~Chapter 19: Getting Advice and Preparation~

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LJ smiled as he watched his beloved Amy play with her sister. It had been two years since he confessed his feelings to her. They had been dating for nearly two years. It was January and the weather became cold. Recently, LJ had been thinking of....certain things and wanted some advice from the girls. His cheeks turned red as he thought about what he was going to ask them. He wanted tips on how to make Amy feel comfortable for what he had planned tonight. 'I hope Amy isn't upset.' LJ thought as he watched the girls step inside the house.

Amy was currently helping her mom clean when her mind became clouded with thoughts. 'I wonder if I will ever be able to sleep with Jack.' She thought as she cleaned the dining room table. 'I think I'm finally ready but....I'm just nervous.' Amy frowned as questions ran through her head. 'Will he be gentle? Will it hurt? How bad will it sting? Will it feel good?' These types of questions ran endlessly through her mind. She was ready to sleep with Jack but was just nervous. After all, she didn't know how bad the pain would be or how it would feel! She was a virgin after all! She sighed. She was so nervous but she knew that Jack wouldn't hurt her. 'I'll tell him later that I'm ready.' She told herself, as she smiled.

LJ slowly walked to the girls' room in the mansion before gulping and knocking on Jane's door. "Jane? Can I come in?" He asked. He was so nervous! "Come in LJ!" Jane called and he slowly opened the door to reveal all four girls sitting on her bed. Jack took a deep breath before walking in and sitting beside Jane. "What's on your mind, Jack?" Jane asked, noticing the clown's nervous behavior. Jack took a deep breath once more, before finally speaking up. "I....I need your advice.....on....s-sex....." All four girls looked at Jack with wide eyes. A very wide grin was on Luna's face. After all, what do you expect? Who could know these things better than the girl who was moved to boys dorms because she used to harass girls, and has a daughter? "Oooo~" Erin grinned. "Does this perhaps have something to do with Amy?~" LJ blushed heavily. "KNEW IT!" Erin laughed. Jane was as red as a cherry. 'Why didn't I go deaf before this happened?' She thought, as she facepalmed herself.

"What kind of questions, LJ?" Clockwork asked. LJ fumbled with his fingers before finally responding. "F-First time questions...." He muttered. That's when it clicked in Erin's mind. "I KNEW IT!!" Erin grinned. "LJ is a virgin himself!" He blushed heavily. Crap. Well, no use in hiding it anymore. "Is that true, Jack?" Jane asked. He nodded. "Y-Yes...." Jane squealed on the inside. Amy and Jack were both virgins! This was adorable! And perfect too! "Oh Jackie, tell me all your questions. I am sure me and Erin can answer them." Luna smirked, giving a side glance to Erin, who was also smirking. Jack blushed before sighing and started to talk.

"S-So....." LJ started. "Will....Will she feel pain?" Erin paused but quickly responded. "Only at first. It will hurt at first because her hymen will be tearing but it will ease as you move." Jack nodded in understanding. So it would be painful. "How....How do I make her feel comfortable?" "Just keep whispering sweet nothings to her, it will automatically make her relax. ALWAYS ask her for permission before you do something. That way, she will trust you and get comfortable." Luna stated. "And you might want to do some....foreplay~" Erin added, wiggling her eyebrows. "It can help get her ready as well." Jack blushed. "Soo~ why are you asking these things? Are you planning somethiiing?~" Erin teased. LJ became red. "Y-Yes. I'm planning something for me and Amy tonight. At my carnival......in my bedroom." Erin's eyes became big. "OHMYGOSH THEY BE DOIN' IT FINALLLYYYYYYYYYY!!!" Erin squealed. "About time." Clockwork said, smirking. "After all, you've both been together for nearly two years. It was about time you two did it."

LJ blushed heavily. But, something was still bothering him. "Is something still wrong, Jack?" Jane questioned. "It's.....It's just...." LJ sighed. "What if....I lose control and Amy tells me to stop but....I don't? What if I hurt her?!" He had buried his face into his hands. "I'm scared I'll lose control and hurt her...." Jane smiled before rubbing his back. "Oh Jack....." "Don't worry buddy, you won't! And we'll be there so if anything goes wrong we will handle it." Erin reassured him. Jack smiled. "Thanks girls." He gave a small chuckle. "Now...." Jane smirked and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "Shall we help you get ready?~"


"Chocolates are a major turn on; make sure to have little droplets of it on your lips. You can keep it in the décor too!" Luna said, while getting a bar of Chocolate, as she put a glass bowl of chocolate on their bedside table. LJ blushed. He was nervous but excited. "So...." Erin started as she looked around Jack's bedroom. "Who's gonna get Amy?~" "I will." Jack said as he stood up. "I....I wanna start things off." "Great!" Erin smirked. "We'll be waiting."

Amy was washing the dishes when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She gasped, startled, until she looked down to see black and white stripes. "Oh....it's just you goofball." Amy sighed with relief. "It's just me, love~" He purred. Amy leaned back into him and sighed contently. It was already 8:30 at night. "I want to show you something~" He said in a low tone. Amy shuddered. What could it be? Slowly, LJ took Amy's hand and teleported them to his carnival. She noticed a big tent that stood out from all the others. "Follow me." LJ said, as he led her into the tent. Just as Amy was looking around, LJ went behind her and covered her eyes. "G-Goofball??" Amy gasped. "Just trust me~" He cooed as he helped her walk forward. Finally, after a couple minutes of walking, they stopped. LJ removed his hands from her eyes and Amy opened them. What she saw made her gasp.

A beautiful black canopy bed with red pillows was in front of her. The blanket was black as well. Small petals were on the floor leading to the bed and there were candles lit on the end tables. Amy was speechless. "G-Goofball...." She breathed and noticed Jack was sitting on the bed and motioned for her to come and sit next to him. She walked up to the bed and sat next to Jack. He slowly took her hands and looked into her eyes.

"There's a reason I brought you here, love~" Jack started as he gently squeezed her hands. Amy stared into his grey eyes. She was nervous. "You see....it's been two years since we have been together. And I had been nervous all this time about how to ask you." Amy's heart was racing. "So....Amy...." LJ leaned closer to her, their lips just inches apart. "If you're comfortable enough.....will.....will you sleep with me?" Amy's face was slightly red. She was thinking. But.....she knew her answer already.

"Yes." She replied, nuzzling her sweet goofball. "I'm ready." 

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