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Adrianna sat on the edge of the grey couch in her apartment, the cool breeze from outside drifting in through the open porch door. Many pieces of paper lay in front of her, thick with information.

"Anything?" Isaac wondered as he walked back into the room holding yet another stapled set of papers with more information.

Adrianna shook her head, her eyes focused on the words in front of her. "Not really. There are myths of course, of flies having the ability to carry messages to the dead . . . ." She trailed off, knowing it wasn't much worth investigating for it was not what they were after.

They had to leave Allison's place as Chris had returned and although delighted to see his niece, not so keen to be around her werewolf boyfriend, having already talked about his opposition to it. So Allison continued to fax them any information she found containing what the red face could be but, unfortunately, most of it was useless.

Adrianna's back stiffened slightly as a wave of early morning air and cinnamon washed over her, the scent so strong it made goosebumps jump at her skin. She could feel Isaacs body heat from just a inch away behind her, his minty breath on the back of her neck. She felt his warm hand trace the line of her back, sending, if possible, more goosebumps through her. Her hand dropped the paper she was holding, her attention no longer even slightly interested on the work. Isaac's light fingertips barely touched her skin as he moved her hair away from her back. His soft lips planted a small kiss at the nape of her neck, then continued it's delicacy along her shoulder blades, her skin shivering it's pleasure beneath. The craving of him she now had, with her senses so attuned to him, he was all she could ask for. She turned her head to face him, his ocean eyes meeting hers almost instantly. His lips were so full and his skin so soft. A deadly amount of lust rose in her. She tilted her head forwards and met his lips. A warmth like stepping into a warm home after standing in a blizzard spread through her, his mouth opening on command and his hot breath filling hers. Her hands flew to his neck, one curling itself in his soft hair, and her body responded without push, as did his.

At the same time, he fell back against the cushions of the sofa, and her body softly land atop of his. His hands roamed her body, the tingles and warmth following his every touch. She couldn't breath, but that barely bothered her. His scent, his touch, his warmth were so inviting, it clouded her mind with a fog she welcomed. It didn't matter what was happening in either of their lives, or with their friends. His soft lips moving perfectly with hers, her hand tracing the carving of his chest, his hands squeezing her hips and sending tingles of delight through her. A pit rose in her stomach, one that much wanted to be filled.

Abruptly, Adrianna shot up into a sitting position, her gaze clouded with a view not of lust, but of pain, unconsciousness. A sharp, alive pain broke to life and throbbed in the back of her head, making her instantly dizzy. She staggered off Isaac and to her feet, her body starting to register what was happening.

Isaac's lust dulled and replaced with worry. "Adrianna?"

One hand held the back of her head, the other the wall. Black spots were attempting to take over her vision but, were rapidly being fought back with her healing. It was like a war within her supernatural abilities or her human side. The pain still ongoing and racing to overcome her but her healing prevailing, needing the stinging and throbbing to last only a little longer in order for it to heal. "Something's wrong." She managed to blurt out.

"What? What is it?" Isaac questioner.

Adrianna shook her head, but instantly regretted it. A new wave of dizziness fell upon her, the black spots waning over the healing process. She felt like motion sickness had drowned her tenfold, rocking her back j forth till she fell of the ship.
She kept her lips sealed, not daring to move or breath.
The moment her mind cleared, the moment a log of light slipped past the dark, a name was revealed to her by her abilities. Scott.

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