~Chapter 39: Jeff and Luna: Something To Eat~

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2 months later.............

Luna: 5 months pregnant

Jeff was asleep, his hands wrapped around his girl. Luna was awake, devoid of any emotions. Her belly was showing and she didn't know what to do.

Sh-She was pregnant with HIS child. She was confused. Why couldn't it have been Jeff's and not his?! Why was she being punished this way?? Was it for all her past deeds? Was her progeny finally catching up? She didn't know. If it was, then maybe she deserved it. After all, she DID kill her entire family and many other innocents for immorality. Maybe this was karma's way of getting back at her. By being raped repeatedly and getting pregnant.

She just blinked, not showing any emotion. It felt, blank. She just felt....empty. Sighing, she struggled out of Jeff's arms. Damn... What the hell was he fed during her absence? He was in between skinny and muscles. Not too muscular, not too skinny. Just perfect. And all of those muscular goodness were all hers~ Luna didn't want to wake him up so she tried to squeeze herself out. After a lot of struggle, she finally managed to squeeze out. She felt thirsty. And needed to pee. And sweet starved.

She hated pregnancy.

She carefully managed to slip out of Jeff's room and into the long hallway. Her plan went like this: Drink water, spend half an hour in the toilet and have marshmallows. Then go back into Jeff's room and snuggle with him until asleep. Might as well kick him off the bed when asleep. With her plan in mind, Luna started to slowly creep down the hallway as quietly as she could. She didn't want to wake anyone up. She managed to reach the kitchen without getting anyone awake. She used only a small cup, since she didn't want to get up again to use the bathroom. She gulped it all down at once. Well, that was done. Now to use the bathroom and eat sweet, sweet marshmallows.


Luna easily found the bathroom without much difficulty, seeing as there was a bathroom downstairs too. Thank goodness there was. She didn't waste any time and rushed in before locking the door. After all, she didn't want anyone coming in and seeing her in the toilet.

Paranoia at its best.

She sat down and did her business. In her mind she was cursing all the pregnancy cravings. Once sweet, once sour. Sometimes both. Mostly sweet. Luna sighed in annoyance. 'I hate this.....'

She was done with business. She was currently scavenging the fridge. She was hungry. 'There has to be something sweet here....' She thought, frowning. Why wasn't she looking for marshmallows? There were none! And that irritated her. She needed something sweet!! She needed something already-made! But there was nothing like that! Everything needed to be cooked!

Luna growled. "Is nothing here already made?!" She stomped her feet, like a child. "Why........... Just why...........?" She said, tearing up. She decided that if she couldn't find anything sweet, she'd just go back to bed.

Hormones are bitches, aren't they?

With a disappointed look on her face, Luna shut the fridge. She needed to eat something else she'd starve! There had to be something that you didn't have to cook! WHERE IS THE FUCKING COCOA?! She ran her hand through her hair, trying her best not to trash the kitchen. She felt like crying. Nothing happened as she wished! There was no one there for her in this world! She fell down onto the floor and started sobbing. She wanted something to actually be like her will.

Jeff shifted in his sleep, his hands looking for the familiar bundle of chonk. To his surprise, he didn't feel her in bed with him at all. Now this woke him up. Where the hell is his fluffy chonk? Feeling a tad bit worried, he got up out of bed and opened his bedroom door before stepping out into the hallway. She wasn't walking there like she would before bed. That worried him. "Luna?" Jeff called as quietly as he could. No answer. Okay, NOW he was getting concerned. Frowning, he slowly made his way downstairs. He planned to check the entire cabin for Luna. He slowly went down the stairs. Peeping into the living room, he saw nothing. Next he would check the kitchen. He slowly peeked his head past the corner and his eyes widened. There she was, curled up on the ground. "Luna!!" He whisper-yelled as he ran towards the girl.

The sight horrified him. Luna curled up on the ground, crying. Endless scenarios of what could be wrong ran through his head. "Luna, what's wrong??" He said, as he knelt on the ground beside her, picking her up from the ground and in his lap. She was still sobbing. "Sssh, It's okay baby, I am here now." Luna didn't care if she woke anyone up. She let out ugly sobs while she clung onto Jeff. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? I promise to make the problem.... Go to sleep~" Luna sniffled before looking up at him. "There's no food..........................." She whimpered. Jeff looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

Really? Food?

He sighed. What's with pregnant women and food every few minutes? He couldn't understand it. Again he was a man sooo- Luna started crying again. "Hey, it's okay! Shh......I'll see if I can find something okay?" He said, trying to console her. Luna sniffled, looking at him. "Everything needs to be cooked. I want something sweet......." Alright, that worried him. He got up and started looking through each and every cabinet for something sweet. Hmmm... Where's the condensed milk? Milk maid? Cocoa powder? Was there nothing?? HE BOUGHT A FUCKING TUB OF COCOA POWDER THIS FUCKING MORNING- DID SHE EAT IT ALREADY?! No, maybe he just hid it somewhere and forgot where. Yeah that must be it. Let's hope that's it. Jeff continued to look while Luna sat on the floor and watched him. Her eyes watched his every movement. 'Dammit! Where the hell did I put it?!' Jeff thought as he started to get more and more frustrated. If he doesn't find it in time then Luna will eat him! And he didn't want to die! He opened one last cabinet in desperation.


He silently thanked Zalgo that he found it. Else he would have died. He took out the bucket and showed it to Luna, whose eyes lit up. "GIMMEE!!!!" She squealed, earning a chuckle from Jeff. "Easy Luna..." He chuckled, as he kept the bucket on the counter, now looking for a spoon. Luna whined as she desperately wanted to dig into the cocoa already! Finally finding the spoon, Jeff got a mug and started making the cocoa. "Just one minute Luna. Okay?" The girl just pouted, narrowing her eyes. "BE QUICK!" Now Jeff was scared of her. Would she kill him if he didn't hurry? Probably. He decided not to wait to find out.

The mixing part was done. Now to add a few sweet treats. Luna whined like a toddler. She just wanted her treat already! Jeff merely chuckled. "Patience love~" He teased, as he got out the hidden choco sticks. "I'm almost done~" He said, as he placed the coco sticks into the mug. Luna just crossed her arms and sat like an angry toddler who didn't get the toy they wanted.

It was honestly hilarious seeing her like that. I mean- a 30 year old, purple skinned, child murderer, with a big pregnant belly, sitting on the ground in a crisscross applesauce position and crossed hands, pouting like a toddler.

Wonderful sight indeed.

Jeff was almost done. Almost. He just wanted to add two more things. Sprinkles and a scoop full of vanilla ice cream. Where did he find those? They were kept hidden too. Otherwise Luna would have eaten them all.

He turned around, as Luna's pupils dilated like a cat. The sight of the big ceramic mug with vanilla ice cream topped with sprinkles made her happy. "I waaant iiiit!!!" She squealed, making grabbing motions. "GIMME GIMME GIMMEEE!!!"

Yep, it wasn't cute at all. Jeff prayed for all this to be over. He can't take this attitude anymore. "Here." He said, before handing the treat to her. Finally she got up from the floor, and sat on the chair before beginning to eat the sweet dessert.

Finally she got something to eat.

~You are my colors~ Laughing Jack x OC Reader [2nd AU]Where stories live. Discover now