⚠️⚠️~Chapter 27: Taken~⚠️⚠️

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LJ was currently sitting outside and enjoying the fresh breeze that blew by. It had been four months since they found out Amy was pregnant and that they were having twins. The clown couldn't have been happier. He was finally having a normal life. He didn't really kill anymore but if he did, it was only people that deserved it. He was happy with the life he had now. "Goofball?" LJ turned around and smiled once he saw his beloved Amy. Her belly had grown a lot over the past few months. Her bump was visible now and it was quite big. He slowly got up and walked over to his lover. Once he was in front of her, he pulled her close to him until her swollen belly touched his abdomen. Amy giggled as he pulled her into a kiss. Once they broke away, they sighed with content as Jack caressed her belly gently. Amy giggled as she let him continue. He loved the babies so much. They grew each day inside of her. The girls came by regularly and checked up on Amy to make sure she was okay and if she needed anything. Amy couldn't have been happier.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked as they both sat down. "Just wanted to be outside." LJ responded as the breeze moved his hair back and forth. He noticed that the trees were also moving due to the breeze. "It's nice out today after all." Amy giggled before leaning against her sweet goofball. "Yes it is." She agreed. LJ smiled. He wondered if the babies would look like him or Amy. Would they have some of his features? LJ didn't know. They just had to wait until they were born. Slowly, he stood up and gazed off into the path ahead. "I'm gonna go for a walk. Just to clear my head." Amy got up slowly and turned to him. "Goofball....." LJ smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'll be safe. I promise." Amy returned the smile and sighed. "Okay. Just.....be careful." She muttered, before giving him a hug. He returned her hug and chuckled. "I will be."


LJ slowly took his time as he walked down the sidewalk. He had been walking for three hours now. He just wanted some fresh air. After all, he also wanted to clear his mind. There was so much going on! With Amy's pregnancy and the girls visiting, it was a lot to process! Gosh.....things were moving so fast. LJ wasn't particularly walking in a direction. He just walked wherever he wanted. He slowly walked by an alleyway, before a hand aggressively covered his mouth and pulled him into the dark area. "M-MMPH!!!" LJ screamed into the hand that was covering his mouth, desperately trying to break free. He kept struggling until something sharp entered his neck and the person pushed the needle head down the syringe, injecting the fluids into him. Slowly, his eyes started closing and he grew weak to fight back. It wasn't long before his eyes finally closed and he gave up fighting as his captor picked him up and carried his unconscious body away.

LJ slowly groaned as he began opening his eyes. Once he cleared his vision, he looked around to see where he was. He was in an old room. It looked worn out and he could see cobwebs in the corners. He tried getting up but found he couldn't. He turned his head to his sides to see his wrists were bound by straps. He tried to desperately get out but he couldn't, for they were too tight. After struggling for quite a few minutes, LJ gave up. 'Great. Now what do I do?' He thought. For some reason, this looked all so familiar. But he couldn't quite place his finger on it. Finally, he heard a door open and someone walking towards him. His heart jumped. Maybe the girls have found him! But as the figure came closer, he could slowly make out an outline. It looked like a man. Maybe Jeff or Liu? Finally, a light was turned on and once Jack adjusted his eyes, his heart dropped. There, standing in front of him, was Hoodie. He had an evil grin plastered on his face. "Good to see you're awake~" Jack started hyperventilating and tried tugging at his restraints again. "H-H-Hoodie??" He whimpered as his eyes went wide. What was he doing here?! Slowly, Hoodie made his way to Jack until he stood over him. It was only then that Jack noticed he himself was completely naked. No clothing was on his body. Hoodie smiled and stared directly at Jack. "Let's have some fun, shall we?~"

~You are my colors~ Laughing Jack x OC Reader [2nd AU]Where stories live. Discover now