~Chapter 29: Exciting News~

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Amy and LJ were currently inside Jane's room and just talking to her and the other girls. As soon as the girls told her what Liu and Erin did, Amy lost it and was squealing like a child. Erin came back from the bathroom, after puking for the second time. Good thing she wasn't here while the girls were telling Amy about her and Liu, else a cataclysm would've hit. "EEEEEEEEE!!! About time they got together!!" Amy squealed. "Who got together?" Erin asked, as she sat beside Luna. "Oh~ I heard you and Liu did it last weeeeeek~" The pregnant girl teased. Erin became red immediately. "Oh Erin, you weren't exactly 'quiet' a week ago dear~" Jane teased. Erin covered her face with her hands, trying to hide it from them in embarrassment. "I-I COULDN'T HELP IT!!" She tried defending herself. "Oh we know sweety, Liu was 'pretty big' wasn't he?" Clockwork said, making her even redder. "GUYS!!!!" Erin squealed as she fake pouted. "Okay okay girls stop teasing the poor thing! She's still sore from last night you know?~" Luna teased as she playfully scolded the others. Erin was about to say something, before she quickly covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom. "Erin! What's wrong?" Amy called out in a worried tone. But she had already closed the door and the girls could hear her puking. "Is she okay?" Amy asked in a worried tone. Jane, Luna and Clockwork shrugged. "She's been puking since she woke up last week. Ya know, the day after her and Liu did it? Eleven days ago?" Amy's heart started racing and she smiled. "Guys.....when was her last period?" She asked with a wide grin. All the girls' eyes, minus Luna, widened at the realization. "OMG OMG OMG!!!!" Jane jumped up. "I knew she was ovulating, but I didn't think that Liu would get her pregnant with his child on one try!" Luna said, smiling. Now all she needs to do is to get Clockwork and Jane together and make them adopt a baby. Not long after, Erin came out and sat next to Jane. She looked exhausted. "Are you alright Erin?" Amy asked as she noticed the poor killer's tired face. "Y-Yeah.....just been puking a lot....." She softly replied as she gripped her seat. "Erin dear, when was your last period?" Luna asked and Erin's eyes widened. "Is everything alright Erin?" A familiar voice asked. Erin immediately went pale. Oh no...

All the girls turned towards the source of the voice. There was Liu, standing against the doorframe, with a concerned look on his face. Erin quickly rushed into the bathroom and didn't come out for at least fifteen minutes. She decided to use the spare pregnancy test in the bathroom. Why was it there? Every female had one in their room. Slenderman made sure that there would be no problem during his daughter's pregnancy. All the girls were desperate to hear the results. Fifteen minutes passed by before Erin decided to check. She slowly, and dreadfully, turned the pregnancy test window towards her eyes. There were two lines.

It was positive.

Erin's heart started racing. 'How?! How could this be happening?! They did it only once! What if Liu didn't want the baby? What would happen then? What if he didn't want to leave her so he forced her to abort? So many thoughts ran through her head. What if he killed them after birth? What if- No Erin, stop thinking negative!' She sucked in a deep breath before stepping outside. Jane, Luna, Clockwork and Amy were all excited. Liu was confused as hell. "What did it say??" Luna asked. "What did what say- Erin is that a pregnancy test?" Liu asked, before noticing the test in her hand. Erin gulped before looking at everyone in the room. She took a deep breath before speaking up. "I-It's....." All the people in the room sucked in a deep breath. "P-Positive......." All the girls broke out squealing once they heard that word. While Liu, however, was just shocked. He.....He was going to be a dad? "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! WE'RE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER NIECE/NEPHEW!!!!" Luna squealed. Liu didn't know what to say. He was too shocked. LJ noticed his face and gave a chuckle. "Looks like Liu is too shocked to say anything." He remarked. Erin was nervous about Liu's reaction. Suddenly Liu rushed towards her before picking her up and twirling her. After like 3 twirls he put her down, before smashing his lips onto hers. "AWWWWWW!!!!" The girls cooed. It was honestly adorable! "L-Liu??" Erin stuttered, obviously shocked by his sudden movements. He....He was happy? "I am going to be a father....." He whispered, tears brimming in his eyes. Erin's cheeks slowly turned to a bright pink before she wrapped her arms around his back. "You're.....You're happy?" She asked. "Of course I am! How did you think I would react, Erin?" Liu asked as he looked her straight in the eyes. "I..... don't know..... I thought you wouldn't want us......" She muttered, looking away. Liu sighed. "Oh Erin, no matter what I would never abandon you....or our baby." Jane and the others found this to be absolutely adorable. It was such a cute moment! Slowly, everyone left the room to give the couple privacy and some time to talk. 

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