~Chapter 6: Searching for Clues~

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The group of females made their way towards Jane's room, where they would discuss the upcoming plans but not before they made sure that Sally was with Amy and they were safe.

Who knew bribing Toby into babysitting was so easy?

Right now the "Fantastic four" were sitting in Jane's room, having a very important discussion.

"I think we should just follow him." Clockwork said. "We can then ambush him at his lair." Erin sighed. "I don't think that will be safe; Brian is always ready whenever it comes to things like this. What's the guarantee that he doesn't have allies?" She reasoned.

"We'd probably need someone who knows everything about everybody." Luna said, making all the girls look at her. "And who'd that be?" Clockwork questioned. Nobody noticed Jane's face curling up into a bright grin, as she said: "Oh I know someone who makes sure that he knows everyone's next move." She said, her eyes having a malicious glint. Erin raised an eyebrow. "And how can we trust them not to rat?" Erin snorted. "Oh I have known him for a long time; all we'd need would be something to give him in return."

Erin sighed. "I guess we can trust this person then."


It had been a few minutes since the discussion. The girls were standing in front of a familiar black door with splatters of red paint. Jane was very proud of herself, while the others were just looking towards the door.

"Seriously?! Him?!" Erin groaned. Everyone knew who's door this was; It belonged to the greatest asshole in the entire history of humankind. Nobody was very fond of him; Well nobody wasn't very fond of him apart from BEN and Liu.

Yes, It was Jeff. Jeff the killer. The king of assholes; The most bipolar person in history; and Jane's greatest foe. It was in fact very surprising that Jane decided to ask him for resources.

"Oh yes, him." Jane said, still proud. "And I thought you hated each other?" Luna asked. "Well yeah but we have greater things to worry about so I decided to subside our rivalry for a minute." Erin sighed. This was going to be a long hour.

Clockwork went forward and knocked on the hardwood door. "Wait a minute there." A raspy voice said as they heard shuffling inside. After what seemed like two minutes or so, the door finally opened, revealing our very own serial killer.

Black shoulder length hair in a messy bun, a jacket with nothing underneath, grey pajamas and his signature smile with dark rings around his eyelids, which Slenderman gave him so that he wouldn't go blind.

Yeah, he was definitely looking like a mess. So did his room, which he tried to clean a little. Keyword: tried.

His face immediately scrunched up at the sight of Jane, as he rudely spat a "What do you want?" causing Jane to sneer. Erin sighed. Great.

"We aren't here to fight, we just need a little information." Clockwork said as Jeff raised a brow. "And that is?" He questioned. "Hoodie's file on his daily routine, we know you have files related to everyone's daily actions, and know about their next moves. It's pretty impressive." Luna stepped forward. "So I guess you want that girl safe, don't you?" He questioned. "It's none of your business what we want; just give us the file and we'll leave." Erin grumbled.

"And what would I get in return?" Jeff smirked. Typical. He wouldn't help anyone who isn't his brother or best friend without wanting something in return.

Luna sighed. Looks like it was her time to shine. "Wait here for a minute." She told the girls as she pushed Jeff inside his room, going in and locking the door.

Five minutes later she came out, with a file in her hand. On the spine was written 'Brian Thomas: Slenderman's left hand.' Erin smiled. "Yes! We have what we need!" Luna smiled at her friend's happiness. "Jeff has agreed to keep an eye on Brian and his whereabouts." She beamed. Jane smiled. Now they are making progress. "So what now Jane?" Erin asked.

"Let's figure out his lair, his whole plan and get proof." She smiled, which honestly scared the other three girls.


"Nothing here." Erin had said to Jane whilst frowning. They had been searching for his lair but no luck so far. "Jeez, where is his plan?" Jane had muttered. According to the file, Brian always kept his motives written down in a journal but they had a difficult time finding it. "Come on.... It's gotta be here somewhere!" Jane hissed in annoyance. "FOUND IT!" Clockwork screamed from behind the door where she and Luna went. Jane and Erin rushed to the pair once they heard it.

There was a small journal in Clockwork's hands. It fortunately wasn't locked so they could read it with ease. Jane smiled. Now they had proof. "Should we read it?" Erin asked, raising a brow. "If we want to protect Amy then yes. It's important that we do." Jane replied, determination filling her mind. The poor girl didn't deserve this after all. Especially by being used for revenge when she did nothing to Hoodie.

Jane took the journal from Clockwork and slowly opened it to see what Hoodie was planning. The others gathered around Jane to see what the animal had written down in his journal. "This is the last entry made today." Erin pointed out the most recent one. It looked like he had written it only yesterday. Jane didn't like this.

"It says here that he plans to make Jack completely alone. By using Amy." Jane read aloud. "But how?" Jane frowned. This wasn't good......

"Looks like we need to read the whole thing." Clockwork suggested. The group agreed and so they started from the beginning and worked their way through the whole journal.


"This isn't good. Nothing here is good!" Luna exclaimed after they had finally finished the journal. Erin was beyond pissed. She seriously wanted to kick Hoodie where the sun didn't shine. What he wrote was utterly disgusting. Especially how he wanted to do both Jane AND Amy at the same time.

Clockwork felt disgusted as well. She couldn't believe that this was Hoodie. The real Hoodie. Even Luna was horrified. Jane took it the worst however. She was actually shaking. "Jane?" She finally snapped out of it at the sound of Erin's voice. "This still won't be enough." She stated firmly. "He can just argue that we invaded his privacy and no one will believe us." The three females sighed. "So what do we do, Jane?" Clockwork asked.

"We keep gathering more proof until we have more than enough to get rid of him for good."

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