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Adrianna sat down gently on the dark blue cushioned chair, next to Derek in the waiting room. She offered him a small smile, gripping her knees a bit too tightly.

Derek regarded her with concern for a moment before looking back to Scott, "As I was saying, I needed to talk to my mother."

Adrianna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not expecting to come in on this sort of conversation.

"You're dead mother?" Scott questioned.

"She told me something that changed my perspective, on a lot of things." Derek inhaled. "She said my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills, they protected it. This town needs someone to protect it. Someone like you," He looked to Adrianna carefully, his eyes serious, "and someone like you."

Adrianna moved her eyes to Scott, sharing an similar expression. They weren't succeeding in protecting their town, they couldn't even protect their friends. When one problem was solved, another arose and more people got hurt, more people died. They couldn't do this feat that had been left to them.

Scott pressed his lips together, "And someone like you to teach us a few trade secrets."

Adrianna looked to the white hospital floor, her eyes tracing the thin cracks and pale blue lines across the pristine flooring. She thought over Dereks words wth an overwhelming intensity; they couldn't pick up the legacy the Hale family had left, and neither did they want their ending. They were driven mad and some to death in order to protect—

Adrianna blinked, abruptly coming to her feet without realising it. A gear had clicked in her mind, a piece had slid perfectly into place. That's what he was doing on the roof. He wasn't struggling with a night terror or fear, but a decision, a decision not to do something.
"He was protecting us," She looked to Scott and Derek with wide eyes full of realisation, "Stiles was trying to protect us."

Derek frowned, glancing to Scott with confusion. He attempted to force his own gears into place, figure out the conclusion she had come to. That scent on the roof laced with struggle and pain . . . Derek straightened his back, "From himself."

Adrianna suddenly turned and began rapidly moving through the corridors. She pushed past confused nurses and flustered doctors, wondering patients and visitors. She slammed through the door that resided next to the closest elevators and wound up the concrete steps towards the door at the top.
She almost knocked the door down with the ferocity of her barging through it. She ran past the tall silver fences guarding the electrical supplies, her eyes frantically searching the blackened sky, the dimly lit boxes and electrical circuit.

"What are we looking for?" Derek asked from behind.

"I'm not sure." Adrianna stopped in the middle of the roof, "But i don't think Stiles was up here struggling with himself, I think he was struggling not to do something."

She attempted to focus on that feeling she experienced last night when she was up here, that dark energy creeping through Stiles's innocent energy; attempting to claw at the light and engulf it in darkness.
Her eyes slowly moved from the beige cement ledge she had stood on, to a tall metal fence that stood much taller and wider than herself.
She slowly raised her hand, her fingers slightly bent, her palm becoming warm and tingly. The purple energy began to float around her hand. She flicked her wrist backwards and a white leather duffel bag flew from the top of the fence to the floor in front of them, a heap of tools spilling from the open zipper.

Her eyes raised to the boys, whom shared equally confused expressions. What exactly was he struggling with?

Scott's hazel eyes moved back to the fence, his eyebrows drawn together. He stepped up onto a wooden block and peered over the top, being careful not too touch anything hazardous. His heartbeat instantly picked up as his eyes landed on what Stiles intentions were.

We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now