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Scott was off, after a few moments of shock or disbelief, he jumped up and sprinted off into the woods covered with darkness. He probably hadn't realised Adrianna had ran after him, or he forgot. He was most likely excited, or nervous, to tell Stiles the news. To tell him Malia Tate has been a coyote for the past 8 years.

Adrianna peered at her surroundings, and down at the cliff that nearly held her death. She was stunned, to say the least. She expected to find a mauled up body of a young girl, or a eyeball as that's all that was left, not a coyote that had her trapped inside. She couldn't even compensate it, it simply wouldn't process in her raging mind at that instant.

She shook her head slightly, the wind racing through her curls. She had to go back to the crash site. Stiles should still be there, and therefor Scott shouldn't be far behind.

Adrianna spun and she was off too.
She tracked back through the familiarity of the course she had run moments ago, over the same cluster of boulders and through the same hole parted in the trees. She dove through the piles of leaves and used the bark trunks to swing her incredibly fast moving body from. She trekked down the small incline, sliding to a stop in front of the overturned car that sent a chill down her spin.

Her eyes scanned the large boulder Stiles leant on after the doll scared him, and she peered through the inside of the car to make sure he hadn't crawled in their for some sort of safety. For what rational person would do that, she was unsure.
Her idiotic thoughts vanished when there was no sight of Stiles.

Adrianna let out a frustrated breath, she could feel the anger bubbling in her, and she could hear the animals of the night crawling out from the dark to observe, and she could smell every damn thing in this forest. She ran her hands through her hair and took off again.

She swerved through the trees, dodging low hanging branches and slipping past animals that slept in the abyss. She jumped over large objects carved into the ground that she could somehow see. She pushed through large bushes with spikey branches attempting to tear her skin. She had to, at some point, pick up a sound, anything of another human that would aid her travels.

A bright orb of light suddenly flashed across her face and a scream escaped her lips, joined by a serious of frightful yells. Her arm flung up in front of her eyes and she staggered back.
She looked over her sleeve to see Stiles and Scott recovering from the same heart attack she had experienced upon their arrival.

"I think i found something." Stiles puffed out.

Scott looked to Adrianna, his eyes wide with excitement. "So did we."


They trekked deeper into the woods, blindly following Stiles to a mysterious spot he had discovered.
They climbed a hill full of thin bright green grass poking out from the soil.

Adrianna's head kept snapping to Scott, his nerves putting her on edge. She could feel them bubbling inside of him and the fact he kept looking behind him didn't help. His paranoia didn't help.
She attempted to focus on her shoes digging into the wet dirt as her body heaved up the hill.

A large cave appeared to the left of her, extending so far up that she couldn't see the top. It was covered in vines and looked to have lay rest here for quite some time.
Stiles tracked a small dirt path along the edge of the cave and towards a very small opening around the other side of it.

Adrianna followed Scott and Stiles as they crawled inside, kneeling at the entrance. Her eyes followed Stiles flashlight as it illuminated parts of the small opening. It was mostly dead leaves and dirt with various rocks. There was a bight blue thermal jackets rested upon a boulder in front of them.

We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now