something's wrong

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The pain was excruciating, and sharp and everywhere. She couldn't breath, couldn't see, couldn't move. Her eyes focused on the abyss above her, complete darkness, yet she could see faces. Ghosts, smears of people she once knew, or did she? His face kept appearing, ocean blue eyes, curly brown hair and a kind mischievous smile, yet he stood tall and confident for such a young age. He was speaking, speaking to her? She couldn't hear him, she couldn't hear anything that wasn't her blood-curdling screams. Where was she? Why was she here? Who is that man? She knew him, she must, he is too familiar. Her heart lurches towards him. Lahey. That's his name, or his last name, it's related to him that's all she knew. Yet another surge of the sharpening, numbing pain pulsed through her head. It jolted her body, froze her muscles, sucked the energy from her heart. What was his name again?

Adrianna jumped, as if someone had jump-scared her. She jolted into a sitting position, her back as straight as a rod, her eyes wide and alert. Her breathing came in quick, rough patches. She felt disoriented, as if she had jumped from one reality to another.

"Adrianna? Adrianna?"

She turned to the soft, male voice, all at once noticing the warm hands placed on her arms in a soothing way.
Isaac sat in front of her on the bed, his eyebrows drawn together in concern, his bright blue eyes carefully watching her.

"Isaac? Isaac—." She couldn't manage more than that, her confusion mounting further. Her eyes drifted from his and to the window on her right. The white curtains were drawn over the dark sky, the night animals making their own nesting sounds. The lamps that rested on either side of her bed were on, casting a warm yellow glow onto the cream walls.
How long had it been?
She furrowed her eyebrows. She could remember being at Scott's, the shadow creatures. She could almost see their small glowing eyes, feel the tranquillising cold that shot through her body at their touch. Yet she was alive.

Her hand flew to her ear, her rough fingertips running over the soft skin behind it. She traced a cold bumpy shape, the number 5. They let her go.
Her eyes drifted back to Isaac, "Is Scott alright? And Kira?"

Isaac nodded, "Scott went with his mum to the hospital to take Agent McCall there, he's fine too."

Adrianna slowly nodded, inhaling deeply then exhaling. That's good.
She let her body gently fall forwards so her head rested against Isaacs chest. He moved his hands from her arms, to wrap around her, pulling her closer, inhaling her sweet scent.

"What were those creatures?" Adrianna muttered curiously as her fingers played with the hem of his shirt.

"They're called Oni, they were looking for a dark spirit--"

"A nogistune."

Isaac's eyebrows contracted, his head tilting slightly to the side. "Yeah, that. Guess they didn't find it."

Adrianna nodded, "Thankfully."

Isaac squeezed her a little tighter, planting a soft kiss on her head. He was definitely thankful.

"Scott saw Stiles at the hospital too. I don't think he's doing too well—"

"Stiles?" Adrianna abruptly sat upright, her eyebrows contracting.

Isaac raised his own eyebrows in confusion to her reaction. "Yeah. Scott said something about him having trouble sleeping."

Adrianna's frown deepened. His name stirred something in her, something odd. Goosebumps arose along every inch of her skin, a shiver running down her spine as if the temperature just dropped a million degrees, and then she felt fear.
She jumped to her feet, "Where is he now?"

We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now