~Chapter 8: The Fight and Broken Hearts~

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It had been about a week since Amy was brought back home. The girls would visit her on a daily basis. They would make sure that she was always in high spirits; Making sure that she forgot the things that happened. They would bake, play games, babysit Sally and many other things. It surely was fun.

LJ couldn't stop thinking about her. He missed her so much. He decided that enough was enough. Today, he was going to apologize for EVERYTHING he put her through and for what he nearly did to her. Without thinking, Jack got up out of his bed, changed into his regular attire and teleported to the outside of Amy's house. He smiled at the memories they made together when she was little in this house. They played games, ate sweets, told stories and even had sleepovers together. With a sigh, he slowly made his way to the front door.

Jack saw Amy's mom Rose coming to the front door and the look on her face became bitter. "What do you want Jack?" She asked, her arms crossed. "Rose please." Jack begged. "I came here to apologize." "Apologize?? After what you put my daughter through?!" She nearly screamed, but slowly calmed herself. "Look....I didn't know it was her. I thought she really had died fifteen years ago." LJ looked broken. "I want to make things right. Please. Let me see her." There was a long pause before Rose sighed and opened the door. "Fine. But if I find out you did anything to her....." "I won't. I promise." LJ replied with a small but weak smile. Rose stepped aside as Jack walked in. The house had changed quite a bit. But not too much. Rose went to look after Amy's younger sister while Jack was left alone. He gave a big sigh before slowly walking up the stairs. The hallway was the same as he remembered it. Soon enough, he found Amy's door with ease and slowly opened it, revealing the room to him.

The walls were a vibrant purple color and were decorated with posters and drawings. Seemed like Amy was an artist. There was a small desk with a computer on it. Possibly Amy drew on there too. There was a white carpet on the bedroom floor, and Jack saw a door leading to the bathroom. The walls were decorated with rose patterns. It was a very nice room and certainly had changed over the course of fifteen years. Finally, Jack saw a canopy bed with white see-through curtains. The blanket was light blue and the pillows were white as well. The sheets and mattress were also white. And lying on top of the bed......was Amy. Jack's heart was racing. Well.....it was now or never.

Jack slowly made his way towards Amy, unbeknownst to the girl. Finally, Amy sat up and turned around. She wished she hadn't. The minute she saw Jack, she jumped out of her bed and ran to the opposite side of her room with wide eyes. "A-Amy, it's me! Don't be scared!" Jack tried to talk to her, but she was shaking. "S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" She screamed and her heart was racing completely. She was terrified. "Amy please....." Jack begged. "I came to apologize. I-I didn't know it was you!" "I'M WARNING YOU!! STAY BACK!!" Amy was acting like an animal that was cornered, desperate to fight against its predator.

She was about to run again, but Jack held her still against the wall by her shoulders. "Please let me explain, Amy!" He begged but she wasn't listening. Instead, she was struggling, desperate to get him off. "GET OFF ME!!" She shrieked, but Jack held her firmly. "PLEASE AMY!!" Jack was on the verge of crying. "Please, I'm so-"


The girl screamed and, without warning, she closed her eyes and shoved Jack off of her and away from her with all her strength. She shoved him away with so much force that it caused Jack to smash the back of his head against a mirror that was hanging up on her wall. It shattered upon contact and Jack couldn't even react as he fell to his knees and finally, onto the floor. Amy finally opened her eyes and, once she saw what she had done, she gasped before covering her mouth with both of her hands as she saw the blood slowly flowing on the floor from Jack's head.

Jack, finally realizing what had happened, started crying even though he didn't make any sound. His heart broke into a million pieces. She hated him. She hated him so much that she wished he never existed. To be honest, he was thinking the same thing now. Slowly, he got up even though he was bleeding, and stumbled as he looked at Amy with broken eyes. "J-Jack...I....I didn't....." she stuttered but LJ just gave a smile as tears fell off his cheeks. "I know....I hate myself too....." Tears started pricking Amy's eyes. Jack was stumbling. Finally, he pulled out his box. "This box.....is what's keeping me here.....or rather....what's giving me life....." Amy's eyes widened as she realized what he was saying. "If.....it's destroyed.....my life will end....."

