an awful proposal

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Adrianna dreamt of the dark orange, nearly brown, rocky walls that held the black oblivion above. She was bodiless, moving about in a place she had long wished to forget. Her eyes passed over the dirt floor with scuffed foot prints, past the empty corridors that led off from where she stood. It was familiar, but not fresh. She could almost feel the heat of the fires, almost hear the quiet whispers that she so vividly remembered. She was walking along a large corridor, no one in sight, yet she had an underlying feeling she was being watched. There was nothing but a single room at the end of the corridor, a large rocky entrance way with nothing but an invisible barrier to stop one from entering. She kept slowly progressing along the trail, her eyes fixed upon the entrance way. A loud, piecing scream suddenly abrupted through the place, shaking the walls, causing dust and dirt to fall from above.

Adrianna bolted upright, her chest heaved up and down with the cold air of the morning, sweat soaked her skin and the white singlet she wore. Her eyes scanned the bedroom, still having that feeling of eyes upon her. Yet nothing was unusual, morning sunlight was attempting to penetrate through the closed curtains and under the door. She looked to her right to see Isaac still asleep on his stomach, his breathing slow and even.

She swung her legs off the bed, letting the blanket slip off her warm body and dropped her head into her hands. It had been the same dream for weeks now and she was no closer to figuring it out. She could, of course, tell someone, but everyone had enough on their minds, she didn't need to burden upon that further more.

"What's wrong?" A hoarse voice broke through Adrianna's thoughts.

Adrianna turned her upper body around to see Isaac had propped himself up on his elbow, his blue eyes staring at her intently. She forced a small smile upon her lips, "Nothing."


The small blue car pulled into an available carpark near the front of the swarming school. The sun had decided to rise to it's full extent and the clouds were hastily staying out of the blue sky.

Adrianna and Isaac exited the vehicle, looking around at the many students that were chatting away whilst they made entrance. It was hard to believe that only yesterday that had saved that girl, Malia, and although it didn't help them with any of their current issues, it was a relief to know they could still help people.

Adrianna closed the door and turned around, her eyes instantly landing on a bright green dirt bike across the road, coincidentally, next to two large black bikes. Her eyebrows pulled together in a deep frown. She looked further to the left to see the twins, in bright coloured t-shirts, talking to a hostile Scott and Stiles. Isaac had moved around the car and stood next to her, spotting them too and filling with possibly more anger at the sight of them than Adrianna.

The couple walked over to them, arriving in time to hear a sentence that nearly made them both laugh.

"You need a pack. We need an Alpha." Ethan had proposed.

"Yeah. Absolutely not. That's hilarious though." Stiles answered.

"You came to us for help. We helped." Aiden reminded them, as if it were an easy quid-pro-go agreement.

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp. That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counter-productive." Stiles just as easily answered.

"Why would I say yes?" Scott wondered, his tone not quite as full of venom as Stiles.

"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no." Aiden attempted to persuade.

Isaac's anger was simmering like a hot pot of water next to Adrianna, she could feel it rolling in waves off him.

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