forty three - kiana

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AM I TERRIFIED? Yes, incredibly. Am I masking it? I definitely am, and I'm doing it like a pro. I've had to do this more times than I can count so this really is nothing new. I mean, except the fact that all my friends are going to be staying here for two nights. This has never happened. And it shouldn't be happening, but it is. So I have to do my best and suck it up for all our sakes.

Putting aside any visible sign of fear, I let my resting bitch face shine as I enter the living room, Nia by my side. I spot my dad on his favourite chair, with his phone in one hand and the other holding the remote. My mom is standing by one of the windows saying something to my dad as she looks out the window. Seeing them both sends shivers down my spine and I feel my heart stop when they both look up at us. I lock eyes with my dad, rendering me speechless and he simply puts a huge smile on his face.

As my friends and parents greet each other, I introduce them all to each other.

When I get to Bryson, my dad says the dumbest of things. "Kiana finally got a black friend. It was about time."

Bryson laughs nervously and I pinch the bridge of my nose in embarrassment.

Kimberly greets my dad next and my dad once again makes another stupid comment. "Another black friend, this is amazing." He laughs. "Maybe New York wasn't such a bad idea."

Kimberly laughs and turns to me. "Are Bryson and I your first black friends?"

"I went to private schools that were predominantly white." I explain.

That's another reason Kayla and I found our way to Noah and Nia. Being some of the very few minorities with them being Hispanic and us African American, helped bring us together.

I look to Noah who doesn't look like he's hiding his temper too well and if he loses it, so will I. I need to get everyone out of here, most importantly him.

"Anyone hungry?" I smile at my friends. That's a diversion I know will definitely work.

A few moments after, we're greeted by the sweet aroma of food when we enter the kitchen.

"Kiana, hola!" I'm engulfed in a hug by Ms Flores, our chef.

"Oh my God it's so nice to see you, I've missed you." I say into her neck as I hug her back.

"Are my babies here? Noah and Nia?" She asks as she pulls away from me.

Like Gerald, Ms Flores has worked here since long before I was born. And they've both been better parent figures than both my parents ever have been so seeing them both is the highlight of my weekend for sure. Plus, I've really missed Ms Flores' food.

The smile on Ms Flores' face only grows wider when she sees Noah and Nia who are soon embraced too.

"Come on, introduce me to your friends now." She says to Noah before looking at the rest. "I'm Ms Flores, tell me your names!"

I love how excited she is. Lighting up a room is what Ms Flores does best, not forgetting her miraculous cooking though. Ms Flores working here is the only thing that makes living here endurable.

"Are you guys hungry?" Ms Flores asks after the introductions. "When Ms Johnson told me that Kiana was coming with a bunch of her friends I was so excited to cook for you all." Ms Flores tells us as she takes some casseroles out of the oven and places them on the kitchen island.

I help to get plates out of the cabinets as Ms Flores tells my overly excited and hungry friends what she's made them.

Soon enough, everyone's got a plate full of food and we're sitting around the island. We might be just sitting here but when I tell you that we're all practically in heaven with our taste buds dancing, I am not kidding. Ms Flores will continue to be the best chef I will ever encounter. I am super obsessed with her croquetas like I have been my entire life so best believe I am taking some of these up to my room to eat later tonight.

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