a new trick

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Adrianna's foot felt as light as a feather as her toes tapped increasingly faster against the vinyl floor. Her arms were crossed tightly over chest, her fingernails digging into the dark denim material of her jacket that had scrunched up in the crook of her elbow. Her impatient eyes traced the small windows lining the top of the walls in the clinic, watching intricately as the sun danced in many colours as it began to settle into rest for the night. It was almost peaceful, with the brick wall surroundings and the warmth radiating in from these windows, if it had not been for the tension of the days events and more to come.

"There isn't much here unfortunately." Deaton concluded as his eyes squinted at the small fragile scroll in his hands.

Adrianna tore her eyes from their distracted place and looked to Scott with matching concern.

"Does it say anything?" Scott wondered, his soft tone seemingly already admitting defeat.

Deaton inhaled, "My Japanese isn't great," He pressed his lips together, glanced quickly at the scroll then raised his eyes very pointedly at Scott. "But it appears to say that one method of expelling a nogistune is to change the body of the host."

Adrianna's eyebrows came together in a deep frown, her mind retracing his words over and over. "Change the body?"

Deaton looked to her with a grim expression, "It does beg the question, how do we change Stiles' body?"

Adrianna and Scott looked to each other in deep confusion and concern. The question of how was not too imperative in Adrianna's mind for some reason, but rather the why. Why would the physical or chemical change of Stiles' body expel something that hid in his mind? Unless the nogistune was more than a spirit, unless they were to rearrange their view upon what the nogistune was altogether. This scroll makes it seem more than a dark deity, but rather a shapeshifter, a possessive spirit even. Changing the body would thus act as a form of exorcism, which meant—
"You have to turn him into a werewolf."


"Are you lost child?"
The gentle, barely audible words floated gracefully between the roar of weapons clashing and the shrill screaming. It was almost as if the words themself were atop a cloud, simply slowly drifting to their intended destination.
My head turned first, my eyes heavy and blurry from the stingy touch of the black smoke piling into the sky. I peered up through squinted eyes at a seemingly outrageously tall woman. Yet she was beautiful, beyond that. Her hair was pure white and straight, disappearing behind her shoulders. Her skin was equally as white and appeared to be as solid as stone, yet her limbs moved just as delicately as a human. Her eyes were the only contrast to her pale complexion: gleaming, fiery emerald eyes that followed every little movement.
I stuttered and fumbled, my head ached so much.
"My parents. . . ." I half-turned around to peer through the thick smoke that seemed to only grow stronger. I couldn't see through the mesh of bodies and metallic weapons. My tongue was dry, almost painfully grating the inside of my cheeks. My ears continued to ring so so loudly.
A gentle hand upon my shoulder turned me back around. The woman crouched down, her eyes now closer to mine. I couldn't stop staring at her, at these magnificent eyes. I'd never seen someone like this before. She perhaps could be from the West, the mountain people were strange like she was. But I've not seen one this pretty.
"What do they call you child?"
I swiped the back of my hand across my cheeks, tasting salty water upon my lips.
She titled her head slightly to the left, her eyes curiously tracing every inch of me. Cautiously slow, she extended her hand till her cold, hard palm rested gently against my cheek. I couldn't help the small frown pulling between my eyebrows.
Pain abruptly erupted. A series of sharp, stabbing jabs attack my brain. My vision went blurry. My eyes watered. Yet I couldn't pull away. I could only squeeze my eyes tightly closed. It didn't help either.
It suddenly stopped, just as quickly as it had started.
"I see."
I cracked my eyes open, having to readjust to the yellow light and clashes of numerous weapons surrounding us. The woman rose to her feet, now truly showcasing how tall she was. She turned to the people behind her and began speaking in a language I couldn't understand.
I half twisted around once more, raising my hand to shield my eyes. I still couldn't see my parents, i couldn't see anything. Somehow the air had filled with more thick blake smoke and the ever so bright sun helped little.
I turned back to the woman, a sudden feeling pulling at my heart, something getting stronger by the second. I need to run.
The world abruptly went completely black before i could act on this thought.

We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now