20. Chapter Twenty

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As everything processed inside my mind, I pushed him away. I was beyond shocked for his actions, is this another part of his scheme?!

I held my lips with my forefinger and looked at Inumaki, he was groaning again, my push must have hurt his wounds but I did not have time to care. "What the hell did you just do?!" I asked, astonished to the bone.

He stared at me as if trying to look for something. Then, he sighed while shaking his head and went back to the bed.

"Inumaki, you can't just do this everytime," I said in a low voice, I sounded desperate.

He looked at me, his gorgeous face was confused. I was guessing that if he could talk, he would ask what the hell did I mean by that.

"Oh, you don't know what you're doing? Inumaki, everytime you drop some fucking hints that you like me back, everytime you act like you like me too, it always bring hope to my heart! And are you even aware of what you do afterwards? You'll start ignoring me, Inumaki, and then when days pass, you're gonna be like this again! It's sickening, I fucking swear."

He looked at me, stunned at my words. Did he not know what he's been doing? No, that is impossible.

He opened his mouth as if he was trying to speak and defend his side but no words came out so he closed his eyes instead and exhaled angrily.

After quite a while, he opened his eyes and reached for the pen and paper on the table beside his bed. When he successfully got it, he looked reluctant to write down whatever the hell he wanted to write down so I stayed there and watched his anxious expression.

A couple of minutes have passed and Inumaki looked like he has now decided to write his words down. So, with shaky hands, he started to write. I was curious of whatever it was but I tried my very best to not care.

Of course I failed.

Then, he looked at me. It seems like he had finished writing. Inumaki signalled me to come closer to him and I obliged. With small strides, I walked to him. He handed me the paper so I accept it, not knowing what was inside.

When my eyes landed on the paper, I blinked, my forehead creased in confusion.

Stay with me, take care of me, feed me. Please.

That's what he said that got me furrowing my eyebrows. I thought he did not want me here? What was his problem now?

"Please stop toying with my feelings, Inumaki."

He looked at me with a raised brow and shook his head as if telling me 'I'm not playing with your feelings' so, just like always, I gave up to his request and chose to stay here with him and take care of him.

For me, this was another chance and opportunity to make him fall for me but if ever I'd mess up, there will be a hell of collateral damage.

I sighed. "Fine. You asked for this, don't ever regret it and ignore me when tomorrow comes," I warned right after I shot him a glare.

Just like before, he gave me a small yet amused smile. It was something so little but I tell you, it made my day.

And as I promised, I took care of him, talked to him about the things he still doesn't know and the happenings in my life. When it was time for him to eat, I fed him. I was smiling the whole time. This side of Inumaki was so different.

It made me fall in love with him even more.

God, this had become worse.

When a knock on the door was heard, I immediately sat up and opened it. It revealed Maki and Panda. They both looked okay, not severely injured and that was a relief.

I smiled at them, much brighter than earlier this morning. "Hi!"

My voice was full of enthusiasm, I was sure of that and didn't try to conceal it. Maki chuckled and looked at Inumaki, then back at me again.

"Your time's over, Y/N-dear, but can you please go outside and wait for me there? I'll walk you to your room."

I shook my head at her last words, "No, there is no need, Maki. I can manage walking back myself."

She chuckled. "But I have something to tell and show you so you should wait for me, yeah?" She asked again so I had no choice but to sigh and nod. After that, I waited outside.

She lasted long inside, maybe twenty minutes or so? I was getting impatient but I had no choicr but to wait.

"Hey, thank heavens you're still there!" I heard Maki's voice so I turned around.

"Well, you told me you have something to talk and give me."

Maki nodded and walked passed me. "Come on, we'll talk while walking to your roo." Again, I had no choice but to agree.

"Do you really like Inumaki?"

"Yes." I straightforwardly said and it caught her off guard. She chuckled, "Oh, now that's bold eanough," She mumbled.

"How about you? Who do you like?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes instead. Fine.

When we arrived at my room, I opened the doir to the window but to no avail, it did not open. However, on my third try, I succeasfuly opened it.

I was about to go insde when Maki held my shoulder so I looked at her.


She smiled and gave me a paper.

"Inumaki really has to make a move, you're gorgeous!" She exclaimed with a high ptiched squeal.

And then, she left. My eyes landed the back of the paper that was what in front of me.

I gasped, it says, . . . I like you, Y/N. —T.I.


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