~Chapter 25: The Decision and Another Surprise~

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"Amy, come on." Jane sighed as the girl pouted. She stubbornly refused to put warm blankets on her. It had only been a week since they found her and she was currently refusing to stay in bed. "No! I don't need it! I'm fine Jane!" The masked girl sighed. Seemed like her hormones were kicking in. The girls came in and saw Jane having a hard time. "What's going on?" Erin asked. "Amy wants to go out." Jane answered, earning a gasp from Luna. "What?! Absolutely not! Amy, you will stay in bed and that's final!" Luna scolded. Amy pouted. "I'm fine Luna! I don't need it!" "Yes you do, now get in before I take away your marshmallow privileges." The girl gasped. "You wouldn't!" "Oh yes I would, now get into bed." Luna glared, just like a formidable aunt. "You're rude...." Amy grumbled. She climbed into bed, crossing her arms. "Can I get my marshmallows now?" The girl asked, trying to give Luna puppy eyes. Luna smirked. She knew how to get people to listen to her. "Only one." She said, as she reached for the jar of marshmallows. "What?! Whyyyyyyyyyy??" Amy whined. "So that this trick keeps on working." Luna answered, handing Amy her one marshmallow. She groaned but ate it. LJ came in and was massively confused. "Uhhhh.....what's going on?" He asked in a confused tone. "Loona woon't gimme marshmallows!" Amy whined with her mouth full, due to the one marshmallow she was eating. LJ gave a chuckle. "Well, what did you do wrong?" He asked as he climbed into bed and sat behind Amy. Luna smirked. The girl looked towards Luna with a pleading look. "Well, Amy was....." She paused to look at her, "...wanting too many marshmallows." Amy internally sighed. She didn't need a lecture from LJ. She looked at Luna, her eyes giving her a 'thank you' look which Luna nodded to.

LJ held his dear Amy against his chest. She could hear him purring. He was happy. She sighed and leaned against him. "Ooo~ Someone's happy~" Erin teased, talking directly to LJ. He began blushing. "Don't tease my man." Amy hissed, snuggling up to LJ. Erin was surprised. She didn't expect Amy to get defensive. Jane chuckled. She had seen her aunt get defensive when she was pregnant. Amy calmed down and nuzzled LJ's cheek with her own to which his cheeks turned even redder. "Somebody's affectionate." Clockwork smirked. LJ chuckled. Amy was becoming more affectionate now that he noticed. "Just five more weeks and Amy goes for her first sonogram!" Erin squealed. LJ was confused. "What's a sonogram?" Jane, Erin, Luna and Clockwork stared at him. "What?" He asked. Luna sighed. Oh boy, this was frustrating. He was definitely gonna need her parenting book for sure. "A sonogram is something a doctor does on a woman so she and her significant other can see their baby." Jane explained. "Then, they can give you a picture of the baby and they do it often as the pregnancy goes on." Jack hummed in understandment. So that's what it was. Luna sighed and facepalmed herself. Sometimes Jack could be.....difficult to teach. "She should get her first one in another five weeks." Erin piped up, leaning against Jack's wardrobe. LJ purred. He was excited. They....They would get to see their baby in just five weeks for the first time. Amy and Jack slowly laid down on his old bed. Jack was comfortable staying in his old room for now, but he didn't like to be there for too long. Surprisingly, the bed felt very soft. Amy liked it. "I have a lot to learn, don't I?" LJ chuckled. Amy nodded. "Yes you do."

The girl sighed. She had to make her choice. She had been thinking it over as the week went by. But.....she had come to a decision. She gave it a lot of thought and carefully thought about each option. "Girls......LJ.....mom.....I made my decision on what I want to do." Everyone's eyes widened. "Sweetheart....." Rose whispered but she let her daughter speak. Her answer shocked everybody. "I'm going to keep the baby." LJ's eyes widened. "G-Gumdrop......" "Sweetheart, are you sure....?" Rose asked her daughter. Amy nodded, a small smile making its way onto her lips. "I've thought about it for a week now......and.....I think after everything me and Jack have been through.....this is the fresh start we both need." She looked up at her sweet goofball and gently cupped his cheeks. "I could never get rid of my own child nor give them up. I love you Jack. And.....I......I think after everything we've been through.....a fresh start is what we both need." Without warning, LJ scooped up Amy into a hug. He started crying. "G-Goofball??" Amy stuttered, shocked by the hug. "I.....I'm gonna be a dad....." He whispered, his black lips slowly turning into a smile. Amy returned his hug and all the girls smiled, before deciding to leave the pair be. "We will let you two talk alone." Rose smiled, as she and the girls left the room. After Amy and LJ had talked over some things, they both fell asleep curled up in each other's arms.

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