~Chapter 3: Captivity~

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Amy was groaning as she slowly started to stir and open her eyes. 'Ugh my head....' She blinked twice, clearing her vision before looking around, taking in her surroundings. She was in a gray room with furniture surrounding her. She could see a dresser, a door leading to the bathroom, end tables, a big monochrome closet, and other sorts of furniture. She looked down to see she was resting on a bed with white sheets, and gray covers. It also had black pillows. The bed looked like a canopy bed.

She tried moving but noticed that she was chained to the bed. Well, her waist was chained to the bed. She tried looking around for the key, but soon gave up when she realized that a kidnapper is not that stupid to keep the key of the kidnapped person's chain right in front of them. She sighed and flopped her head back onto the bed in defeat. Her brain was way too tired for this crap. It felt like it was going to blast outta her head! It felt like hours, when in reality it was only minutes, when she heard the door to the bedroom open. She quickly closed her eyes shut and pretended to be asleep.

She heard a voice. No, two voices talking. She tried to make out what they were talking about but failed. She recognized one of the voices. It wasn't long before the second voice stopped and she heard the door being closed and footsteps approaching her. Hearing the footsteps coming directly towards her, she squeezed her eyes shut praying that the person would fall for this.

The footsteps stopped right in front of her. There was no other sound for a good five minutes. It was completely quiet, like you could hear a pin drop to the floor. Amy finally got the courage to look, and what she saw made her heart almost jump out of her chest.

It was LJ! But what was he doing here? Maybe he has come to save her! But then who was the other person whose voice she heard?

"LJ? It's me, Amy!" She cried out in desperation. She finally found her best friend after fifteen years! But, to her horror, LJ's eyes grew dark and angry when she said her name. Without warning, he grabbed her by the throat and she started gasping for air. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME!" LJ screamed, his teeth gritting. Amy was choking, tears welling in her eyes.

Why was LJ acting like this? Did........Did he not recognize her? He finally let go after a couple of seconds more, before staring at her with a malicious glint in his eyes. Amy was gasping for air, tears slowly streaming down her cheeks. This......This wasn't the goofball she knew! She looked up at him, her blue eyes once full of joy were now filled with fear. Why didn't he remember her? "She died right in front of me fifteen years ago. Do NOT say her name! You are NOT her!" He hissed, glaring at the girl. Did....Did he believe that she died from Funtime Lizzie fifteen years ago? His look of anger suddenly changed into a smile.

A smile with lots of bad intentions.

Once he got on top of the bed, he shoved her back, keeping her in place with the hand he was choking her with. His free hand went to the bedside table and opened a drawer, revealing a syringe. Amy always had a fear of needles, and so she started squirming. "No! Please! Please!" She pleaded to her best friend, wiggling desperately. Jack's smile only widened before he lifted the syringe, only to bring it down with full force. The syringe went right into Amy's arm, to which she screamed. There was a sharp pain in her left arm. He smiled even more before pushing the syringe's contents into her. It didn't take long for the drug to kick in. In the syringe, unbeknownst to Amy, was the drug Propofol. LJ knew the right amount to give her so it wouldn't kill her. After all, it was no fun when your play toy had to leave when the fun was just starting! 

Amy started feeling sleepy, and her eyes were slowly starting to close. But before she blacked out, she heard his voice close to her ear. "Hush my dear. The fun will begin soon~" After he said that, Amy finally closed her eyes and blacked out.

~You are my colors~ Laughing Jack x OC Reader [2nd AU]Where stories live. Discover now