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Adrianna approached the back door where Aiden and Kira stood facing two of the shadow creatures on the opposite side. Her eyes moved down to the floorboards where a thick line of black ash guarded the exit: Mountain Ash.
Her eyes raised back to the creatures, her eyebrows pulled together in a frown. She thought if the ninjas had human facial features, their expressions would most likely show plenty of anger.

Adrianna glanced to Kira whom took a step towards the barrier, curious intent laying in her eyes. She slowly extended her arm, her palm facing out towards the invisible ward. As soon as her darkened skin made contact with the mountain ash, the blue spark appeared and zapped her. Kira instantly retreated her arm, cradling it to her chest, her eyebrows drawn together in fear and confusion. She looked up to the Aiden and Adrianna, concern and perhaps fear spreading across her expression. Did they assume she was a threat? She didn't know them well enough to think otherwise.

Aiden's eyes moved from the air where the barrier took residence and to Kira, an overly fake expression filing his face. He smiled, his lips pressed together in more of a grimace. "It's Kira, right?"

Kira took a half a step back, most likely subconsciously, whilst her heartbeat began to pick up. Adrianna cocked her head to the side curiously, she felt fear radiate from her. Why was she afraid? She knew that some of that fear would stem from the expression plastered across Aidens face, from what these people Kira did not know could do to her. Yet she was certain that was only a portion of the fear, and the rest was for the creature that rested inside her heart. Adrianna had come across her kind before.

"You gonna tell us what you are?" Aiden continued, his tone turning serious and almost threatening.

"What? What do you mean?" Kira stuttered out.

Adrianna pulled her eyebrows together, her eyes travelling to Aiden. "Easy Aiden."

Aiden snapped his eyes to her, an annoyed expression
crossing his features. He leant down barely half an inch, his eyes remaining on Adrianna, and collected Kira's arm in his grasp.

"Aiden." Ethan warned, looking to his twin from his position near the kitchen bench.

"Watch!" Aiden ordered with slightly more aggression than necessary.

Ethan moved to stand next to Adrianna, opposite his brother. More curious than concerned.

Aiden raised Kira's hand back to the barrier and the blue spark zapped her skin once more. She attempted to pull her arm back and out of Aidens grasp, yet he held on tightly.

"See that?" Aiden questioned them both, "She can't go through it either." He looked to Kira, "So, what are you?"

"She's a kitsune, idiot." Derek entered the room, drawing all attention to him. "Use your eyes. You can see it all around her. The younger ones give off an aura."

Adrianna stepped forwards and roughly disengaged Aiden's hand from it's tight grasp around Kira's arm, her eyebrows pulled together in an angry frown. "She simply hasn't learned to conceal it yet." She said through her teeth to Aiden.
Her eyes travelled to Kira and become curious once again. "And I am willing to bet she has no clue as to what kind she is either."

Kira looked to Adrianna, worry and confusion seeping into her large hazel eyes. She had only recently come to terms with herself and these statements only brought on more questions.

"Scott's with his mum, first room down the hall." Derek gestured his head back towards the corridor he had appeared from.

Kira nodded thankfully before rapidly moving towards the hall and away from the judgemental eyes of every person in that room.

Adrianna inhaled deeply, before turning a sharp glare onto the twins. She shook her head a decimal before moving towards the lounge room, her eyes settling on the shadow ninjas waiting outside.
They seemed to be thinking, plotting, and she was certain that the Mountain Ash barrier would not suffice for long. These creatures were smart.

"I wasn't gonna hurt her." Aiden commented.

Adrianna looked to Derek who leant on the couch next to her, both their eyebrows raised in disbelief. "I think we both know otherwise." She looked back to the window, her body feeling the growing need to shrink into itself and away from the lifeless eyes of these creatures.

"Why do you think we're here guys? For a study group? We're here to protect Scott." Ethan stated, his tone suggested he was getting annoyed with their ignorance.

"We're trying to fight for him." Aiden added.

"I'm sure you are ." Derek absently commented, "I'm sure you'd kill for him. But are you willing to die for him?"

Adrianna turned her head to look at them, her eyebrows raised. Yet the twins could not provide an answer, simply a look that showed the obvious; they were not willing to die for Scott McCall or anyone but themselves.


Adrianna knelt down next to Melissa, her eyebrows pulled together in a worried frown. Scott's father had gotten quite pale, and had lost too much blood. His breathing was shallow and at times, Adrianna had difficulty hearing his heartbeat.
She raised her eyes to Melissa, seeing a replicated worry in her eyes. "He's not going to make it, is he?"

Melissa shook her head, "Not if we don't get him out of here soon."

Adrianna's eyebrows furrowed further as she looked back down to Agent McCall. Her teeth pulled on her bottom lip, an idea forming in her mind. "Mind if I try something?"

Melissa's face filled with confusion, her eyebrows contracting. She slowly nodded.

Adrianna held out one palm over the wound in Agent McCalls shoulder. She exhaled deeply, more so to calm herself, and tensed her hand. The purple energy sparked and began to float around her skin as her viens throbbed and poked out. The energy replicated over the wound. She clenched her teeth and slowly began to close her fist, watching as the major blood flow began to slow and clot within the purple energy.
Agent McCall spluttered and coughed, but inhaled a deep breath in his semi-unconsciousness.

"How are you doing that?" Melissa breathed.

"Uh, would you believe magic?" Adrianna muttered, her eyes entirely focused upon keeping his blood clotted. She felt a sharp pain in her temples, and a warm liquid brushed her lips.

Melissa moved a bit of the cloth pressing against his skin out of the way, her eyes widening ever so slightly. Whatever Adrianna was doing, it was working. But it wouldn't last.

Suddenly a loud bang shuddered the house, followed by a serious of rumblings. Adrianna jumped at the noise and lost focus, dropping her hand and looking to the ceiling. The purple energy vanished.
Only one possible thing could be doing that, which meant the shadow creatures were finding a way inside.

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We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now