~Chapter 49: Let's get her back~

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“Get the fuck away from me you scumbag!!” She screamed, kicking at Isaac's chest. Currently, Amy was trying to keep Isaac away from her and her daughter. He was becoming even more aggressive and she was scared for her baby's life. 

He was going rogue due to the child being Jack's. He hated it. He hated him. He didn't deserve this happiness. He didn't deserve any of this!! He only deserved pain. And he was going to get it. “Stay still bitch!!” He growled, as he grabbed her by the neck. The pregnant girl was squirming frantically, desperate to keep him away. “LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!! SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU!!” Amy screamed. She kicked around hoping to have a good go at his face. But alas, Isaac had the upper advantage this time. He pinned her down by the throat and pulled out his switchblade. 

He will admit, she knew how to put up a fight. Nothing new for a police officer. He was panting like crazy now that she was pinned. He had been trying for the last fifteen minutes! Now he finally had her. “Now….stay still.” With that, he lifted up her shirt and pressed a button on the knife handle, which caused the blade to come out of its place. Amy was hyperventilating. What could she do?? Isaac has this maniac smile on his face as he raised his blade up into the air, ready to bring it down. 

“ISAAC!” The male stopped and turned his head to see who dared interrupt him. 

It was Brian. And he didn’t look happy. “Isaac, get off before we have problems. NOW.” Isaac snorted and looked back at the girl before getting off. “Lucky bitch….” He grumbled, as he made his way towards his best friend. Amy leaned up onto her elbows and snorted. “Disgusting bastard…” She muttered. 

“Be happy bitch that I didn't let him kill your bastard kid. After all, Mother Veil won't like that.” Amy wanted to say something back but decided not to. She didn't want her little baby harmed after all. Isaac just scoffed and stormed out of the room quickly, not wanting to be there another second. Because if he was, he wouldn’t be able to hold back. And Brian needed her and that child alive. Just a little longer he needed that baby alive. And then he will kill both of them. Let LJ suffer by losing two people he cares about the most. One by one, he will kill everyone he loves, destroy everything he adores. That way he will really suffer. 

Isaac was currently trying to cool off, but couldn’t. That- That bitch. Why doesn’t Brian just kill her?? They can always lie to the bastards! What’s the damn point?! They can just kill them all together! Ugh! If only she wasn’t pregnant! Why wouldn’t Brian just let him kill it?! Just be done with it already! So fucking annoying! 

Isaac took in some deep breaths and breathed. He needed to calm down. He was letting his anger control him and that would do no good. He needed to rationalize. Think clearly. Keep calm. Just…..relax. 

Brian followed after him quickly. He needed to make sure he didn't blow a gasket. Isaac can be stupid at times. He lets his emotions control him, which ends up with disastrous results.

“Easy Isaac. Calm down…..” Isaac whispered to himself, not noticing his best friend coming inside. Brian mentally sighed at seeing Isaac trying to calm down. Looks like he finally got some brain cells.

“Are you calm enough now to rationalize?” He asked, startling his best friend. Isaac breathed and nodded. “I am.” He responded, grunting softly, finally calming down enough to talk without cursing LJ out. 

“Now, let's talk.”

“So, you really think we have a good chance of finding her location?” LJ asked Luna, who smirked. “Yes, we do. If the bunny indeed belongs to them, they will come back for it.” The clown sighed. He really hoped this was what could bring him back to his wife and daughter. Oh, when he got them back he was going to keep them with him all the time. He won't take his eyes off them. He didn't mean that in a possessive way, but in a protective way. He wanted them safe at all costs. He sighed again, letting his mind wander once more. He hoped his kids were doing okay. He didn't want them involved in this mess. This was between him, Brian and Isaac. They had messed with the wrong killer. Oh, how Jack couldn't wait to get his hands on Isaac. Take him back to his torture room at the mansion, strap him to his table and torture him for hours. He'll make sure Isaac feels every single ounce of pain he has felt for three months. Maybe slowly peel his skin off? Or rip out his insides and stuff him with candy? No, too basic. Why not throw him in a pit of flesh eating insects after skinning him alive? No, even that wouldn’t equal the amount of pain he has dealt with for the past few years. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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