thirty nine - bryson

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I THINK I'VE been pacing outside Kiana's door for about ten minutes. Or more. Could be more.

The only reason that I'm actually scared is because I have this gut wrenching feeling that I'm going to find Sandra in there. She'll be in there, ready to end things between us, having finally lost all hope for me.

While sending a silent prayer to heaven that she's not in there, I hesitantly lift my finger to the doorbell, slowly pressing it.

As I stand there waiting for my crucifixion, it feels like hours have passed and I'm just seconds from turning around and leaving.

"Yeah I'm just going to leave now." I whisper to myself as I finally turn around.

I'm slowly making my way to the elevator when I hear a handle creaking. I turn to the source of the sound to find Kiana standing at her doorway, looking at me, confused.

"Um...I was just...leaving. Yeah I was leaving." I motion to the elevator and she just nods in response.

Confused and embarrassed by my own actions, I nod my head too before turning to back to the elevator.

"Bryson?" I hear Kiana call out just as I press the elevator button.

When I turn back around to face her, I find her nervously playing with her fingers.


"Did you..." She trails off, a sigh escaping her lips. "Did you tell Noah?"

I slowly shake my head. "No. I didn't tell anyone."

Letting out a sigh of relief, she gives me a small awkward smile. "Thank you. I didn't tell anyone either."

Oh thank God!

I nod my head at her. "Thank you." I say before the elevator door opens.

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