~Chapter 23: The Check Up and Shocking News~

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LJ stared at Amy as she curled up next to him. It had been four weeks since their last time together and ever since, Amy had been.....acting strange, and so did her body. She ate more sweets and sour things than usual, and she was constantly moody. Not to mention throwing up every morning and rushing to the bathroom every five minutes. Jack was worried, as was her mom and sister, that she may have gotten sick. She had just came out of the bathroom after throwing up again for the fifth time and was laying down in Jack's arms. "I'm worried about you Amy...." LJ muttered, as he gently held his lover. "You have been acting strange the past couple of weeks." "I know....." Amy replied, as she held tightly onto LJ. "I.....I don't know what's wrong with me." LJ gently played with her hair as he hummed a tune softly. "Maybe you got sick?" He suggested, which made Amy look up at him. "Y-Yeah... it's possible that I caught a small virus from someone at work." She muttered. However, Jane and the others knew the real reason. But they wanted Amy to tell Jack once she knew.

"I'm gonna get a check up later today." She stated as she slowly sat up. LJ held her from behind. "Okay. Just please be safe Amy. I worry about you." Amy gave a small smile before kissing his cone nose. "I will be, goofball. I promise."


It had been three hours and finally it was 3:30 in the afternoon. Amy decided it was time to go get checked out. With that, she got dressed and gave Jack a comforting hug. Jane and Erin decided to go with her just to be on the safe side, which Amy was happy with. With that, Amy opened her door and walked outside. She shivered once she took a few steps out. Since it was January, it was still snowing out. However, Amy didn't mind it. She loved it when it snowed. It always made her smile. She began walking towards the small clinic nearby. She figured since it wasn't that far, she could walk along with the company of Erin and Jane. With that, the three girls headed out.

Amy sat down in the waiting room along with Erin and Jane, as she waited to be called. She saw lots of other types of people waiting as well. Some were there with plasters, some were there waiting for their family, and some were there about to know the health and gender of their upcoming baby. Amy smiled at those waiting for the results for their baby's health and gender. It always made her smile. Heck, she even saw some kids in the waiting room! It also brought a smile to Erin and Jane's faces to see expectant parents and children. Finally, Amy heard her name. "Amy Thorn!" She got up upon hearing her name and approached the front desk. "Dr. Linda is waiting for you in room 305." "Thank you." Amy replied with a smile, before starting to walk down the hallway. Once she saw the room '305' above a doorway, she knocked. "Come in!" A female voice called from inside the room. Amy opened the door to see a female doctor sitting down on one of those movable round chairs. "Ah! Amy! Good to see you!" The doctor greeted her as she stood up to shake Amy's hand. "Good to see you too!" Amy replied with a smile. Dr. Linda motioned for her to sit on the examination table which Amy did. Amy felt nervous.

"So, you're here for a check up right?" Dr. Linda inquired as she put on blue gloves. Amy nodded. "Yes. I've been feeling.....odd lately." Amy started off as she laid down. The doctor scooted towards Amy while sitting down in the chair. "Can you describe what has been happening?" She asked, as she started the usual check-up. First checking the eyes and ears. Once that was out of the way, she asked Amy to open her mouth which Amy complied. Once that was done, she smiled at Amy. "Okay, now can you please lay on your back?" Amy nodded and slowly laid down on the sheet. "I've been feeling nauseous every morning and night and constantly throwing up." Amy started explaining, as the doctor started to get a needle ready along with a small tube attached. "Go on." She encouraged Amy, as she prepared the needle. "I've also been craving lots of candy. Mainly sweet and sour things. And I've also been moody lately." Amy finished, giving a small sigh. Dr. Linda nodded to show she was listening. "I see." Once she finished preparing the needle, she brought it closer towards Amy's arm. "I'm going to draw some blood. So once we get the results, we can see what's going on." Amy nodded and held out her arm after rolling up her sleeve. The doctor sterilized the area before injecting the needle in after finding a vein. Once she had enough blood, she removed the needle and placed a band aid on the spot. She called for a nurse to which she gave the vial to. "Have them run all tests on this." The nurse nodded and quickly left. Once she left, the doctor turned back to Amy and sat in front of her. "I have a few suspicions. But I want to ask something first." Amy raised her eyebrows. "When was your last period?"

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