thirty - kiana

35 7 9

"Mom?" I breathe out.

There's no way I'm seeing straight. This...this has to be another dream because what in the world? How? Why? This doesn't make any sense.

It doesn't make any sense.

I blink a couple of times but that doesn't change the fact that she's here.

She's here.

What is she even doing here?

She strides closer looking around, heels clanking against the concrete. A smile grows on her face when she looks in my direction.

"Kiki darling! I thought I'd have to knock on every door here to find you, thank God!" She says excitedly, approaching me faster. "Got to hand it to your father, this place is huge."

She wraps me in her arms but I'm in too much shock to even move a muscle, nonetheless, flinch at the sudden contact.

When she lets go of me, she flashes her crooked teeth in my face. "I'm so excited!"

This woman can't be serious right now. Excited?

"What...what are you doing here?" I manage to ask.

"Oh honey didn't you hear?"

I have never been more confused in my life.

"Hear what?" I voice my thoughts, but I don't think I even want to hear the answer.

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