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"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?" Isaac questioned in a concerned tone as he, Adrianna, Allison, Stiles and Lydia descended down a set of stairs and through a deserted corridor. Sherriff Stilinski had reluctantly explained that early that morning, a dangerous murderer had been brought to the hospital for an important surgery but had narrowly escaped whilst also injuring some of the staff. He went by the name William Barrow, although Stiles preferred to call him The Shrapnel Bomber in occurrence to the fact that he let off a bomb on a school bus. Unfortunately, the danger to them was he was after kids with glowing eyes, according to Stiles.

"Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from the anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome."

"Did you say flies?" Lydia questioned warily.

Everyone stopped walking and turned around to see the red-head was standing near the stairs with a wary expression.

"Lydia?" Allison questioned, knowing Lydia must have heard or seen something with her uncontrollable banshee abilities.

"All day, I have been hearing this sound. It's like . . . . this buzzing." Lydia struggled to put into words what she had been hearing.

Allison slowly started to walk back to her, "Like the sound of flies?"

Lydia gently slapped her hands against her thighs, slightly frustrated with herself. "Exactly like the sound of flies."

Adrianna, Isaac and Stiles looked to each other with wary expressions. This was not good, not at all.


Adrianna raced along the corridors behind Stiles, having ditched her bag with Isaac to take back to her locker. Scott was not where they initially expected him to be and was not answering his phone. It was outstanding to Stiles how he had not tried to find them, but Adrianna had pointed out he may have not noticed the police or thought much of it.

They ran past a corridor and Adrianna skid to a stop, hastily turning down it. "Scott!" The sound of squeaking shoes echoed behind her as Stiles roughly slid to a stop and turned back to follow her. "Where have you been?" Adrianna demanded when she had stopped in front of Scott.

"The police are leaving." Lydia breathlessly announced as she too rocked up to Scott. "Why are they leaving?"

"The police?" Scott questioned in a quiet but confused tone.

Stiles looked ahead for a moment before his answer came to him. "They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here."

Scott looked from Stiles, to Adrianna and Lydia. "Who? What are you guys--"

"He has to be here." Lydia interrupted, not even hearing Scotts confused questions. Stress and anxiety were rolling off her and seeping into Adrianna's skin.

"What is it Lydia?" Adrianna asked softly.

Lydia's expression become more stressed, "That sound . . . . The buzzing I've been hearing?" She gulped. "It's getting louder."

Stiles and Adrianna gave each other a worried glance.

"How loud?" Stiles asked gravely.

Lydia took in a deep breath and looked to Adrianna, unable to express in words how terrifying this feeling was. Adrianna replicated her worried intake of breath, easily feeling the powerful emotions riding off her. She looked to Stiles, "Too loud."


"Lydia thinks that he's still here, even though the cops searched the whole school." Adrianna explained in a hushed tone to Isaac and the twins whom she was reluctant to even be talking to.

"But they didn't have one thing." Scott added on. He opened a white bag and pulled out a blue hospital gown as if it were a trophy. "Our sense of smell."

Adrianna inhaled and instantly regretted it. A strong pungent smell of sweat, oil and bad body ordure reeked into her nostrils and fogged her mind. She closed her eyes and took a step back, hoping it would go away. Unfortunately, it didn't, it simply wasn't as strong.

"Are you going to be okay with this?" A soft voice asked her.

She opened her eyes to see a concerned Scott watching her, with Isaac standing next to him. She tried to offer a reassuring smile but was fairly certain it turned out to be a grimace, she opted to nodding. "Yeah. I have to learn somehow, right?"

Scott and Isaac gave each other a worried look before nodding and turning off towards the basement. Adrianna took a deep breath, the horrid scent rather faded thankfully, and she waited until the two boys disappeared around the corner before slowly following them.

She made way towards the basement, except diverted her trail when she started to descend the stairs, to the west wing. The Twins had gone to the East and Scott and Isaac to the North, it was actually rather surprising at how big the basement was. The plan was to meet in middle, at the boiler room, after having searched their designated section.

Adrianna carefully walked along the dimly lit and narrow corridors, a shiver finding it's way up her back at the eerie quiet. There weren't many rooms along the corridor so she moved on to the next one, and other one after that. In a way, she was thankful her sense of smell hadn't picked up that horrid scent once more, but it also worried her slightly where Barrow could possibly be hiding and what his plan was.

She turned into another corridor and slowed right down. There were a few flickering lights guiding the path down the walls and the paint was chipping on the floor. There were 3 rooms down this corridor, two with the door closed and one with the door ajar. She cocked her head to the side slightly, a curious frown taking over her expression. She could smell something . . . . odd. Not the greasy scent of Barrow or the musty scent that carried in the walls of the basement. It was more of a decayed, rotten scent that made bile rise in the back of her throat. She slowly started to walk down the corridor, the horrible scent getting stronger. She passed the first closed door on the left and inclined her nose towards it. 'No . . . Not that one,' She thought and moved further down along the faded paint floor. The second closed door had a musty scent scurrying out from the cracks in the door, it reminded Adrianna of an overly pampered ladies room.

She raised her eyes to the last door, with it baring open slightly and allowing a yellow glow to illuminate a portion of the corridor. She took in a deep breath and took the necessary few steps towards it.
She outstretched her arm as far as it would go and gently pushed the door open. An overpowering, instant smell of burnt or perhaps rotting flesh poured out from the room and caused Adrianna to stumble back, closing her watering eyes and putting her sleeved hand over her nose and mouth.

She opened her eyes a pinch and looked into the room ahead of her, not daring to move from her spot. It looked rather small, perhaps a supply closet, with two tall metal shelves covering the walls stacked with various liquids and objects. A single light blub, with no cover, hung in the middle of the room and a small insect with little fluttering wings was drawing towards it. Without meaning to, Adrianna had stepped closer and closer to the doorway and was nearly inside the room. She squinted her eyes at the insect and noticed half it's body was glowing and it appeared to be injured. She frowned, "There are no fireflies in California." She muttered to herself, rather entranced by the little insect.

Her eyes turned back to the room. The scent, as strong as ever, seemed to be reeking from behind the door. She carefully stepped into the room, pressing her sleeved hand tighter over her nose and mouth, and started to close the door as to see what was hiding behind it. She nearly screamed as she jumped back and stumbled into the shelf behind her, knocking over some objects and hitting her back on the sharp edges. Her eyes was captured upon a swollen, light red heart laying in a pool of dried blood with small flies buzzing around it.




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We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now