanted to know why, if only he'd let me.

"Why?" I asked, biting my lip as I tried to stop my tears from falling agaim due to worry. Oh Lord, I hope Megumi's fine. I don't think I'd be able to feel okay if he's not.

'I'll tell you some other time, but not now, please? Can we just spend this day together? You and I?'

Something was wrong, that is the only thing that I'm quite sure of. Now, Inumaki was acting pretty strange. Why is he begging? And why can't I see Megumi? I tried to free myself from Inumaki's grip again but he still didn't let me. Instead, he pulled me closer, almost preventing me to breathe properly.

"Let me see him first, Inumaki! I'll just check if he's okay! Please," I pleaded, looking at him with teary eyes.

'You can see him tomorrow, just stay with me until tomorrow. I promise you can see him, yeah?'

I looked at him in confusion, "What are you saying, Inumaki? I'll stay with you today and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if that's what you want! Just please, let me see him, he's my bestfriend, he's so important to me, Inumaki. Please . . ."

He looked at me as if he was torn but in the end, he shook his head. 'Tomorrow, I promise.'

True to his words, Inumaki didn't let me leave. Although I knew that he was really going to keep me here until tomorrow comes, his plans were ruined when someone knocked on the door.

"Inumaki? Is Y/N there?!?"

I saw how Inumaki's eyes closed so tightly but I ignored it and yelled, "I'm here, Maki! He doesn't want me to get out and see Megumi, I don't know why," My voice became a whisper when glanced at Inumaki again but he avoided it.

Slowly, the door opened revealing Maki, looking so guilty. At first, I thought she felt guilty towards me but then when she spoke, I got more confused. "I'm sorry, Toge . . . I know we promised to give you an entire day but Megumi haven't eaten for days now and it might make his condition worse . . ."

I gasped at what she said, "Why? What's wrong with Megumi, Maki? So he's not fine at all, huh? Why won't he eat? Did he injure his mouth or is it his hands?" I was so worried, so worried.

However, Maki didn't asnwer me as she remained looking at Inumaki guiltily. After some time, I heard Inumaki sigh and he looked at me.

'You can go see him now.'  Were his shorts words before exiting the room first.

I didn't know why but something in me felt bad and hurt. What's going on? I tried to read his mind, or even Maki's mind but their memories and everything were shut, as if they were protecting it.

Then, when Inumaki was now nowhere in sight, Maki turned to look at mw with a soft smile, "You'll understand once you see him, dear. Come . . ." She said and the she walked first to lead the way.

We passed so many rooms until Maki finally stopped. With a sigh, she held the door knob in her hands and slowly twisted it.

She walked first and I trailed behind her until I could hear so many noises, and I could clearly read Yuji's and Nobara's minds.

"—have to eat, Megumi, or else you'll die!" I heard Nobara shouted which made me walk faster until I could now see them.

Megumi was sitting on a bed, white sheets covering his thighs and Nobara was holding spoonful of food in her hand. Yuji was in the corner, looking at Megumi and Nobara with worry and pity and his expression reflected Maki's.

I noticed a bruise on Nobara's hand and cheek and I wonder where she got that, I also noticed that Yuji has bruises too but only in his right hand. Maki has one too . . . and it's the same ad Nobara's. Where did they get those? It was not to deep to come from a curse.

But I decided to shake the thought off and look at Megumi instead. His face was blank as he kepy ignoring Nobara's words. He was just . . . staring at nowhere.

"What happe—-" Maki cut me off.

"Megumi lost his memories, permanently."

I gasped. My mind tried to process what she said as my hand remained on my mouth. When everything finally sinked in, I stared at the blank-faced Megumi with teary eyes. It was my fault. It was my fault that he's in that kind of situation.

"He hasn't been eating because no one can force him to, no matter how hard we try. Everytime we come close to him, he hurts us. That's why almost all of us has bruises."

Without wasting another second, I ran to him and hugged him so tightly and I felt his breathing becoming heavy.

"I'm so sorry, Megumi," I cried, not wanting to let go. I heard gasps around me and I didn't know why but I still didn't let go.

"Who are you?" I heard Megumi asked and I felt like my heart just shattered.

He can't remember me. His bestfriend, the one whom he shares his secrets with, the one who he always chooses to protects, the whom he spent his childhood with. He really . . . can't remember me.

I cried harder as I broke the hug and look at him, "It's me, Y/N, try to remember me, please . . ." I almost begged but all he did was to look at me blankly.

Megumi never once broke my heart in any ways. He would always make sure I feel loved, cared, and happy, even though it's not him that will make me happier. He was that selfless and this was the first time he ever made me feel this hurt.

"Y-You should eat, Maki said you haven't eaten in days," I spoke softly.

He looked at me with empty eyes and I bit my lip and stood up to get the food from Nobara.

"Here, do you want me to feed you?"

He didn't give me any response so I tried to feed him and I was taken aback when he parted his lips when the spoon was only inches way from his mouth.

I stared at him in shock while he just kept on chewing the food, still with his blank face on.

When he was done, I still couldn't afford to move. He ate the food I gave him? I thought he didn't want to eat?

Megumi held my hand hand, the one that's holding the spoon, he got another spoonful of food by controlling my hand and then he put the spoon inside his mouth, still controlling my hand in the process.

He did that the entire time until he was done because I was still frozen, unable to process what he was doing.

I blinked when he stared back at me. "Are you feeling good now?" I asked instead.

"Who are you?" He asked again and I had to avoid his stare so that I won't have to cry once more. I got up from the bed and then looked at Maki.

"He already ate, can I leave now? I'm sorry, I just need to . . . cry," My voice was low and hurting. I refused to look at Megumi and see his reaction. Maki looked at me with worry but nodded anyway.

"Goodnight, Y/N." She sweetly said.

But when I saw Inumaki leaning against the door with empty eyes, I knew I wasn't going to have a good night.

He saw everything.


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