finding a nogistune

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Adrianna entered the lounge room where the others had gathered, all looking out to the shadow creatures that had marked every entrance into the house and were continuously slamming their black ninjatos into the Mountain Ash barrier.
Her eyes lifted to Scott, her eyebrows pulled together in concern. What were they to do? They had no strategy, no way to effectively fight these creatures nevertheless attempt to kill them.

"What are they doing?" Scott questioned, looking to the twins.

"Testing for weaknesses." Ethan replied.

The ninjas were adamant about gaining access to them, for every bang against the barrier only reverberated upon the house, shaking its contents. Plates, cups and other random objects jumped from their spots and scattered across the ground, creating a ruckus

Adrianna felt her heartbeat pick up, her hands clench in anger and fear. They couldn't fight these creatures off till sunrise, for exhaustion would easily override them. Yet they had no other strategy, no where to run or hide, no one to aid them.

"Guys." Ethan warned.

Adrianna snapped her eyes to him, her thoughts running adrift.

"We have a problem."

Her eyes drifted from Ethans alarmed expression to the back door where his gaze was captured.
One of the shadow creatures had stabbed its sword into the barrier and persisted in pushing it through against the strength of the ash.
The one next to it took that as success and slammed its gloved hand into the same spot, forcing with all its might to push it through, and it seemed to be succeeding.

Adrianna raised her eyebrows, inhaling stiffly. "Oh, that's not good."

Scott's phone was instantly in his hand, dialling a number Adrianna hoped would help them, otherwise she would quite literally slap the phone out of his hand for they had no time to waste.
"Allison, please tell me you have something. They're here and they're trying to get in, and it looks like they're going to be able to."

Adrianna felt her body tense up and relax, all in a matter of seconds. Allison was alright, and by extent, hopefully Chris and Issac were as well. But what if they didn't discover any information that would aid them?
She tuned out on Allison's voice, letting it be less than a mumble in her ears, and focused on the sword that was continuing to be forced through the barrier.

"A nogistune." Scott spoke.

Adrianna snapped her head to him, her eyebrows contracting in a worried frown. Why was he mentioning that sadistic creatures name? She couldn't supress a shiver that made all the hairs on her body stand upright. She remembered the horrors that followed her last encounter with a nogistune, although then those horrors seemed minimal. Even so, that was not a being any of them should be near.

"Just, tell me what else?" Scott spoke, breaking the intense silence.

Allison continued to speak whilst Scott listened intently.

Adrianna moved her eyes from him and to the two shadow creatures at the door, still attempting to push through the barrier. The second creature had managed to force his black gloved hand completely through the invisible space, although it was shaking as if it were about to pass out, it was worrying. Her heartbeat seemed to pick up again, her eyes widening as she took a step forwards. How were these creatures doing that?

The same creature abruptly turned its eye-less gaze on her and titled it's head to the side, as if intrigued by her, or pissed off. She furrowed her eyebrows, and took another cautious step forwards, however much she wanted to kill these ninja's, she was amazed by them in turn. They were strong, and well-trained, inhuman and very persistent in whatever task they have at hand.

"I'm right, aren't I? They're looking for me." Kira spoke, breaking Adrianna's staring match with the creature and bringing her attention back to the group.

"They're looking for a dark spirit, and I know it's not you." Scott assured, his tone soft as he tucked his phone away.

"Scott, you're going to have to do something!" Derek warned, his body tense and alert as his eyes widened in alarm.

Everyone looked to the back door. The first shadow creature pulled it's ninjato from the barrier with the sound of shattering glass following. Without hesitation, it stepped across the threshold and into the house, followed by the other one. They gripped their black steel ninjatos and advanced towards them.

"Don't do anything." Scott demanded.

Everyone whipped their heads to him, incredulous looks upon their faces.

"Is he serious?" Aiden confirmed, disbelief in his tone.

The creatures continued to walk towards them, the throaty snarl echoing into all their ears.

"I said, don't do anything." Scott repeated. He slowly looked back to Kira, his entire facial features softening. He inhaled and held out his hand to her, attempting to reassure her. "Trust me." He muttered.

Kira glanced between him and his hand, her fear of being killed by these creatures lessening as she watched the assurance grow in Scotts warm eyes. She nodded slightly and inhaled, lacing her hand with his.

Together they stepped forwards.

Adrianna didn't move, her whole body locked on the spot. She saw what those things did to Isaac, what they made him relive whilst they did whatever search, and she wasn't just a werewolf, how is she to know the effect they will have on her. What if they find not an evil spirit, but something equally as evil, and kill her anyways.

Scott looked back to her, "Adrianna. They won't hurt us."

She snapped her eyes to him, her lips set into a firm line. "You don't know that."

"Please. This is the only way."

Adrianna looked back to the creatures who had stopped a couple of metres from Kira and Scott. She looked to Derek, whom held little reassurance in his eyes. He had his own concerns on how it would effect her, and remembering the experience himself, he did not wish that for her.

"Adrianna, trust me." Scott repeated.

Adrianna looked back to him, into his warm hazel eyes, attempting to see the same thing Kira did that made her overcome her fear. Yet she couldn't find it. But he was right, this is the only way, and they cannot continue to fight them. She exhaled and stepped forwards, in line with them both.

Three of the creatures stepped forwards to meet them, although no softness or reassurance came with them, only hostility.

The creature in front of Adrianna grabbed her neck, it's hand firmly holding her in place, it's eyes glowing a yellow orb. Instantly, she was paralysed, unable to move and completely hyponotised by the calm glow. She felt immensely cold, to the point of hypothermia, goosebumps rose along every surface of her skin, her hands started to visibly shake. She fell to her knees, her eyes only focused on a blurry silver mask with strange engravings, sharp teeth and yellow orbs. But her mind was raging. She could hear screams, getting louder and louder. She could almost see blurred figures running in her line of vision, distorting the view of the silver mask, with a town on fire and the marching of blurred soldiers. The screams got louder, the pain got higher, the coldness chilled her to the bone.

The shadow creature let go, a sizzling following the disappearance of it's hand behind her ear. Adrianna felt as if she were falling in slow motion to the floor. She couldn't move, couldn't scream, she could only feel the pain and see the memory, see a sword slash through the air and blood spill along the ground. Until everything faded into a cold darkness.





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