~Chapter 43: Teaming Up~

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Mother Veil sighed as she walked through the cold night. Still no signs of her daughter. No one knew. No one helped. She sighed again, her eyes fixed on the starry night sky, the moon shining ever so brightly in the darkness. Oh so beautiful, would've been more beautiful with her little sweet pea beside her to see this. But she wasn't. Her precious angel was gone.

And she will find her. No matter what it takes. She knew her baby girl was alive. She can feel it. She knows she can. She just needed someone to help her! Anyone! Someone who knows where she is! But she didn't know where to find such a person. She would need luck to find them.

She just wanted her daughter back.... She missed her so much! There had to be someone to help her! Anyone!

But no one was helping. No one. All of them were useless. She tsked at that. So useless. Disgusting pigs.

Just like her useless ex-husband was one. She didn't miss him at all. When he was taken by the police that night after she had called the cops, he tried charging at the cops but was quickly slammed down onto the ground and handcuffed before being dragged out of the house while screaming his head off.

She remembered it all so vividly. It brought her whole world shattering once she saw the monster he really was.

Good thing she got rid of him. But she lost her daughter to it.

She wandered aimlessly, sighing. She wanted her daughter back and would go to any length to get it.

Any length. She just needed someone to help her!! Someone! But everybody was so useless. She sighed and continued walking. She needed to clear her mind. Maybe some fresh air will do? Yes, some fresh air will help.

She needs some rest. After all, killing Is exhausting. She sighed and sat down. Her eyes went up to the starry night, the moon glowing ever so brightly and casting its beams down onto her.

Oh, how many things have changed ever since that incident. Look at her, from a loving housewife to a monster. She overdosed in hopes of ending herself to be with her daughter. However, when she arrived at heaven, they told her that her daughter never arrived.

So she decided to stay on Earth to look for her, hence she became Mother Veil. She had unfinished business, hence the reason why she wasn't granted wings like the other fallen angels on earth. Now all she needed was someone to help her find her daughter.

Just one person..............

Something in the distance could be heard cracking, like a branch. She immediately got on guard and stood up. "Who's there?? SHOW YOURSELF TO ME!!" Her voice boomed, snarling in the process.

"Oh, uhm... Sorry if I scared you ma'am." A male voice called out. Veil's brow raised. Such a soft voice. "Please, come out. I won't hurt you. I promise." She spoke softly this time. Maybe he can help? "Please? I want to see you." Slowly, a man emerged from behind the trees. Average height, brown hair and hazel eyes. An orange hoodie with jeans and sneakers. He seemed like a normal man. Maybe he can help? "U-Umm, I'm looking for my daughter. Can you help me?" The man chuckled. "Why sure!~" Mother Veil smiled. She slowly walked towards the man. "I'm Mother Veil. And you?"

"Brian Thomas. Nice to meet you"


Mother Veil was crying. Oh those monsters!! How could they brainwash her baby!! Yes, her daughter was alive. And she found out that these monsters had brainwashed her into one of them! She had to get her back!! She looked up at Brian, who also went as Hoodie, rage filling her eyes. "Will you help me get her back?" Brian smiled. This was his chance.

~You are my colors~ Laughing Jack x OC Reader [2nd AU]Where stories live. Discover now