forty seven - noah's indelible past

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"NOAH LOOK, THAT one's really bright." Kiana points at the sky and I follow her finger to see the bright star she's talking about.

"Wait, are stars supposed to move?" I ask when I see it move.

"They're not supposed to blink either. Never mind, that's not a star, it's a plane." Kiana says disappointingly.

"We live in LA, don't forget that. Also, it's a bit cloudy so no stargazing for us." I say to her.

"You know what's crazy? I'm in love with stars, yet I want to move to another city that won't let me see the stars." Kiana complains as she sits up, not wanting to look at the unsatisfactory, starless sky any longer.

"If it makes you feel better, we can get you another constellation wallpaper for your ceiling in New York." I suggest.

"Only if it's a live wallpaper, like the stars twinkle or something. Do they make those?"

"I don't know." I say as I stare at girlfriend.

Her obsession with stars is the cutest yet most confusing thing because she's very bad at astrology, yet she wants astrology themed everything.

"What?" She asks when she catches me staring at her.


'You're just amazing.' I think to myself.

Kiana and I have been dating for almost half a year now and I didn't think that one, we'd make it this far and two, I'd be in love by now. I've had girlfriends before this, but none have been like Kiana. Yeah, I can't do much physically with Kiana for understandable reasons, but that doesn't even matter to me. She's been my best friend my entire life, I know how to have fun and how to connect with her without having to be intimate. I can honestly wait a lifetime because as long as I'm with her, I'm a happy guy.

"Stop staring at me, it's weird." Kiana pulls me back to reality and I laugh, mostly at myself for not even realising that I was staring.

"I'm pretty sure when I'm staring at you, I don't have a murderous face on unlike someone I know so you really shouldn't be complaining." I look at her pointedly.

With an accused look etched on her face, she swats my arm. "I don't look at you with a murderous face!"

"Yes you do." I laugh even harder when she intensifies her glare. "Sometimes you have me thinking that you're a reincarnated version of Jeffrey Dahmer when you stare at me with that resting bitch face of yours."

"Jeffery Dahmer?" Kiana's big eyes widen. "You couldn't have at least said Jack the Ripper?"

"At least?" I burst into a fit of laughter. "He was equally as bad Ki."

"Jefferey Dahmer was a fucking sex offender, not just a psycho serial killer." Kiana shakes her head, laughing along.

"And Jack the Ripper used to take people's organs."

"Jeffery Dahmer was a cannibal. He literally ate people."

"They were both horrible, I don't see how you're helping your case here." I point out.

"Okay yeah, whatever." Kiana rolls her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. " resting bitch face isn't that bad."

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." I say at the same time I hear Kayla say, "Bitch please," from behind us.

Kiana and I both turn around to spot Nia and Kayla walking towards us.

"Do you even know who he was comparing my resting bitch face too?" Kiana exasperates.

"Nope, but considering how scary your resting bitch face can be, I'm sure Noah gave a very valid comparison." Says Kayla and I beam at her genius.

"Thank you." I chuckle.

"Who did you compare it to though?" Nia asks sitting down beside me.

"Yeah, who?"

"Jack the fucking Ripper!" Kiana exclaims.

"No, that was actually you who said that." I laugh at Kiana's confusion.

"You compared yourself to the organ stealing murderer?" Kayla looks at Kiana, eyebrows arched, clearly confused.

"That was because he compared me to Jeffery Dahmer."

"I won't even lie, when you look at me with your resting bitch face, you give mad Jeffery Dahmer vibes." Kayla backs my point earning a loud gasp from Kiana.

"Yeah, true." Nia agrees.

"Okay, that's it." Kiana lays back down in defeat. "I need a new boyfriend, a new sister and a new best friend."

Just then, we notice two girls walking down the street not too far from us.

"Hey!" Kiana sits up and waves to them. "Are you guys taking applications for a new friend?"

"Oh wow." I chuckle and shake my head at my ludicrous girlfriend.

The two girls laugh and Kiana pushes. "No seriously, these guys are douchebags!"

"Send it over girl!" One of the girls shouts back.

"I will, I will! Thank you!" Kiana giggles.

"You'll be doing us a big favour by the way so yeah, thank you!" Kayla shouts to the girls and we all burst out laughing.

"You are a psycho, I hope you know that." Nia says to Kiana when we finally calm down.

"Yeah, I am very aware."

"It's good you finally came to terms with that." I tease and she elbows me in the stomach.

"Ow." I groan as I clutch my stomach in pain.

"You are going to be a very violent wife Jeffery Dahmer." Kayla teases, earning a glare from her sister.

"Oh, sorry. Jack the Ripper. I meant to say Jack the Ripper." Kayla pushes and we all laugh.

"At this point, none of you should be surprised if I ever go Jack the Ripper or Jeffery Dahmer on you." Kiana crosses her arms over her chest, but has a smile etched on her face.

"Yeah and then Noah could join you. You two could be a modern day Bonnie and Clyde." Nia says.

"That would actually be cool, wouldn't it?" I turn to Kiana.

"Not if I kill you first." Kiana says, resting bitch face deployed.

"Good luck with this one." Kayla says. "I think you'll be needing it."

Kiana cynically smiles at me. "Love you." She says, but the smile on her face is quickly replaced by a look of shock the moment she realises what she just said.

Love you.

Neither of us have said that since we started dating, and I was sure as hell she wouldn't be the first. But then again, she could mean it in a platonic way...we were best friends before any of all this and before any of this happened we used to say it so casually.

"Don't be shy..." Kayla says, staring dead at me. "Say it back." Nia says from next to me, and it's almost like they can both read my mind right now. But then again, I'm sure my red ears are a dead give-away.

I say, the crack in my voice declaring my nervousness as Kiana and I look at each other as I say, "Love you too, Jeffery Dahmer."

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