~Chapter 38: Erin and Liu: So lovely~

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It's been a week since they rescued the girls.

Liu was worried, because his wife was silent. She has been silent the whole time. He was worried. He knew the trauma was too much for her and he had been trying his best to help her with it. Liu moved closer to his wife and gently pulled her against his chest. "I'm worried about you love......." Silence. All he received was silence. Liu was worried now. "You're scaring me Erin......" Silence. "Please Erin, talk to me. It breaks my heart seeing you like this." Still nothing. She was just.....staring. Staring off into nothing. Liu felt the tears creeping on. If only he was faster. He sighed before getting off the bed and heading towards the door. He can't break down in front of her. He had to be strong in front of her. "I-I'll be right back l-love......" Liu held back a choke as he exited the room.

As soon as he was outside, he broke down. He cried and cried. He-He felt like a failure for not finding them sooner. "Daddy?" His head shot up at the familiar voice he adored so much. There, standing in front of him, was their daughter Lauren. She looked... sad. The young girl sat down in front of her father and hugged him. "Why are you sad daddy? I don't like it when daddy cries....." Liu wiped away his tears quickly and put on a fake smile. "Nothing is wrong Lauren."

Lauren just pouted. "Daddy no lying!" Liu sighed. She got that from her mother obviously. "Come here sweetheart." He gestured, his hands wide open. A large smile crept upon her face, as she immediately jumped in her father's arms. Liu let out a playful huff, as if Lauren was too heavy. It wasn't long before they were both laughing!

"Daddy?" Liu hummed. "What happened to mommy?" Lauren asked her father, her green eyes filled with worry and curiosity. Liu sighed, since he figured that question would pop up sooner or later. "Lauren......you see, mommy is going through a hard time right now. And we don't know when everything will go back to normal. That's why....Mommy has been acting strange...." Liu had to hold back his tears again. But Lauren smiled. "I know what to do! Let's go hug mommy! Hugs always make people feel better!" Before Liu could even say anything, his daughter got up and ran into the room. "MOMMY!!! HUG ATTACK!!!!"

Oh lord..........

Erin turned to look at her daughter and was immediately tackled into a hug. Liu was standing by the door, an amused expression on his face. "NO BEING SAD MOMMY!!!" Lauren squealed as she clung onto her mother as tightly as she could. Erin was shocked, but it soon turned into a loving smile. She smiled, wrapping her hands around her precious gem. "Don't worry mommy, everything will be a'ight!" She squealed. Erin laughed. Her daughter always knew how to cheer her up. She could cheer anyone up if they were sad or upset! A smile made its way on Liu's face.

At least he was able to get some sort of reaction from her. "We are just worried about you, love....." Liu spoke softly. But it fell on deaf ears. "Daddy, come join our hug attack!" Lauren giggled to her father. Liu's attention turned towards his daughter, as a smile dawned onto his face. He jumped into the bed, wrapping his arms around their daughter as she squealed. "Daddy! It tickles!!" She squealed out, as Liu started to tickle her. "Whose mommy and daddy's girl huh? Who's mommy and daddy's girl?" Liu cooed "I am! I am! D-Daddy stop n-n-now-ahahahaha!" Lauren couldn't stop laughing. Erin was looking towards her husband and child, having a good time. A small, kind smile made its way up to her face. Yes, it would take a long time to recover but with the help of everyone around her, especially her husband and child, she knew she could do it.


Lauren was fast asleep. It was a pretty exhausting tickle fight. And she didn't want to leave her parents so she stayed in the room with them, sound asleep beside Erin. Erin was running her hands through her hair. "She's so cute when she's asleep." Liu spoke, smiling at his sleeping daughter. Erin's eyes left Lauren and settled on Liu. "..." She stayed quiet, not saying anything.

Slowly, she started to creep towards him. Liu didn't say anything. He just observed what his wife did. Soon, she was right in front of Liu, looking up at his emerald eyes. He stared right back at her blue eyes. Soon, she slowly crept up on his lap, as if the slightest rough movement would make him run away. Liu was stunned. "E-Erin?" He asked. Without saying a word, she wrapped her hands around him, burying her face in his chest.

She nuzzled his chest, as a low sound left her. Liu was blushing madly, but he didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her forehead. "If you wanted to cuddle, you could have asked~" He teased with a smirk. Erin hid her face in his chest. He sighed in content and held his wife close to him. "I love you Erin. I love you and our daughter so much." He said, running his hands through her hair. Erin smiled.

For the first time in months, she felt safe once again. She felt loved again. "Mamma........... Dadda............?" The pair looked up to see Lauren awake and rubbing her eyes. She looked at her parents in confusion, before crawling up to them and getting in between them. "No fair! Having a slumber party without me!" She pouted, sitting and glaring at Erin. Liu just laughed. "Sowwy sweety, we didn't wanna wake you up!" He said, wiping away his tears.

Erin just giggled at the sight. Seeing her husband and daughter playing together made her very happy. She was very lucky to have someone like Liu. Her daughter was a blessing to her. As was Liu. The sight of her family made her heart well. Her family..... She liked the sound of it. It sounded so warm, so vibrant.

So lovely...............

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