~Chapter 13: Enough is Enough~

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Amy was watching Jack as he ate. It had been two weeks since her and the Woods brothers got Jane and the girls back. Amy was worried about LJ. He started getting jumpy and would always try to.....avoid her. Amy was getting really worried and Jane's words echoed in her mind. 'Could he be having the same nightmares...?' Amy pondered. 'It seems to be the only explanation.' She noticed that Jack.....was shaking. "Goofball?" She gently touched his shoulder, to which he nearly jumped out of his seat and dropped the spoon. He looked up and once he realized that it was just Amy, he relaxed. "S-Sorry kiddo...." He stuttered, seeming to still be shaken up. Amy frowned. She had enough. "Jack, is something bothering you?" He froze once he heard the question. 'Fuck.....' He thought. "N-No...." He lied, not making eye contact with her. "N-Nothing is wrong." Amy frowned even more. "Jack. Look at me." She said, but he didn't look up at her. Slowly, Amy cupped LJ's face in her hands and brought him up to eye level. His eyes still wouldn't meet hers.

"Jack...." She softly whispered. "Look at me. Please." Finally, LJ slowly looked up at her and their eyes met. His gray eyes.....they contained.....fear. "Goofball...." Amy started, as she locked her eyes with Jack's. "Has something been bothering you.....?" LJ froze. Has he been that noticeable the past two weeks?

"N-No! Absolutely not! I am perfectly fine Amy!" He lied, as his pupils shrank. Amy sighed. "Goofball, I've noticed you avoiding me the past two weeks. So obviously something is wrong." She stated as she continued. "And also, you are a horrible liar." LJ's heart was beating fast. He didn't want Amy to know what was going on. "Please Jack, you can trust me." She squeezed his hands. "What's going on?" Jack just got up and turned away. "I said I'm fine. Nothing is wrong." With that, he walked off. Amy sighed. She desperately wanted Jack to talk to her. She cared about him. But, if he wasn't ready then she wouldn't push it. She cleared off the table before washing the dishes. She figured she would help around the house more. After all, her mom now had another child to look after.

After cleaning up, she walked upstairs and peeked into Sarah's room to see her completely asleep. She smiled before closing her sister's door and peeking into the guest bedroom. She was shocked to see LJ was completely awake and sitting on the side of the bed. She opened the door and entered the room before closing the door behind her and sitting beside Jack.

"Goofball?" Amy spoke softly. "Is something wrong?" LJ just stayed silent before slowly turning to face her. Amy could tell he wanted to say something. She could see it in his eyes. An idea struck her. Why doesn't she help him be comfy? That's when most people are able to tell their problems to others, right?

Psychology classes help a lot.

She slowly moved closer to him, sitting right beside him. Without a warning, she pulled LJ into her lap. "A-Amy?" LJ stuttered. "Hush goofball, I am trying to relax you." Amy said, as she started to slowly cradle him. LJ was surprised; nobody had shown him this kind of affection before! He slowly started to feel better, as he closed his eyes. This felt so comfortable. "Enjoying yourself, goofball?" Amy asked, chuckling. LJ nodded. He felt odd towards Amy. As if....he liked her. Not just as a best friend though. But.....as something more than that. A small blush creeped up onto his cheeks. He felt so warm being near his best friend. That's when he realized what was happening to him. He had a crush on her. "Is something wrong, goofball? Are you feeling sick?" Amy asked, concerned as to why her best friend's cheeks were suddenly becoming red. Jack finally realized what was happening and he shook his head. "N-No." He replied. "Just....tired."

Amy chuckled. She found him cute. Too cute for a best friend. Suddenly, she blushed when she heard something. She heard......purring. That's when she realized.....it was coming from Jack. He was purring! "G-Goofball?" She stuttered, as her cheeks turned red. "You....You can purr?" Jack looked up at her and chuckled. "You didn't know I could do that?" He questioned, to which Amy shook her head. "N-No...." It was honestly cute. I mean- it's purring we are talking about! It is cute! Jack hummed in response. He wanted to tell her how he felt. He desperately wanted to. But......he was scared. He didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. But, he wanted to give her a little hint at the very least. He nuzzled into her belly, trying to hide his face. Gosh this was so embarrassing! Amy's face became more red by the second. "G-Goofball??" She stuttered in shock. Jack was never this affectionate!

~You are my colors~ Laughing Jack x OC Reader [2nd AU]Where stories live. Discover now