4. Chapter Four

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Jealousy. He's seeing green, that's for sure.

Inumaki's been stealing glances at the woman with white-blue wavy hair, a bit far from him and a black-haired man with spiky hairstyle. They have been laughing for some time now and it was starting to irritate him.

His perfect haw clenched and his hand formed a fist as he tried his best to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

They should just train their asses off! Not flirt!

Megumi and Y/N were the two people he was talking about.

"Someone is jealous!" Maki Zen'in whistles while his other friend, Panda, laughed.

He hated Maki a bit for partnering Y/N to Megumi when it could have been Panda instead. Not himself. Because he knew he has to stay away from that drop-dead gorgeous sister of no other than Gojo Satoru.

"Inumaki, shouldn't we start training already?" Nobara in front of him decided to speak which pulled him out of his reverie.

He glared at Maki for one last time, and also at Megumi before turning his head to the brown-haired first year in front of him. He smiled against the cloth that was covering his mouth when he remembered how Y/N glared at Nobara just because Nobara was partnered with him.

Atleast her interest is still on me. Inumaki convinced himself.

He started his training with Nobara with a high jump in the air which got Nobara alarmed. She looked at Inumaki who was now ready for an attack towards her and barely dodged it.

Inumaki slightly smiled as he was successful on his first blow.

Nobara aimed her fist at him but Inumaki dodged it with no difficulty at all.

But then, Inumaki heard a voice.

"Megumi-chan!" The voice came out sweetly which made the irritation in his system resurface again.

He was so bothered that he did not notice Nobara's fist landing on his cheek. Fucking hell, he was never the type to be easily distracted, especially by a fucking woman.

"Nice blow, Nobara! Continue doing that while Toge is busy being jealous over someone!" Maki Zen'in teasingly said which made Inumaki glare at her again.

He heaved a deep sigh and forced himself to focus on the fight than to keep on making himself distracted by a certain woman . . . whose name was Y/N.

He fought Nobara with no flaw which made him earn the last laugh too soon.

Nobara was now on the ground, catching for her breath but Inumaki isn't even near tired at all. He went back, sitting beside the enormous tree and waited for the others to be done. Boredom was killing him but he made himself vow to not look over Megumi and Y/N's direction.

Don't you dare look at them, Toge.

He kept on breathing heavily as he tried to watch Maki and Yuji's fight with interest. However, no matter how hard he tries, it just wouldn't work.

Inumaki would glance at Y/N and Megumi's direction from time to time, but he would not let himself make his stare last for even a minute.

He played with stones, throwing them everywhere he would feel like to, and then, he got a stick to write whatever on the ground.

Toge wasn't even trying to think of what the hell would he right down on the ground but as a couple of minutes passed by, he just found himself writing Y/N's name but . . . with a twist.

Y/N Inumaki.

That was what he wrote on the ground.

He was shocked too when he realized what the hell he was doing but a loud thud beside him made him look at his left.

His eyes dilated, worry creeping up into his system right after he saw Y/N's back on the tree. She was about to fall but his reflexes were quicker than lighting. Toge ran faster than ever towards her and caught her body in no time.

He carried her in bridal style and he can't help but to part his lips, awestruck at how beautiful this woman is, up close. He doesn't even realize that he was holding his breath.

How could someone be this beautiful . . .?

But his amazement did not last long when a pair of arms snatched Y/N away from his.

"I-Inumaki-san! Thankyou for catching her, please excuse us, I'll have her treated." It was Megumi. So Megumi and Y/N are very close, huh?

Inumaki stared at Megumi. Worry and panic were evident upon the younger man's eyes as he held his bestfriend like she was the most fragile thing on earth.

When Megumi and Y/N was finally out of sight, Inumaki leaned against the tree with closed eyes.

He likes her. Inumaki thought.

No, he loves her. He corrected his own. Inumaki saw it in Megumi's eyes. For the young man, Y/N was the most important woman.

'The game hasn't even started, yet you already lost, Inumaki.' He told himself,  and he couldn't help but to feel the bitterness.


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