seven - bryson

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"HEY, I JUST got done, are you on your way?" I speak into the phone.

"I actually just got here. Should I come in?" The sound of a car door closing travels through the phone.

"No it's cool, just stay where you are. I'm almost out of the building anyways."

When I make it to the parking lot, I spot Sandra immediately and start to make my way to her. She looks at me and I see hope glimmer in her eyes which I snatch away with a painful shake of my head. Her smile falters before she walks towards me and engulfs me in a hug.

Letting go of me, she looks me in the eye and says, "I love you, and I'm so, so sorry."

"Yeah me too." With tears pricking at my eyes, I kiss her forehead before we enter the car.

"My place, your place?" Sandra asks me softly as she pulls out of the parking space.

"Just drop me at my place, you can go home after." My voice comes off unexpectedly bitter, and I want to apologize, but I don't.

"Are you sure? You know I don't mind staying over tonight." She tries to hide the hurt in her voice, but fails miserably. Her hand cups mine gently, almost as if she feels guilty.

Now I feel guilty.

"I think I need to be alone tonight."

I'm about to pull my hand away from hers, but as if she anticipated it, she clasps mine tighter, her thumb rubbing against my skin as she tells me, "That's okay."

I don't deserve you, is all I can think the rest of the quiet ride home. Her hand never leaves mine. And even despite my request for her to go back home, she curls up in bed with me, holding me close–like my mother never could–and I naturally sink into her.

I don't deserve you, is the last thought in my head before sleep takes me.

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