~Chapter 17: The Confession~

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Time Skip!!


It had been four months since the incident at school. It was now November and the weather got cold quickly. LJ was staring out Amy's window as he had something on his mind. 'I'm going to confess.' He told himself as a blush crept onto his cheeks. 'Today, I'm going to tell Amy how I feel towards her. I'm not going to hold back anymore.' A wave of confidence crept over him. He had already told Jane his plan. 'But first, I will need the girl's help.....'

"So you need our help to confess to her?" Erin questioned. LJ nodded excitedly. "And for that we need to spice this secluded place up?" Clockwork finished, unbelievingly staring at the huge area Rose made by taking care of it. "Are you sure Rose will be happy?" Jane asked, concerned by the size of the area. They were staring at a concealed garden in the forest. It was very well hidden. LJ stumbled upon it by accident one day and, with the help of Rose, they grew a lot of flowers in the area. There was also a small pond nearby. It was completely secluded. Just what LJ needed. "Oh yes she's all right with it, she said that it'll make it more attractive." LJ answered. "And Amy knows nothing of this concealed place?" Erin questioned. Jack scratched his head. "I kind of stumbled upon it by accident when I went on a walk once alone. It's a beautiful place. I have never seen anything like it." Jack chuckled. Jane smiled. "It's perfect. You two will have a lot of privacy. And the fact that nobody else knows about it makes it even more of a perfect place to tell her." Jack was blushing madly. He couldn't believe he was finally going to do it. "Oh indeed. I can confirm that females like these kinds of proposals." Luna chuckled, as the day when her late husband proposed to her came back to her. Jack's face became really red. Finally, everything was ready after a few more hours. It was time.


Rose brought down her daughter, and once Jack saw her his cheeks became bright red. Amy.....was breathtaking.

She was wearing a beautiful white lace dress that went down to her knees. The sleeves were on the sides instead of directly on her shoulders, and her hair was long and curly. LJ became very red. She was beautiful. "Hi LJ...." Amy shyly spoke, her cheeks obviously red. "Y-You're really beautiful Amy...." Her cheeks became even redder before Jack took her by the hand, and they left.

"LJ?" Amy asked, as they walked through the forest. "Where are we going....?" LJ looked at her and smiled. "You'll see~" Amy was curious. Where could her goofball be taking her? Soon, once LJ knew they were close, he covered her eyes to which she gasped in surprise. "G-Goofball?" She stuttered. "Just trust me." He chuckled, as he led her into the enclosed area. Amy was nervous. She felt her heart flutter. Where was he taking her? Finally, they stopped walking and LJ took his hands away from her eyes. "Okay. You can open them now." Amy slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw made her gasp.

In front of her was the most beautiful part of the forest she had ever seen in her entire life! The ground was decorated with many grown flowers. Roses, petunias and carnations of many different colors were growing on the ground! They covered the entire forest floor. There was a beautiful pond a couple of feet away from an empty spot which sparkled when the moon shined upon the water. There were fireflies around as well. It was breathtaking. "J-Jack...." Amy's gaze fell upon Jack who was sitting down on the empty patch and he beckoned for her to come sit next to him. She slowly made her way over to him before sitting down. "This....This is amazing!" Amy breathed, her blue eyes sparkling. "I've never seen this part of the forest before!" "I stumbled upon it one day when I went for a walk." Jack chuckled as he admired the view. Amy was amazed!

"It is so beautiful!" She squealed. "This may be beautiful, but they aren't the center of attention tonight~" LJ chuckled. "H-Huh?" Amy was puzzled. What did he mean? Suddenly, she was pulled to the middle of the clearing, as LJ stood in front of her. "There's a reason I brought you here tonight." Amy looked at LJ, her eyes shimmering. "Amy, you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. We had started off as best friends, but now....." LJ kneeled down, as he took a box from behind him, which had a ring. A promise ring. Amy had seen these before. Carly had one with her girlfriend when they confessed. "You see, Amy...." Jack started to explain. "I....I started having feelings for you after you comforted me that night. And....the longer time went on....the more these feelings grew." Amy was in shock. Jack....Jack loved her? "I tried denying it but....eventually, I couldn't anymore. I realized that.....I fell in love with you." Amy's blush deepened. She didn't know what to say!

"So.....Amy.....what I'm trying to say is....." Jack stood up and held her hands. "Amy Thorn.....will.....will you be mine?" Amy was speechless. "G-Goofball..." her entire face was bright red. Her goofball was in love with her! Jack was blushing as well. Amy, without saying a word, leaped up and hugged LJ tightly which caught him off guard. "I love you too...." Amy murmured softly.

Those words caught LJ off guard but he slowly closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yes, goofball. I will be yours." LJ smiled. He was happy. He finally told her how he felt, and she felt the same way. Finally, they pulled back and LJ gently cupped her cheeks. "Have.....Have you ever been.....kissed before?" Amy blushed heavily, but she shook her head. "N-No.....I've never been kissed." LJ smiled, as they locked eyes. Slowly, his lips went closer to hers. "Can I be your first then?~" Amy nodded, and finally, their lips made contact. LJ closed his eyes, as did Amy. His heart was beating so fast. His first kiss with his beloved girl! Amy slowly wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, pulling her up against his chest. It was gentle. Passionate. His black lips felt so soft. Amy was blushing madly. She had her first kiss!

Finally, their lips parted and they looked at each other before LJ nuzzled her cheek. He didn't want to rush things. He wanted to take it slow with her. So, he wouldn't do anything unless she wanted to. "I love you~" LJ whispered softly, as they sat down. "I love you too, goofball." Amy replied, her entire face turning red. LJ sighed as he looked up at the night sky. It couldn't have been more perfect. After staying out there for a couple of hours, they finally went back home hand in hand. Once they got in the door, Jane squealed when she saw them holding hands. "So, you're together now?" Erin asked, smirking. "Mhm." Amy nodded, the blush still evident on her face. "Oooo~ Looks like LJ kissed her~" Erin chuckled, to which Jane finally lost it.

"God diddly finally darnit! I have been waiting for this for so long!" Jane exclaimed to which Amy giggled. "Soo~" Erin said in a playful tone. "How long until you lose it to him, Amy?" LJ blushed heavily. "N-Not until she's ready." He stammered. He didn't want to push it after all. Luna just gave out a proud mother smile. The girls have taught him well. Finally, Amy and Jack changed before they got under her covers and cuddled. "Jackie.....?" LJ looked down at his sweet Amy. "Yes?" She was turning red. "You.....You really won't push me....to....to do.....it...?" LJ knew what she meant and his face turned red. "Of course not Amy." He gently cupped her cheeks before kissing her once more. "I will only do what you feel comfortable with. I'm ready when you are." Amy smiled, and curled up next to him. "Okay."

Finally, after talking for a bit, the new lovebirds finally fell asleep with a smile as they welcomed whatever the future had in store for them. 

~You are my colors~ Laughing Jack x OC Reader [2nd AU]Where stories live. Discover now