"G-Goofball...." Amy stammered, holding back a sob. No....he didn't mean.... "If this.....is the only way....to protect you...." He smiled while crying. "Then....so be it....." "N-NO JACK!!" He looked up at her and gave her one last smile. "I love you kiddo.....thanks for being my best friend....even though I hurt you....heh.....d-don't worry.....I won't ever bother you again.....goodbye....." With that, he disappeared. "LJ!!!" Amy tried grabbing him but she just fell on the floor where he was once standing. She started sobbing as she couldn't hold it in anymore. 'WHAT HAVE I DONE?!' She screamed in her mind, as she continued to cry and started to hit her wooden floor. 'Please Jack. Please be okay...'

Jack was back in his room, as he looked down at the box in his hand. It was so old so it would be easy to destroy. "Heh...." He gave a small laugh. "If this protects her.....from me.....then....I'm happy...." He slowly raised the box up in the air and smiled one last time. "I love you kiddo....." With that, he brought down the box with all the force he could muster and slammed the box down onto the floor. Upon impact, it shattered and broke. Wood splinters were everywhere and some even managed to lodge into the floor. Once broken, Jack collapsed onto the ground and his breathing became heavy. "I.....I'm sorry kiddo....." He said to himself in a hoarse voice. "I'm sorry.....that.....that I......broke my promise.....to protect you....." He could feel his eyes getting heavier. "Keep......Keep smiling for me......and.....never forget me....." With that said, Jack closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

Jane was worried. It had been nearly four hours since Jack had left and even the others were worried. "Maybe he's back by now?" Erin suggested. "We can go check if you want to see if he's back yet, Jane." The young woman smiled. "Yes, I would like that." With that said, Clockwork, Jane, Luna and Erin went to check Jack's room to see if he was back yet. They all wanted the pair to make up. Once they reached LJ's door, Jane turned the knob and opened the door. What they saw shocked the hell out of them. Jack was on the floor, and he wasn't moving. "LJ!!" Jane shouted his name before rushing to him and collapsing beside him. The others followed after her.

Erin noticed the pieces of wood on the ground, and made the grim realization of what had happened. "Girls....." Erin said in a low tone. Jane, Clockwork and Luna turned to her. "I think he tried killing himself. These are pieces of his box." All of the girls' faces went pale. Without even thinking, Jane picked him up (as she was quite strong) and started running to his door. "I'm taking him to Smiley!!" She yelled and the others followed after her. Once Jane called for Smiley, and he saw Jack's unconscious body, he rushed Jack and Jane inside while the others waited.


"U-Ugh....." LJ groaned, as he finally started to stir. "He's waking up!" Jane said to Smiley, which made the doctor examine Jack. "He may be a bit groggy." Smiley warned. Jack finally opened his eyes and slowly looked around. He felt very weak. "Wh.....What happened....?" He asked in a weakened voice as he slowly sat up. "Jane, Erin, Luna and Clockwork found you unconscious in your room." Smiley stated whilst checking over Jack. "Erin saw that you destroyed your box." Jack's heart stopped. They knew now. "So....how am I still alive...?" He muttered. Smiley then produced a metallic handle. It was the one that was attached to Jack's box. "This is how. The handle wasn't destroyed. Thus leaving you alive." Jack hung his head. Of course. He couldn't even die so he could protect Amy.

"Jack...." LJ turned to look at Jane when he heard his name. "Why would you do that...?" He turned away from her, as his face darkened. "....I don't want to talk about it." He said in an emotionless tone. He slowly looked at Dr. Smiley. "Can I go back to my room now?" The doctor nodded. "I recommend you keep this in a safe place." He said, before handing Jack the metal handle. "That is until you can be given a new box." Jack nodded and got off the table before walking out of the room and towards the stairs. He ignored everyone's concerns and finally, when Jeff asked what was wrong, he snapped. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" He screamed, shocking everyone. Finally, LJ walked upstairs and went to his room before shutting the door. He placed the handle inside one of his dresser drawers before getting onto his bed and curling up.

On his way to his bed, he grabbed the stuffed bear he gave to Amy the day before the incident. After the incident, he had cleaned it and it was brand new. Once curled up, he finally broke down sobbing loudly while clutching the bear tightly to his chest. He cried for hours and hours, saying he was sorry and begging for forgiveness from Amy. It was around the eighth hour that Jack finally fell asleep. The monochrome clown was passed out, clutching the teddy bear with a broken heart and shattered hope. 

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