~Chapter 11: First Day~

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LJ groaned as he slowly started to stir. He opened his eyes and blinked twice to clear his vision. There was morning light coming through the window in the room. 'Was....Was it all a dream...?' He thought, but he soon heard a familiar female voice humming. It was Amy. She peeked through the door and smiled once she saw LJ was awake. He was surprised. This seemed.......unreal. Too unreal to be true. Was he dreaming? "Morning goofball!" Amy greeted, before she slowly went up to the bed and hugged him. Yep. It was definitely real. He could feel how physical she was. He wasn't dreaming. LJ slowly hugged her back, holding tightly as if once he let go of her, she would disappear. "Morning, Amy." He said in a tired voice. That's when it hit him. For the first time in a year, he actually slept. LJ actually started to smile. "Come on. My mom made us breakfast." Amy helped him out of bed and downstairs. He couldn't walk yet without falling.

LJ smelled something good. And he smiled. "Morning you two!" Rose called, as she cooked. "Morning mama!" "Morning mommy!" Amy and Sarah both said as they sat down. "Morning Rose." Jack greeted, as he sat beside Amy. Before long, a plate of freshly flipped pancakes was in front of him. LJ smiled, and his eyes sparkled. "They're called pancakes goofball." Amy giggled, before she cut hers. LJ was nervous. After all, he only ate candy his entire life. He never had human food before. Well, at least not until last night. LJ hesitantly took the fork and cut a piece, before slowly putting it in his mouth.

And oh my gosh. His expression deserved to be photographed.

His pupils dilated just like a cat's, as he felt the delicious flavor burst in his mouth. Amy smiled. "Looks like goofball likes it!" She giggled, her blue eyes sparkling. "His eyes look like cat's eyes!" Sarah beamed as she giggled. LJ smiled. "It's really good!" Amy gave a warm smile in return. "I'm glad you like them." "Amy dear. Isn't your job in two hours?" Amy's eyes widened. "Shit!" "Swear!" Sarah pouted. "Sorry sis....." Amy playfully laughed. LJ was curious. "What's your job?" Amy looked at him before smiling. "I work as a baker. But in my free time I help out at the animal shelter!" Jack smiled. So she liked to bake. "That's nice." "Mhm!" Amy giggled. "My coworkers are really sweet and help out when I need it. Most of them are males but we all get along really well!"

LJ smiled but was tense. He felt odd about that sentence. "A-Are you sure you'll be okay with them?" He asked. "I'll be fine! Just have to go in to fill out some paperwork I left the other day! Then I'll be home!" Amy replied. She could sense Jack's uneasiness about her working with mostly men, so she tried to ease it. After they had all finished eating, Amy went upstairs with Jack and got ready while he relaxed in her room. She put on her uniform and got ready to leave. LJ hugged her tightly before she left. "Please.....be safe." Amy sighed and returned his hug. "I will be. I promise I will be home soon." With that, after their hug, Amy went downstairs and left. LJ was still worried though. He just curled up on Amy's bed and waited for her to return. He had a fear of being alone. It wasn't that bad. But he hated the loneliness sometimes. However, he wasn't alone for long as the girls showed up about two hours after Amy had left.

LJ was about to doze off when a familiar motherly voice spoke up. "Miss us?" Jack opened his eyes and looked up to see Jane, Clockwork, Erin and Luna in Amy's room. "Girls? What are you doing here?" He asked in shock. "We told Amy we would check up on you from time to time." Erin replied, leaning against Amy's door. "After all, it's a mother's duty to check on her child isn't it?" Jane added, while giving a warm smile. He looked behind them, all the girls had smiles on their faces. Clockwork would make sure that he feels what she wanted to feel from her mother. Erin would always cheer the girls up and other pastas if they were down, while Luna would try to be the mother she failed to be once, and help Jane. LJ gave a warm smile. "Hey, where's Amy at?" Erin asked, while looking around her room. "She's at work." Jack answered. "What does she work as?" Clockwork inquired. "A baker." LJ replied. Erin hummed in response.

