sixty - bryson

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MASON, NOAH AND I hear the door open and turn to see who it is.

Sandra walks in and I can feel Mason and Noah's eyes bore into me. I haven't seen her since our failed lunch date on Saturday where I clearly showed her that I am in fact angry about something.

"Hey guys." Her small voice bounces through the quiet living room.

Mason and Noah greet back but I stay quiet and look away from her.

"Just came to get some of my things." She explains before heading to my room.

"Are you going to go talk to her?" Noah asks me lowly the moment she's far enough.

I know I should but, "I don't even know what I would say without sounding like I'm accusing her of cheating."

"You just need to talk to her." Mason says.

"I really hate it when you're right." I say to Mason as I get up.

"Good luck."

Lord knows I need more than just luck.

When I reach my room, the door is open. I lean on the door frame, quietly finding a way to best phrase what I have to ask.

"So, you've been avoiding me." She jumps at the sound of my voice.

"You've been mad at me." She says, putting her sketchbook on my bed and facing me.

"Because you've been hiding something from me." I battle to keep the bitterness out of my mouth.

She doesn't say anything and instead continues gathering her things.

"Are you taking everything of yours?" I ask.

"No." Sandra says what I want to hear. "Do you want me to?"

"No." I tell her truth.

We stay quiet, her stuffing some of her things in a bag and me watching her.

"Can I ask you something? And please, don't lie to me."


"Where were you Friday? The whole day...and night."

Friday was the day she supposedly left her hoodie at Dylan's.

She pockets her hands, green eyes looking everywhere but at me. "School. Then my place."

I desperately want to believe her but the text I saw on her phone, and the look on her face right now, they lead me to believe otherwise.

"Okay." I nod my head, pretending I know nothing.

She swings her bag over her shoulders and looks at me. We look at each other for a few moments, neither of us saying anything. I feel every inch of my being itching for her, wanting to press my lips against hers, run my hands through her blond curls but I hold myself back because I know she is lying to me. But I miss her, so much.

"Got everything you need?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah."

We share a look again before she plants a kiss on my cheek and walks past me leaving me leaning on my door, and it doesn't take too long for me to hear the front door close.

I drop my head, the feeling of disappointment and hurt stirring inside me.

Sandra means everything to me, so I just pray that this isn't how it ends, that I don't lose her. I can't lose her. I've lost way too much already. 

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