⚠️⚠️~Chapter 33: Where are they?~⚠️⚠️

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The brothers were standing in front of their cabin, which they share with their lovers, worried, for they hadn't seen the girls since they went out on the mission. Jane and Clockwork said that they all went to have dinner last night and the girls left together after that, which worried them even more. They should've came back a long time ago. They aren't picking up their calls either. Maybe they are with Amy?

"What's going on boys?" A familiar female's voice asked the brothers. The pair turned around to see none other than Amy coming towards them. "Oh nothing much, just two of your mother in laws are missing. Know anything?" Liu jokingly said, to which Amy's jaw nearly dropped. "What?! Since when??" She asked, surprised. "What? They aren't with you?" "No. I didn't see them all night. I was with Jack and the kids." "What? We came back from the mission last night to find Lauren still in the mansion, waiting for them. Jane and Clockwork told us that they left together. But since they weren't there, we assumed they decided to spend the night with you?" Jeff asked, to which Amy shook her head. "Last I saw them, they left to get dinner together but they never came back. I assumed they went to the mansion." Now Liu and Jeff were panicking. Just where the hell were Erin and Luna??

"Jeff, track their phones. I am taking out the Jeep." Liu stated firmly. "I'll go get LJ so we can help. I'll drop Jacklynn and Noah off with Jason. Hope he doesn't mind." Amy added as she took off. With that, everyone took off to get ready to start searching. Meanwhile, two familiar men were watching in the distance. "They are gonna track their phone location. What should we do?" Isaac asked, as Brian answered: "Don't worry, I threw out the phones in the park last night." Isaac smirked. Good riddance, now they can search things in peace. After the Jeep wrangler left and was nowhere in sight, they quickly entered the cabin and looked around. It was a little big. "Okay, how do you want to do this Brian?" Isaac asked. "Let's just go and search their rooms one by one." Brian responded and the pair quickly split up. Isaac looked through the first floor, while Brian went to the second. Brian decided to first search Liu's room. He looked under his pillows, under his bed, through his drawers and even in his closet! But nothing! Brian growled in frustration. He went back into the hallway and leaned down the stairs. "Any luck, Isaac?" He called out. "NOOO!" He yelled back, as Hoodie groaned as he went to Jeff's room. 'Dammit! Where the hell is that file?!' He thought as he rummaged through Jeff's room. Isaac had no luck either. "Maybe we're looking in the wrong place?" Isaac called out to Hoodie. That's when it hit him. Isaac was right. They were looking in the wrong place. It was stupid of them to look here, they must've kept it in the mansion. "C'mon Isaac! We're going to the mansion! They must be keeping it there!" Hoodie quickly ran downstairs and out the door with Isaac following close behind.

It took quite a bit of time but the two finally reached the mansion. Now to find a way in, as they were sure Jane and Clockwork were here as well as Amy and LJ's kids. Not to mention a lot of other Creepypastas. Now they had to figure out how to get in without being seen. "How are we going to get in?" Isaac whispered to Hoodie. Brian scanned the area around them, looking for an opening. Finally, Brian's eyes spotted an opening in a window. Finally.....an opportunity. "Up there." Brian whispered, as he pointed up to the window. "Just follow me." Isaac nodded and followed Brian as he climbed up the trees and jumped through the window. Once they were in the room, Hoodie looked around and his eyes widened in shock. They were inside Jack's old room. Brian smirked. This was perfect. Slowly, the pair got up and opened the door. Brian peeked his head out and looked around. The hallway was completely empty and he could see more doors. One of them had to have the file. Once Brian gestured for Issac to keep quiet, the duo slowly crept out of the room and into the hallway. Once there, Brian went towards the room right in front of Jack's, which belonged to Erin. "Perhaps it's in here." Brian trailed off, as he went towards the locker that was near her closet. He went to open it, only to find it was locked. "Great....." He muttered. "Start looking for a key." He said to Isaac as the pair started searching. They pulled off pillows, tore off blankets and went through the entire closet. But still, they didn't find the key. "Dammit." Isaac groaned. "Why don't we just break it?" He asked, to which Brian looked towards him as if he was an Idiot. "Because if we do then Slenderman will be immediately alerted of our presence. You don't want to be ripped limb by limb, do you?" Brian said, to which Isaac gulped. "I think I will pass...." He said, getting an approving nod from his partner. "Good to know that you aren't suicidal." He commented to which both of them started laughing. "Now.....since this is Erin's room, she should know where the key is. We'll have to go back and get her to tell us where it is." Brian said, looking bored. "I think it won't be difficult with the libido, we can just pressure her into telling us." Isaac added, as the pair headed out the window and began walking back.

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