rush of fear

706 21 1

Adrianna put the car in park and turned the engine off, letting the quiet take over the previous rumbling of the engine. She kept her hands clenched firmly over the wheel and stared out the windshield into the darkness ahead of her. Strangely, she could almost perfectly see the outline of her apartment building, the concrete pillars on the sides of the entrance, the structure running up to the sky, the other residents cars parked in various spot around her. She would have been amazed at this new skill, owing it to the new werewolf side of her, but her anger and gloom still held her tight.

It is a message, she knows this. An old family friend is killed, his body carried to as close to her doorstep as possible and his heart found in the basement of the school she attends. It was a performance for her. But she was yet to know why and by who. She only knew that she would kill them.

Adrianna slowly slid out of the car, taking her bag from the passenger seat with her. She locked the car with a click and turned to walk towards the entrance.

In only a few short steps, she stopped. A peculiar sound reached her new hearing, the patter of footsteps and laughing. She slowly turned around, her fingers tightening slightly over the keys in her hand. She surveyed her surroundings, except there was only the park across the street with the swing set slowly moving with the wind and the other cars. She watched the swings flow back and forth a moment longer before turning back around and continuing her walk.

Only moments later, when she stood a metre or two from the doors, came the sound again, seemingly louder. Adrianna turned around once more, scanning the area carefully. Something flickered between the large oak trees in the park across the road, a blur of a white. She stepped towards the park, her eyebrows pulling together. She wasn't alone.

The white blue moved again, almost flying between the trees, that treacherous child-like laugh following it.

Adrianna didn't hesitate in teleporting over to the park. An instant darkness surrounded her as the trees prohibited the moons light from reaching her, and a chilling cold sneaked onto her skin and up her spine. She felt dread and an unnerving familiarity. Abruptly, she jumped backwards as the white blur zoomed past her, almost touching her skin, and the laughter causing a deep shiver to run through her bones.

The white blur ran in a circle around her before coming to a standstill in front of her, within arms reach. Large, almost perfectly carved, white eyes hovered in mid-air without a body. The eyes looked her up and down, as if it had pupils, and cocked to the side slightly, as if merely curious.

Adrianna's heart felt like it had stopped and was spluttering to continue to beat. Her body shook with fear instead of anger, her mouth parted as rapidly quickening breaths came in and out. She shook her head, fighting for words. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, a replica of the eyes in the library a few weeks ago. She knew exactly what it was, although what it meant, she was uncertain. "How?" Was all she managed to blurt out.

The eyes slowly moved from side to side, as if a head were surrounding them and shaking. They regarded her once more before slowly blending in with the darkness around and vanishing.

Adrianna stood frozen for a few moments, staring at the space where the eyes had been. She didn't know what to do, how to react. Two times within the past few weeks have they appeared to her, different people but, from the same clan. And what they wanted, how they were even here, worried her to depths she wished not to think of.

She backed out of the park, her eyes unable to look away. The fear still gripped her tightly, unwilling to let her brush this off as she had the last time.

She turned at the last second and almost sprinted to her car. Hastily, she unlocked it and threw her bag into the passenger seat before letting the engine roar to life. Without checking behind her, she reversed and left the car park.


Adrianna put the car the park and leaned back into the seat, her breathing barely evening out and her heart still felt as if it were pumping a hundred beats a minute. Her mind attempted to process what just happened, the fear that consumed her that she thought she had got rid of and the simple fact of what it meant. If her past was finally going to catch up to her, it would be far more detrimental than she thought it would.

She inhaled slowly and closed her eyes, exhaling equally as slowly. A series of thoughts consumed her mind, a bundle of questions following them. She opened her eyes before her mind could begin replaying the days events and looked out through the windscreen. The darkness effulged the space outside the car, making it difficult to see, although she knew exactly where she was. Her eyes travelled up to the top floor where Derek's loft resided, although it wasn't as quiet and frozen as it had been a the last time she ended up here a few weeks ago.

She usually didn't mean to end up here, it tended to just happen, her body automatically going towards the closest family she had. Yet Derek had been missing for a time now, and she had no luck in contacting him or even Peter, whom seemed to have vanished with him and Cora.

Adrianna's eyebrows pulled together as her advanced hearing picked up the rhythm of the noise coming from his loft. It was music, loud and abstract music with the banging and yelling of many people. She frowned deeper and got out of the car.

She now realised that there were a fair few cars parked in front of the building. Her mind started to hurt, why the hell was there a party at Derek's? Was he back? If so, why was he throwing a party and why hadn't he contacted her. She would assume she would be one of the first people he would contact, well, at least she prayed.

Adrianna started to weave through the cars and darkness, towards the entrance to the building.

"Adrianna!" A familiar voice called from behind.

Adrianna stopped walking and turned around to notice Allison and Isaac approaching in the midst of the coloured cars. Her eyebrows pulled together even further but a sense of calm filled her at the sight of her blue eyed boy. "What are you doing here?"

Isaac and Allison stopped in front of her, equally confused expressions filling their faces.

"We're looking for Scott. What're you doing here?" Isaac answered.

Adrianna shook her head slightly, reluctant to tell them the truth. Although she trusted them completely, this was burden she didn't want to place on them. "Uh, same thing." She lied.

Allison narrowed her eyes, glanced at Isaac and finally gave a short nod. "Okay."

The trio turned and continued the walk into the building. They followed the large, dark corridor all the way down until they saw the square-winding stairs that led to the large closed door of the loft. Adrianna's frown stayed plastered to her face as the loud music seemed to only increase in volume, yet the others seemed unaware of it as such.

They started walking up the stairs, their feet banging on the rusted metal. Isaac approached the loft door and yanked it open with ease, his eyes instantly going wide and his body stilling.

Adrianna froze as her eyes were met with rough strobe lights, the rhythmic beats of awfully loud music and a hundred voices all yelling and talking at once. Her eyes scanned the paint covered, glowing crowd on the dance floor, clearly enjoying a party thrown by who knows.

"Derek can never know about this." Isaac stated





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