twenty eight - kiana

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KAYDEN IS AN absolute nut job. He's up on the stage thinking he's Elton John or something. He can't sing for shit but he honestly looks like he belongs on the stage.

"Thank you so much everybody!" He shouts dramatically into the microphone when the song ends and sadly but not surprisingly, the only applause he receives are from me.

"You put on quite the show." I grin when he approaches me, breathless and sweaty.

"I did, didn't I?" He beams at me. "I told you I had the voice of an angel."

A sarcastic laugh escapes my lips. "You could honestly win a Grammy with it."

He narrows his eyes at me and says, "I hate it when you lie to me."

"I'm just agreeing with you." I laugh. "Just enjoy the moment."

"Compliments from you are rare, just wish these ones were real." He takes another sip of his lemonade. "But I'll take it."

" might want to consider taking vocal classes." I tease under my breath.

"You just can't let me have my moment can you?"

I smile sweetly at him and he all but shakes his head.

Kayden is about to say something when something, rather, an interesting voice grabs our attention. We both turn to look at the stage to see a white, long–not tall, but long–man, with long blonde hair doing what I think is supposed to be a moonwalk.

He makes the same shrieking sound he made a few seconds ago just before a familiar tune starts to play.

"Oh no." I gasp, hand grasping my heart.

Kayden laughs. "Something tells me he's about to ruin your day."

Yeah, definitely. This is going to be so bad.

"She was more like a beauty queen, from a movie scene..." The man sings the opening line of Billie Jean with what's supposed to be an impersonation of Michael Jackson and all I can think is...

"That was bad. Like-" I throw my hands around exasperatedly as I search for the right words to describe whatever the hell that was. "I don't have the words. I'm speechless." I sigh when moments later the man is done with his mostly horrendous and slightly entertaining performance and Kayden and I cheer for him along with everyone else in the room, expect my cheers are the opposite of genuine.

"He wasn't that bad." Kayden says as we step out of the karaoke bar.

I shake my head chuckling. "No, it was really bad."

"Come on, you loved his rendition of Billie Jean."

"I really didn't." I laugh. "It was horrible! That was my favourite MJ song as a kid. And now he's ruined it."

"You want to tell me you didn't like it even a little bit?" He asks and I shake my head yet again. "You got excited at some point so... you liked it."

I roll my eyes at him. "Okay maybe I liked it. But just a bit."

"His moonwalk at the beginning set the pace for the whole performance!"

"It made him look demented. That moonwalk honestly had me worried, it was so bad. It barely even looked like a moonwalk. I now know for sure I'm never listening to that song again without that man showing up in my head." I say and Kayden laughs, accusing me of being rude and overdramatic as we make our way back to my car.

A small smile on my face forms when we get in the car.

"What?" Kayden asks, noticing it.

I look at him, smile growing. "Thanks for tonight. You have no idea how much I needed it."

With a shrug, Kayden smiles back, a smile wide enough to show his dimples. "I wasn't going to let you sulk for the rest of your life."

I've been having nightmares a lot this entire week. And in every nightmare, the faces that reign terror in my everyday life are there. It's been hard, and Kayden noticed how tense and disturbed I was whenever we'd study together and decided to take me out to get things off my mind. What I am most grateful for is that he didn't try to find out exactly what was bothering me, he just had his mind set on making sure I had an amazing night. And I did.

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