~Chapter 12: The Rescue~

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It had been about two days since Amy brought LJ home with her. But lately, something was off with him. He distanced himself around her and he seemed......jumpy. Any small thing scared him. Like he once spilled his juice because Amy gave him a surprise hug. Amy was concerned, as she thought about the previous two nights ago. 'Is he having nightmares.....?' She pondered. It seemed like the most likely answer. Amy decided to talk with the girls about it first. After all, they would know more. Amy decided to pay Jane a visit at the mansion, as she figured the girls would be there already.

Amy was right now in front of the mansion. She had brought her gun with her just in case something happened. She slowly made her way into the mansion and upstairs until she found Jane's room. She opened the door, only to find it empty. 'She must be in someone else's room then.' Amy thought. She then went towards Erin's room. Empty as well. Clockwork? Empty. Luna? Empty.

'This is strange' She thought. "They must have gone on a killing spree together." She said to herself. She heard the front door open as all the creeps came back from their spree. "Hey Amy! I see you're here enjoying your time with the girls as well!" Liu beamed as he came and sat on the couch, while right next to Jeff jumped on Smile dog. The other pastas apologized for their hostility towards her. They all became good friends, even though they did nothing.

Amy was puzzled. "What are you talking about, I just came and can't find them anywhere! I thought they were with you all?" Amy questioned. "Of course not, we left them to guard the mansion. Jane and Clockwork kill after we come back. Erin usually kills at night mostly after everyone has had their fill. Luna kills kids in the daylight." Masky piped in. Now Amy was getting really concerned. Sally knew something was wrong. "Can someone help me look for them?" Amy asked, panic in her tone. Jeff got up. "I was gonna get bored anyways, so I will help." He said in a dull tone. Even though there was a little bit of concern there too. Being the 'Info- collector,' he knew about everyone's daily routine, and he knew very well that the girls followed a strict one. So there was no way they would break it.

Jeff and Amy started looking around the whole mansion for the girls. The kitchen, the bathrooms, and every single bedroom. Even the basement. But they were nowhere to be found.

"Well, this is concerning." Jeff spoke out loud in the living room, gaining the attention of Liu and Smile dog. "We can't find them anywhere." All the pastas jumped up. "What do you mean you can't find them??" Liu nearly shouted. Liu was obviously pissed. Not to mention he had a 'small' crush on Erin. Smile dog was whining. He, too, was uneasy. "So why don't we start a massive search for them??" Amy suggested, as everyone looked towards her.


It's been an hour. Everyone was scattered all around the massive slender forest in teams, trying to search for them. Everyone was worried sick by now. The Woods brothers, Smile and Amy were the first team to leave, not waiting for others to team up. "JANE!!!" Amy called for the girls one by one. "CLOCKWORK!!!" "LUNA!!!" " ERIN!!!!" Even the boys were calling out for the girls. But still. No response. This was becoming serious. If the girls were out, they would have returned by now. No way they were pulling a prank. Luna, being the 'mature adult' wouldn't allow that. Amy was scared shitless. A lot of things have been going wrong recently. First Jack was brought into her home after the horrible trauma he went through, and now this?!

Just then, Smile started sniffing the air. Was....Was he picking up a scent? "What is it, Smile?" Jeff asked the red husky as he bent down. Smile was sniffing the air vigorously. Did....Did he smell the girls? Smile quickly ran deeper into the forest, while the group followed. Before long, they ended up in front of a river, dividing the forest in two halves. Smile stopped and started to sniff around, whining. The group also looked around, but to no avail. Amy sighed. "It was a fake scent to side track us...." She muttered. Smile looked down and whimpered loudly, while Jeff bent down beside him and started to pat his head, comforting him. "Hey buddy, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know...." Jeff assured, earning a low whine from Smile. But Liu felt that it wasn't a fake scent.

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