"Nice room she's got." Erin commented, noticing how neat the room was. Not a single mess was in sight. Guess the girl really liked to keep things neat. She noticed pictures of Amy and LJ when she was little and pictures of her and her family. Even one with her holding a baby Sarah. Erin smiled at the photos. "So how have you been holding up Jack?" Jane asked. LJ's smile dropped. "Don't tell me..." Erin said softly. LJ nodded. "I had a nightmare last night but I didn't tell Amy. I.....I don't want her worrying." Erin groaned. "Jack. You have to tell her eventually. Otherwise you'll never be able to sleep!" Jack sighed. "I know...." LJ really didn't want to tell her. But, he had to eventually. He sighed. Gosh things were pretty messed up. He was dozing off again when Luna beamed: "Why don't we help him sleep and then maybe help Rose a little until Amy comes back?" Jane smiled. "That's a great idea Luna!" And so, the girls got to work. They helped Jack fall asleep and helped Rose around the house until finally, after five long hours, Amy came back from work.

"I'm home!" Amy called out, and she was immediately greeted by her sister. "Sissy!! Your home!" Sarah squealed as she hugged her big sister. Amy chuckled before returning the hug. "Yep! Big sis is home!" They finally let go of each other and Amy went to check on her mom. "Hey mom!" She greeted but stopped when she saw the girls. "Hey! What are you all doing here?" She asked in shock. "We just decided to have regular check ups on ya! Don't want that hooded mess hot up your tail again now, do we?" Clockwork said. Amy laughed. "No, we don't." Amy noticed that Jack wasn't present. "Where's goofball?" She asked. "That good ol' clown is resting. He hasn't gotten this much rest in a while." Luna replied. Amy nodded. "I'm gonna go upstairs and check on him."

Amy slowly made her way upstairs and just as she was inches from the door, she heard....groaning. She put her ear up against her bedroom door and listened quietly. "N-No.....stop...." It was Jack. 'Is....Is he having a nightmare?' Amy thought as she quietly opened her bedroom door. She watched as Jack tossed and turned, and he was beginning to sweat. His expression changed to fear and his breathing quickened. "S-Stop....leave her alone....please.....no.....no...!" He was talking in his sleep. Amy softly shook LJ but he wouldn't wake up.

"Jack. Jack." Every second, Jack was getting more and more scared. She couldn't take this anymore. She quickly pulled Jack up against her chest as she started to sing a soothing lullaby to him, her hand rubbing circles on his hand. She was scared. She had never seen him like this. 'What is he so scared of?' She pondered as Jack's expression slowly went back to a peaceful one. She sighed before slowly placing him back down onto the bed and getting off to change. Once she changed, Jack woke up and looked like he had seen a ghost. It scared the crap out of Amy when he bolted up. He was sweating like a dog who had been in the sun for too long.

"Goofball! Easy! Easy....." She whispered slowly, trying to calm him down. Finally, he seemed to be calm at least a little. Once he calmed down enough, he changed into his pajamas (while Amy looked away) and got ready to go to the guest bedroom. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with me?" Amy asked. "I'm sure." LJ replied. "I just....I'm not ready yet." Amy nodded, understanding. "Goodnight goofball." She softly whispered once she helped him into the bedroom. "Goodnight kiddo." He softly said back, before he snuggled under the blankets and finally let sleep overtake him.


"AMY!!" Jack woke up screaming her name. He was breathing heavily. He looked around before he finally realized he wasn't in his old room. He was in Amy's house. Just then, he heard footsteps coming towards the room. "Goofball??" Amy called as she pushed the door in to see Jack up and sweating. She quickly rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Shh....it's okay...." She whispered softly, while rubbing circles on his back. Jack broke down and started crying while hugging her back. "A-Amy...." He sobbed her name and clutched her night shirt.

Amy's mom rushed in. "What's wrong??" Rose asked. Amy looked up at her mom with calm eyes. "It's okay mom. Go back to sleep. I have everything under control." Amy's mom sighed but nodded and left the room. Amy turned her attention back to Jack as she slowly rubbed his back, and shushed him. "It's okay Jack.....I'm here...." Amy finally managed to get him to go back to sleep, and she made her way back to her room. But not before putting on a calming song for Jack to listen to while he slept. Amy curled up under her blanket and finally succumbed to sleep, her last thought being that she hoped Jack would be okay for the night. 

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