~Chapter 35: Shocking News~

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It's been 3 weeks since the vomit incident. The boys haven't tried anything since. They'd just come downstairs, give them food, Isaac would check Luna and leave. Luna hadn't gotten her period and now Erin was concerned. They were, as usual, sitting on the mattresses, Erin cuddling Luna after she came back from vomiting. Vomiting has become a daily occurrence. Not to mention cravings, even though there was nothing to fulfill it, and MASSIVE mood swings.

The door to the basement creaked open, the girls already knowing who's there. Soon, both the males walked down the stairs and to the girls with a serious expression, which worried Erin. "What do you two want?" She hissed as she kept Luna close to her. It usually would be one male, as they took turns to give them food and water. But now, it was both. And Erin didn't like this. Brian gave Isaac a look, who nodded in return. They both looked at the girls, as Isaac started to head towards Luna. "GET AWAY FROM US!!!!" Erin screamed as Luna clung onto her friend, not wanting to leave her. Issac just rolled his eyes. "C'mon lady, I am just making sure that everything's alright with your friend." "I'm not leaving Erin!!" Luna protested. Isaac's eyes softened at the panic in her voice. "Don't worry, Erin's not leaving." Luna just tightened her grip onto her friend's waist. Isaac sighed as he backed away. "See?" Erin narrowed her eyes at the man. "Where were you taking her anyway?" "We aren't taking her anywhere, we were just concerned about her recent health shenanigans and have a suspicion, so we are here to check." "And how would you check? She's still vomiting. I think you two did something." Erin said, not believing them. Isaac sighed. "Fine, you can do this if you want to."

He said, before taking out something from his back pocket and tossing it to her. Erin raised an eyebrow before slowly picking up the item. Her eyes widened once she saw what it was. It was a pregnancy test. "Excuse me?" She looked up at the men with wide eyes. Brian shrugged. "Just do it." Erin growled. She didn't like this. "Fine." With that, she helped Luna up and they walked to the bathroom. Once Luna was seated on the toilet, she noticed the test in Erin's hand. "What's that?" Erin sighed as she looked at her friend. "A pregnancy test. Those idiots think you are pregnant. And sorry to say but I am also a part of those idiots." Luna's eyes widened. "A- W h a t?" Erin gulped. Oh shit. "A pregnancy test. You were supposed to get your period three weeks ago......" She knew Luna was gonna freak out. Luna was just standing there, scared. What if she was? Would Jeff want her anymore? Would Isaac try to harm her child? She knew Isaac was the father, after all he was the only person who came in her pussy. "Let's just see what it says first, okay?" Erin tried calming her. Luna nodded but was still tense. Erin turned around. "I won't look so you can have privacy."

Luna nodded, and got down to business, only to realize she didn't want to pee right now. Crap. "Erin....?" Luna asked, as Erin hummed. "Water please?" "Of course." Not even a minute later, Erin came back with a small bottle of water. Luna smiled and took the water from Erin. "Thank you." She said, as she took a big gulp. Wait for two minutes, and take another one, then repeat. They did that until the bottle was empty. Erin went and got another bottle, as Luna repeated the procedure. Now they wait. Might as well talk while waiting. "So......" Erin started. "How has your relationship with Lucretia been? Has it been better?" "A little, she seems less scared of me than before." Luna replied. Erin smiled. "That's good!" She said, as her best friend gave her a sad smile. "If he did get you pregnant I will kill him." Erin growled as her eyes turned dark. Luna had to quickly calm her down, or else hell would break loose.

Luna started to shift uncomfortably. Looks like water worked. Erin snapped out of it and looked at Luna with wide eyes. "Did it work?" "Yes it did, move over, I need privacy!" Erin quickly turned around and moved away. Luna took the pregnancy test and did her job while Erin gave her privacy and looked away. After she was done, Luna placed down the pregnancy test on the floor beside her, making sure that it was not damaged in any way, and finished up. "Can I look yet?" Erin asked. "Almost." Luna said, as she washed her area and got up before flushing. "Okay. Now you can look." Erin finally turned around and approached her. Luna went to the sink and washed her hands, and put the test on the counter. "We can do this Luna. I promise." She said, as Luna gave a sad smile. "ARE YOU GIRLS DONE YET?!" "OI!!! SHUT UP!!" Erin shouted back at the men. "WE AREN'T COMING OUTSIDE BEFORE THE RESULTS SHOW!" The girls waited fifteen minutes before they decided to check the test. "Are you ready?" Erin asked her friend as she picked up the test. "I.........don't know." Luna muttered. Erin counted to three, before they both looked at the little screen on the test.

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