William Barrow

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Adrianna ran head first into the substation, blindly following Scott. The air was tense, thick even, as if a smog had crossed over. The wide halls were empty and the only scent in the building was a burnt one, most likely the result of large amounts of electricity. They paused in the dark hall, looking to each other with a helpless expression. They couldn't search the entire building, they did not have time. But their sense of smell wasn't going to help them either. So what was the best strategy?

A cling of metal abruptly echoed through the emptiness, rumbling the quiet they stood in. Adrianna's head turned in nearly the exact direction the sound came from, her hearing able to pick up the soundwaves in a whole different manner. She took off running after Scott, down the wide corridor.

Scott suddenly skidded to a stop when he was nearly past a quite large doorway.

"Scott!" Kira's voice called from inside, fear drenching off her. Scott and Adrianna instantly ran into the room, following the sound of her voice.

"No! Look out!" Kira's voice rang out again.

A sharp, almost fizzing, pain hit both of them. It crackled through their bodies and sent them crashing into one of the tall metal fences that surrounded the electrical items. Adrianna's whole body shook violently, her body attempting to keep the spams under tight control. Her eyes went blurry and she felt very nauseous. A string of soft groans left her lips and she lay panting on her back.

William Barrow came out from his hiding in the shadows, a thick leather bound cord in his hand, the wires sizzling at the end like live flies. He started to move towards Kira, a deadly tint in his black eyes.

"Don't." Scott breathed out. "She's not . . . . She's not the one you want!" Scott voice was strained and rough, as if he were talking between fits of coughs.

Barrow paused only momentarily, his head turning to look at the writhing pair of wolves on the floor. His expression held only one mission and Adrianna felt no change in his emotions. He looked back to Kira and continued to lower the buzzing electrical cord towards her face. He knelt down to her level, grabbing the back of her head and holding it still as the spark cackled in front of her dark eyes.

"Don't!" Scott tried again, desperation dripping from him.

Adrianna, through heavily shaking limbs, managed to pull herself to her knees, her chest rising and falling in rapid breaths. Her vision still blurred around the edges and her throat was closed up tightly.

"Stop! No!"

An enormous explosion of electricity suddenly erupted, sending Barrow flying through the air and landing dully on the concrete. The electricity all around them spasmed and hissed, the sound so loud Adrianna cowered away. A very bright light followed the noise, illuminating for only a second the destruction. Adrianna peeked her eyes open, her hands still tightly clutched around her ears, and raised to the source of brightness.

Kira stood now, unbound from the chains holding her captive, with her hands almost glowing white as the electricity that just attempted to kill her was sucked up into her palms, the sparks not even touching her in any way harmful.

Adrianna's hands dropped to her thighs, her mouth parting slightly, her eyes wide. Kira was not human, not even remotely.


"So, when did you get there?" Agent McCall questioned.

"At the same time." Stiles answered.

"At the same time as who?"

"At the same time as us." Scott gestured to himself and Adrianna.

"By coincidence?" McCall asked, his eyebrows raised in utter disbelief.

"What do you mean coincidence?" Stiles asked suspiciously.

"That's what I'm asking you. The three of you arrived at the same time. Was that coincidence?" McCall simplified.

Adrianna and Scott glanced at each other, feigning confusion.

"Are you asking me?" Scott asked.

"I think he's asking me." Stiles countered.

"I think he's asking both of you." Lydia interjected.

"Okay. Let me answer the questions--" Agent McCall paused, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. The teenagers attempted to hide their small smiles at his growing confusion. "Let me ask the questions."

Stiles winked at him, a small smile of correction on his lips.

"Just so I have this absolutely clear," McCall pulled out a small notebook and started to flip through it. "Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closest at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent on electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

Adrianna slowly nodded, "Sounds about right."

"How did you know he'd take her to a power substation?" McCall asked.

"Well, 'cause he was an electrical engineer. So, where else would he take her?" Stiles answered as if it were an obvious truth.

"That's one hell of a deduction there Stiles." McCall commented.

Stiles shrugged, an amused and proud smirk on his lips. "Yeah, what can I say? I take after my Pops. He's in law enforcement." Stiles pointed and winked at his father sitting behind his desk.

Sherriff Stilinski snorted and covered it up as a coughing fit when McCall turned an accusatory glare on him. "Stiles, just uh, just answer the man."

Stiles pulled his lips together, "We made a good guess."

"What were you doing?" McCall turned his attention to Adrianna.

"I was with my boyfriend."

"And you just happened to know that Kira had been kidnapped?" McCall accused.

Adrianna shrugged, "Sure."

McCall sighed and looked to Scott and Kira. "And what were the two of you doing?"

"Eating pizza."

"Eating sushi."

They both answered simultaneously. They looked to each other.

"Eating sushi."

"Eating pizza."

They both corrected simultaneously once more. They sighed.

"Eating sushi and pizza." They finally answered.

McCall stared at the teenagers in front of him, attempting to see through the almost perfect façade they had placed on. He half turned to the Sherriff. "You believe this?"

"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But, I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it." Stilinski answered without hesitation.

"Kira, is that how you remember it?" McCall asked softly.

Kira looked to Scott, then to all his friends as they leaned forwards in their seats and directed expecting glances at her. She swallowed thickly and nodding to the Agent. "Yes. Can I get my phone back now?"

Agent McCall looked down, shaking his head slightly. He didn't, for even once second, believe their story, but he had no evidence to prove otherwise. "Sorry, but no." He stood up and they all filed out of the office.

McCall handed Kira's bright yellow phone over to one of the deputies as Adrianna passed him. She smiled at Stiles and Lydia before walking past them and out of the musty police department. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, drawing her attention away from the coolness and dark of the night.


"It's Isaac. Come to mine, quickly."





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