fifty two - bryson

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"OH MY GOD, I've just remembered! Were Bryson and I the only ones who heard Mason last night?" Sandra asks, a cheeky grin on her face.

"That wasn't you two?" Noah's raises his eyebrows in shock, fingers darting between me and Sandra.

Sandra and I both shake our heads while grinning at Mason.

"Is your dry streak finally over bro?" Noah asks, seemingly unable to believe that it is in fact possible. And when Mason's smile says it all, all Noah can manage to say is, "No way."

"I won't even lie, I'm shocked." I laugh.

"I think it's safe to say we're all shocked." Noah shakes his head. "How did that even happen?"

"You guys are all horrible, fuck you." Mason laughs, contradicting the middle fingers he's currently throwing in our faces. "I am well aware that ever since I started liking Nia, I haven't had the best game, but-"

Mason is interrupted by Sandra's loud laugh. "Mason honey, your dry streak started way before Nia."

The moment Sandra says that, Noah and I burst out laughing.

"Way before. Please stop lying to yourself." Laughs Noah. "But did you like have to blackmail her into it or something? Because it's really not making sense here."

Laughing, I look at Mason, wanting to really understand too.

"No I did not blackmail her or something." Mason rolls his eyes. "I went out with a few friends last night and I met this girl. We had a few drinks, talked a bit and somehow wound up here and had long, wild, sloppy sex."

"Please, spare us the details." Sarah lifts her hand to stop Mason from continuing.

Laughing, Mason continues. "And it was everywhere, on the floor, on the counter-"

"The kitchen counter?" I ask, scared for my life.

"Yup." Mason nods his head excitedly, like a little kid while I try my hardest not to gag.

"Dude I made a sandwich on there for breakfast." I say in disgust.

"Now you know why it tasted so good." Mason grins at me.

Throwing a pillow at his head, I'm rendered speechless.

Cringing, Noah says, "First of all, you are going to scrub that counter like your life depends on it. And two, I think that girl was brainwashed. I've watched you try to shoot your shot-"

"We have all watched you try to shoot your shot." Sandra points out.

"And we have all watched you fail miserably." I finish. "All the time."

"That's it, I need new friends." Mason shakes his head. "But you guys can say whatever you want to say, but me and that girl are seeing each other again tomorrow. I guess last night-"

"Mason, please, I do not want to hear another thing about your sex life." Says Noah. "Not another word."

"Yeah I think I've heard enough too." Sandra chuckles.

Laughing, I fist bump Mason. "But ay man, congratulations on finally getting over Nia and getting laid."

"I guess now is a good time to tell you that she's not lesbian, she's bisexual." Noah sends a cheeky grin to Mason.

"Please tell me you're lying."

Noah shakes his head. "You just didn't do it for her. And she likes girls more."

"You had a good run mate." I put a hand on Mason's shoulder.

"I'll try my luck again if things with Rosalia don't go well?"

"Rosalia? Is she Hispanic?" Noah asks.

"She told me she's from Spain."

"You have a thing for Hispanics don't you? First Nia and now Rosalia."

"I think he saw Nia in Rosalia." Sandra laughs, and my mouth hangs open in realisation.

"You really need to get over my sister man."

"I don't think he can." I laugh before turning to Mason. "I respect the strength and passion mate. The determination is inspiring my guy."

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