~Chapter 15: New Nightmares~

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Amy sighed as she rubbed LJ's back slowly. It had been at least a week and a half since he was brought back home. Slowly, the fever came down but his body was still in pain. Amy did her best to get him back to normal. The girls were a big help! They were there when Amy wasn't. Clockwork and Jane made sure he ate, since he could now hold food down, while Erin and Luna made sure the room was cold. They also helped Rose with the housework and played with Sarah and much to the other's surprise, Luna was doing pretty well in it.

Looks like all her therapy appointments with Jane were paying off.

Amy had been wanting to ask Jane something. Something that had been bugging her for a bit. So, without hesitation, she got off the bed and made her way downstairs. "Jane?" She called, looking for the black haired woman. To Amy, Jane and the others were like mothers. She stopped when she bumped into the woman. "You called for me?" Amy nodded. "Did....Did Jack say if he ever....wanted kids of his own one day....?" It was dead silent for a few minutes. Amy was just genuinely curious. She didn't like Jack or anything. She was just curious.

While Jane was standing there, dead still, thoughts ran through her head. Oh my gosh. Amy likes LJ too. And probably also wants to get down to 'business' with him. 'What if they already did that and Amy is pregnant? That's why she's asking this? Why didn't LJ tell me? I have so many objections.'

"I'm just curious, Jane. The reason why I'm asking is because he seems to have taken a big liking to my little sister. So, I was just wondering." Jane finally snapped out of it and furrowed her eyebrows. 'There goes my ship.....' She thought. "It's possible that he just loves your little sister as his own." Jane suggested. God why didn't they just confess their feelings already?

"Oh. Well, thank you Jane." Amy replied, before going back up to her room. Jane sighed as she facepalmed. If only they just confessed. "Looks like you are getting too old for this crap." A familiar voice of a child killer spoke up from behind her. "I indeed am."

Over the past couple of weeks, Amy began feeling....strange towards her goofball. She felt much closer to him than ever before. And....when she got close to him....she....she always blushed. 'No! Snap out of it Amy!' She told herself as she made her way back upstairs. 'You can't be falling for him! He's your best friend! It's impossible.....right....?' Amy sighed. She didn't know. Frankly, she had more important things to worry about. Just as she was coming back up, Amy heard Jack crying. On instinct, she quickly ran up the rest of the way and burst into her room to see Jack violently thrashing in her bed while asleep. She ran up to him and began shaking him and shouting for him to wake up. Finally, he did and when Amy tried pulling him closer to her by grabbing his butt, he lost it. "NO!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" He shrieked and crawled away from Amy.

"J-Jack??" Amy barely managed to say his name as she watched him crawl away from her in terror. What was happening to him? Just then, the other girls came running in. "DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!!" Jack's voice cracked as tears threatened to fall. Jane knew what was happening. And it broke her to see what this was doing to him. Slowly, he calmed down but did not go towards Amy. "Hey...." She whispered softly, as she slowly inched her way towards LJ. "It's okay. I won't touch your butt. I'm just gonna hold you, okay?" Jack nodded and allowed Amy to come closer to him until he was pulled into her chest. "I-I'm sorry Amy...." He whimpered as he wrapped his arms around her back. "I-I'm sorry...." "Shh....it's okay...." Amy shushed him, as she patted his back.

After an hour, and Jack was finally calm, Amy asked him for an explanation and he finally told her what had happened to him. The girls were listening in as it broke Jane. But she was proud of LJ. He finally told Amy what happened to him. Once he finished, he broke down sobbing as did Amy. "I'm so sorry Jack....." She cried, as she rubbed his back. "Amy....." He finally let out all the tears of pain he held in for an entire year. All the things Hoodie did to him....he finally let it all out.


Amy was humming a tune as she sat on the swing in her backyard. Jack's fever was completely gone and he was currently on the swing next to her. Ever since he told her what had happened, the nightmares stopped. But....Amy felt strange still towards LJ. Whenever she was near him, she would always blush and her heart would start racing. "Kiddo?" She snapped out of her daze when she heard Jack call for her. "Yes goofball?" She asked. "You okay?" "Yeah. Just....thinking." LJ hummed in response and continued swaying on the swing. The pair didn't say how they felt towards each other. They both were afraid of losing the other if they confessed. And so, they kept quiet. It was driving Jane crazy! Jack, however, was nervous. The decision was coming soon. He had to decide whether to stay with Amy or go back to the mansion. It was eating Jack up. He looked over at his beloved Amy as her long beautiful wavy brown hair moved with the wind. He never noticed before but her hair grew down to the middle of her legs. She was breathtaking.

He had to confess to her. He had to take this risk. Or else he won't be able to see her on a daily basis like this again. Amy was humming a tune when she got off the swing. Just when Jack was about to confess, he heard a noise and turned to see Trender standing there. You see, Slenderman had three brothers. Splendorman, Trenderman and Offenderman. Offender was, in his opinion, the pervy one. He wasn't going to let him anywhere NEAR Amy. Due to Offender always raping girls with his 'roses' for they were enchanted. Splendor was always happy and cheerful, while Trender liked to do fashion. He knew why he was here the moment he saw him. Jack sighed, and got off of the swing before slowly heading over to him. "Hello Trender....." Jack spoke softly. Trender fixed his glasses with his tentacles before looking at Jack. "Hello LJ." He greeted the monochrome clown. "I believe you know why I'm here." Jack nodded. "So....have you made a decision?" He asked. LJ took a deep breath as the girls gathered around as well as Amy and her mother. LJ finally looked up at Trender and replied with a calm tone.

"I have." 

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