34. Chapter Thirty-Four

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The both of us exited the room with no noise at all. There was an extremely defeaning silence between us that I wanted to break but I can't seem to. I followed behind Inumaki with my teeth biting my lower lip. I was partly anxious about the empty look he gave me earlier.

Then, he stopped walking when we were already far enough from the room where Megumi was confined. Inumaki leaned against the wall and stared at me again, still with no emotions.

"Was that the reason why you don't want me to see him yet?" I softly asked, not wanting to start a dispute between us.

However, instead of giving me a verbal answer, he just shook his head and didn't speak.

I heaved a sigh and gathered all the courage I could gather to explain what he saw earlier. "He doesn't like to eat so I . . . tried to feed him and he did eat. It doesn't mean anything, Inumaki, I swea—" He cut me off with a deep sigh too.

'Megumi has a permanent amnesia, his memories won't come back anymore no matter how hard we try.'

My forehead creased in confusion. I was confused as to why he was explaining Megumi's situation to me when I'm sure he knew that I already know about it. So, I nodded and spoke, "I already know about that."

'So do you plan on feeding him for a lifetime, then?' He raised a brow, followed by a sad smile and I swallowed.

I hurriedly and profusely shook my head, "No! Of course not! I . . . I-I'm sure he'll start to eat by himself in no time! I'm sure he'll be fine by himself after some time . . . he just really needs time, Inumaki, and I have to be there with him until he's finally fine." I forced a smile.

'Ah, yes. But until when exactly, Y/N? Tomorrow? Nextweek? Next month? Next year?'

My smile faded. "I don't know . . ."

Inumaki showed me a small smile. 'He has already forgotten about every single memory he has but never his feelings for you, do you know that, hm?'

I froze, not knowing what to reply. I didn't move on my place and just kept on thinking for a response but my mind could not process any. It was blank.

'Even after losing his memories, Megumi still likes you.' Inumaki continued, trying to make it clearer and I still couldn't think of a response.

'If you'll be the one who will take care of him until he's finally okay, then don't you think his feelings for you will just grow? What will you do about that, Y/N?'

Finally, I have thought of a reply. "I won't reciprocate anything, Inumaki. My love is yours, I'm just yours. I'll take care of him because he's my bestfriend, I'll take care of him because he spent his life taking care of me and it's my time to pay him back. That's just it, Inumaki. There's nothing more to it." I firmly stated but I couldn't afford to look at him.

'Then what about me? Who will take care of me if my woman will be busy taking care of someone else?'

My heart broke. Slowly, tears started to escape my eyes. I sensed the hurting in Inumaki's voice as he said that but what can I do?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do. You heard from Maki too, right? Megumi doesn't let anyone get near him but me. Inumaki, I don't have a choice and . . . I also want to take care of him, to be with him until he stops hurting. I can't leave him like that, you know?"

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