eight - bryson's indelible past

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"Stop!" I shout over her cries but he doesn't seem to hear. He just keeps hitting her. "Please, stop!" I cry.

He stops his belt mid-air and turns to face me, face bright red. "Shut up or you're getting beat as well!"

"Beat me not her." I plead, tears streaming down my face.

He lets go of Hazel and turns to face me. "Not such a bad idea. Maybe then you'll stop crying like a little bitch."

As he approaches me, hand in the air ready to hit me with the belt, Hazel cries. "Bryson no!"

The belt hits me again, and again, aimlessly. All over my back, my legs...everywhere.

"Please- please don't hurt him." I hear Hazel whimper, choking on her tears.

"Hazel go." The belt hits my back before I'm pushed hard into the wall behind me. "Go." The same burning spot again. "Go to our room!" I manage to cry out between more hits. "Please."

With tears pouring out of her eyes, she scrambles to get up before reluctantly leaving us in the kitchen.

Ryan keeps hitting me, hitting every inch of my body, not caring where the belt lands, living scars that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I don't know how many minutes...or hours pass by, but I lay there, frozen, unable to move. Too scared to.

When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jolt up into a sitting position letting out a sigh of relief when I see that it's just Hazel.

She jumps onto me, wrapping her small arms around my neck. We sit there, hugging in silence, holding on to each other tight, like we're all that we have left.

We are all that we have left.

"I'll get us out of here soon." I tell her shaking body. "And I am never leaving your side. I promise."

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